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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. When Flagstarr saw that none of the kids or stragglers from before had left her crime scene she finally decided to take matters into her own, or rather her officers, hands. "That's it, Officer Jameson and Sergeant Lee, kindly round up these kids and send them home. Now." There was no room for argument and the students found themselves swept away by the officers and brought back to their homes after a lot of arguing about where to go and what route to take. At the Museum, the employee that admitted Gawyn, Blair and Paul into the museum came over and informed the trio that the museum was closing and that they ought to head home at his time of night. The trio agreed and went their separate ways with polite goodbyes Klive was on the verge of continuing xyr interrogation when he received a message from his normally inattentive parents in regards to xyr whereabouts. Klive apologised and rushed off, even xe feared the authority their parents could wield when they wanted. Will was left on his own and he decided to go home and rest from the strange interrogation. Only one student that night did not make their way home that night. That night they slept on a cold concrete floor, locked in what was the most dismal basement she had ever been in, waiting for their captor, for better or for worse.
  2. One day I have to read The fault in our stars. I have a very strong feeling that in comparison to a few choice movies, shows and books I've experienced it really won'r hold up.
  3. ohohoh, aother one I forgot, The Mageborn series is fantastic. You start with a 16 year old mordecai, recently finding his magical powers and you follow him as he comes into his own as a lord of the realm, husband and father. As well as fighting evil Gods.
  4. Dresden files everytime. You got magic, you got a witty narrator, you got a whole clusterfuck of monsters from any number of mythologies and folklore as well as a lot of supernatural stuff to boot. And pop culture references out the ass. I've also started reading the spook series. Set in something similar to Britain at the time when witches were genuinely believed in and common trades were blacksmiths and farmers. Very interesting, if the cast of characters is limited. I've got a friend who suffers from the same problem and this summer I'm getting her to experience the wide world of nerds and internet fanatics. Also a LOT of netflix.
  5. Lets just say yes to the phone thing, or assume you have a piece of gear that allow it like a pokegear or something
  6. Redwood The professor sighed, staying out of the boys argument. Chastising either of them would have no real impact and could probably make Mareeks situation worse. Instead he stepped over to the Breeder Mareek had fought Kage. "And how are you Kage? Are you OK?"
  7. Skitty, my win ratio against you is like 1:10. You are the equivalent of a dark souls boss to me. Ergo, it's satisfying if I manage to win. That's it xD
  8. Why didn't you answer yesterdays question? What not good enough for you? - [5/17/2015] CUZ I'VE GOT OTHER THINGS ON MY MIND
  9. I cannot even let this slide, half of those are just terrible.
  10. So, seeing as two weeks have passed since starting the afterschool topic, I'll be starting the At School topic tonight. No one found the Number holder who took Monika so she will be absent from the At School topic.. However what will happen with Monika has been discussed with Cyaloom so they aren't left out. This is just one of the failure states I'm introducing now. It is very possible to fail and this is not going to be a short RP, so don't be expecting to find Number Holders easily.
  11. Ok, ok, ok, Maeve, the queen with the long title, apparently. At the time, I was very afraid. I didn't know why of course, I'd never heard the name Maeve in any myths I'd heard so of course I didn't know how much trouble she was. Still, I was afraid. I wasn't even looking her directly into her eyes, just at the veil over her face but she gave off this feeling, this creepy vibe. It was slick and greasy, a feeling that I always associated with the shitty attitudes of teenage gossips except this felt infinitely more potent. Again, I worked up some words, though I rushed and they tumbled out of my mouth quicker than I would have liked. "Good evening, Morning er, Pleased to meet your Your Majesty or, uh, Grace. Nice to meet someone who is infinite" And with that one sentence, I was forever doomed to ridicule despite my prior resolve to sound somewhat credible.. The entire hall burst out laughing, my horribly ineloquent phrasing was probably the equivalent to a donkeys braying. I glanced at Clown and Lin, the former was laughing openly as well and Lin was smirking and not hiding it all. Asshats. My lack of decorum felt so much worse when I remembered I was still dressed in what I went to sleep in last night, a simple t-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms. Amidst all the gloriously fucking fashionable dicks there I looked like I needed my mother to dress me. Can you tell this isn't a very happy memory for me? Still, once the laughter died down to a silence, the Queen, Maeve, responded to my blundering and though she never said a word about it, her impeccable speech and manners just emphasised my blunders "Your compliments are well received but alas, if we stopped to pay each other such kind words I fear we may never reach the reason I asked you to stand before my court and I." Ok, this is what I wanted to know, no more beating around the bush. "Near eighteen hours past in the mortal world and in our Domain, a... sensation was felt by every fae creature with a shred of sentience. Myself included. For something in the mortal realm to be felt all throughout this world, it has but two precedents. First, the event the mortals refer to as the birth of your Messiah and the other when the mortal King Arthur first drew the holy sword Caliburn from its stone sheath. So, this begs the question. What exactly did you do to replicate this? Our seers have only been able to see one image. You, holding a small gemstone" The lyrical voice from behind the veil sounded curious but I could still tell that she expected an answer regardless. I then fucked up for the second time, though this one was received far more seriously.. "And what would you offer me for that answer?" The hall didn't fall silent, it was already that way to begin with. Instead, the room became so very tense, even someone as dense as I could feel it. Every eye in the room was focused on either myself or Queen Maeve. She showed no reaction and for a single minute, she was completely silent. When she did open her mouth to speak, I was so focused on the woman that I could hear her take a breath to speak despite the distance between us. So when the door at the back of the room burst open with an impossibly loud crash and a rush of air and ice chips, I literally yelped with fright. The air and ice chips was followed by an incredibly fast moving figure approaching, I couldn't make out anything other than a blur. It raced past me, jumping up towards Maeve, getting past her white entourage and coming to within a few feet of her before being slammed back down into the icy floor and making a large crater, the edges cracking and spiralling along the previously clear floor like a spiders web. The entire affair lasted maybe two seconds, even quicker than Clowns fiasco. Now I got a good look at the figure. He was a young man, maybe in his mid 20s, and completely bald. He was wearing what looked like some armour made of black, leathery material that had a lot of items that looked suspiciously like ammunition and some kind of grenade hanging off of it. In his right hand he held a short, straight blade and in his other one of the grenades, this one looked like the standard kind, the ones that if you saw you fucking ran from. Luckily for him the pin wasn't pulled. His face, which under normal circumstances would have been considered strong and appealing in a rugged way, was contorted in pain and anger. He was not a happy camper. One of the whites, the guy with red eyes, immediately spoke in outrage. "An impudent fool trying to take the life of our Monarch? Fool!" The general sentiment of anger was echoed throughout the crowd and the man just let out a strangled cry of what looked like defiance but sounded like a dying cat. Now that I looked, there was a slight shimmering just above him, like a giant barely translucent slab of... something. Whilst I stared at the man I hadn't noticed that the Queen had descended from her ostentatious throne and now stood at the edge of the creature, so when I turned and saw her there suddenly I was once again shocked. I've never liked being scared like that but this was getting ridiculous. "Forgive us this intrusion. Please allow me to dispatch this nuisance." There was no musical quality to her voice. When she spoke it felt like thousands of ice cold needles were pricking my body. She was not happy. One of the whites stepped forward, presumably to object. Maybe they thought she was above it. Despite this, she shot one look at the white and he closed his mouth before he spoke a word. "I will display what happens when one interrupts me." before she even finished her sentence the man renewed his strangled screams, his eyes bulging as though he was being strangled, he looked like the pain was growing even worse with every second. My heart was racing, I couldn't let this happen, could I? I couldn't, right? Beofre I knew what I was saying I ran towards him, yelling as I went. "The price for my answer is his life! Give me this mans life for my story!"
  12. Strat, Murdoc & Commander Redwood nodded. Accidents could happen, pokemon weren't immortal... but what bothered him was how the Porygon2 had gone so easily, their species was normally very resilient even among superior fully evolved pokemon. Still, the medical staff were experienced and if they said it was gone... "Mareek. Things happen on the battlefield, things you have no control over. Every Trainer learns this. I won't tell you to move on like you weren't a part of it but you cannot let this haunt you. You have to build yourself up and learn from this so it doesn't happen again, do you understand me? Do what you must, mourn for as long as you need but do not dwell forever. No one wants to see you suffer." Redwood looked at the other two boys nearby. "Rely on your friends and classmates if you have to. I'm sure they won't mind." Bibs, Azery & Claude. The boys dismissal of Claude irritated him and Claude was feeling catty, frustrated by the distraction. "Are you kidding me? You don't get to send me away like that, if you have something to say say it. Don't waste my time with your stupid little hand gestures" Claude complained to Captain Cape, waving his arms in a mockery of the boys wave. Then a friend, James came and greeted Claude. "Oh, hey James. I was just about to go check on Mareek but then this guy decided to hold me up" Claude glared pointedly at the mentioned boy.
  13. near the entrance to the arena, bumped into Marius whilst trying to leave to see Mareek cuz of all the drama.
  14. you could try hunting down someone else to interact with. You could interrupt Claude and Mariases thing (Fuck I can't apostrephiseiseiseise) and help stop Claude from overcrowding the Mareek dealio. 3 PCs and a teacher is bad enough, I just needed an excuse to get Claude in gear.
    1. Shing


      Wow what a battle.

      Hax power lol.

    2. AeroWraith


      Hax too strong. Luckily you paid him back for it lol

  15. Bibs/Claude Claude stopped and turned, more than a little annoyed with the boy. He had apologised and one didn't tend to stop random strangers who seemed to be in a rush. "I was trying to go find my friend, the one who just lost and had a pokemon seriously injured" Claude spat. From the stands he couldn't really tell how bad it was but it looked ike the blow Java had taken was pretty severe. Still, pokemon were tough creatures, surely something like that couldn't kill. "Anything else, or did I breathe at you the wrong way Captain Cape?"
  16. The moment when you're discussing languages with someone and they say "I only know one japanese phrase" and that phrase is essentially I like Dick

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Simon


      Probably cuz they watch Filthy Frank.

    3. Felicity


      Good point Simon O.O

    4. Shing



      Filthy frank motherfucker.

  17. The moment when you're discussing languages with someone and they say "I only know one japanese phrase"

  18. Strat, Murdoc & Commander As Mareek approached the doors Redwood burst through them, the serious expression on his face telling everyone who even thought of approaching him on the way not to bother. His eyes immediately locked onto Mareek and he marched over quickly and put a hand on the boys shoulder, holding him in place before he could go anywhere. "Mareek, how is your pokemon?" Redwood asked, straight to the point. Any hedging or avoiding the issue would st make things worse, the situation had to be clarified immediately so he could help as much as he could. Redwood had immediately left Devin to dealing with the tourney and the troublesome commentators. Bibs/Claude Claude, along with most of the audience, was shocked at the matches turn of events but most of the audience weren't friends with Mareek either. Claude wanted to check on his friend but as he made his way out of the arena he failed to notice another boy with a cape as he went, bumping into him on accident. "Sorry" Claude mumbled before trying to move past
  19. Ok, bit ahead cuz subs are fine with me and I'm telling you know, STICK with it, we're halfway through the series most of the set up is done but the first parts outside of the first ep are kinda, I don't think you'd like it >.> EDIT: As for impressions Nisekoi, they're kinda screwing themselves. The drama they could do if Onodera and chitoge found out they both liked Raku would be so much more compelling and interesting but with the last ep they've made it certain that one will find out by interrupting the other in an intimae moment. I can guarnatee it, and it really annoys me Yahari I WANT HIM TO GO BACK TO THE CLUB COME OOOOOON Shokugeki no souma, still living up to the standard it set itself, which is nice, The shock factor of just how ridiculous it can be is slowly wearing off though, might be nice to see a bit of a mix up soon.
  20. Fuck that Avi confuses me I think it might just because you are one of the manliest looking guys in Reborn
  21. I think I'm developing an appreciation for the emotion behind romance poetry. FML

    1. iowayshay


      sooo...romance? <3

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