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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Ozymandias shot a dazzling smile at the nervous woman. "If you are nervous, let us do it together!" He grabbed Krys hand in his own and dragged her back to get a running start before beginning his own running start. His grip n her arm was firm and if she didn't run along Ozy probably wouldn't make it, not that it occurred to him, even just before they reached he edge of the building.

    1. ArmoredGuardian



    2. VSharma



  3. I wanna see some real unique typings btw, ya better do it ya hear?

  5. FFS, I just wanted a picture of a mad rainbow, not a damn pony

  6. This would get me involved in politics
  7. Alvin won't pursue you further if Mareek does move on, but I couldn't resist the little jab that does some chronological foreshadowing. That said, 'twould be an early end to a potentially interesting interaction.
  8. Effort appreciated but the discussion was taken to PM, back to topic
  9. It's typical courtesy to keep the characters in the universe in case the RPer wants to return, perhaps because their schedule/Issue was resolved.
  10. Their characters will have an altercation that, well, you'll have to find out in the plot. EDIT: The numbers themselves will remain with the characters for the time being.
  11. What's your favorite genre of music? Favorite artist from that genre? - [5/7/2015] Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg, Does Nightcore count? It does now. NightcoreReality gurl, all da best.
  12. Sorry for the hold up guys, I just really want to update everyone at the same time. That said, please for the love of god just get to where you're going >.>
  13. James "Well, you're more mature than most of the trainers in your year, ya nerd" Phoebe commented, somewhat impressed. Most trainers started this with eyes sparkling with ambition, entranced by the idea of having this all powerful squad of minions at their disposal. It's why the Dragon trip was needed to limit how many dangerous pokemon were running around. Mareek "Whatever the reason, you still didn't keep a control on your Scyther. Independence in pokemon is one thing but in the end they're yours to control. What do you think they were trying to tell us during that Boulder hills trip?" Alvin called out, irritated at this boy. "One day letting your pokemon act on their own will hurt those around you!" ((Yes, I'm completely meta-gaming here with the Nemo/Java thing but... Co-Host)) Lana group Lana chose to not comment on Henrys advice. Lana didn't know how to feel about the whole situation with Evan, she'd rather avoid it completely. So she took up the chance to greet Henrys new friend. "Hello Techi, I'm Lana. Nice to meet you!" Lana went to try and... pet the Rotom? until she realised she did not know how to interact with it at all. After a momentary hesitation she withdrew her arm she had extended the moment beforehand.
  14. I'm just slowly continuing Dark Siders 2. Mayhem, that game. Fun doe, minus the padding.
  15. 444.

    1. Vinny


      Not any... oh whatever.

      Just waiting for dat 666

  16. FUCK #FOLD #FOP7D That's pokemon 7, in its entirety. Makes sense, non?
  17. Can I change my font colour to Surprised? If Roo does not evolve into something fused with a tiger and Eufur doesn't evolve into a mix between a koala bear and a piglet, I'm going to leave this place to go live in the 100 acre wood. I honestly have nothing to contribute to this. For now. Maybe one day When I have to lean code for IT I mean
  18. Gregors convo with Tharja was very interesting tbf. He's a swell guy.
  19. Rib-eye. The fat in the middle, just... Mwah.
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