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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I may not embody Doux, even his mexican family. Try again.
  2. You can have a quick battle, just label it properly and put it in the Battle thread. the participants should recap it in the IC though.
  3. I just wanted to start ff the chapter hitting as many people as I can with interactions or events, something to keep most people engaged Also, Editing Phoebes post!
  4. Wait, can I replace every character sprite with any image I want? Nyan Cat is going to take Reborn by storm.
  5. I'm going to say the same thing I say at any new Fangame I see. Please for the love of god drop the "Team" name. You can be so much more imaginative without that shackle.
  6. Not even going to lie commander, I don't know what to do with Henry right now. Am I right in guessing you singled him out for a reason?
  7. Mareek "I wish to see what differentiates your scyther from others of the species. Your Scyther knows the move Vacuum wave yes? That is a rather rare move for the species to have, given the much more viable options." Alvin rattled off as he stepped over, pulling out a measuring tape and a camera to record his findings. He began measuring wing span, length of Erces scythes, texture of her hide and spoke softly into the camera with his analysis. Danielle Thrilled at her room-mates success, Lana went to congratulate Danielle, guessing she would be there after the fight. Lana hadn't been able to find Raiza that morning so she wanted t find someone to talk to anyway. "Danielle! Congratulations..." James Phoebe, ever one to keep up with the recent gossip, had heard of a certain students capture of a Magikarp. And that student had decided to come to the waiting room of all places... Normally Phoebe would have removed him from the room, it was meant for contestants after all but maybe he had a reason for being there? The other boy, the bug maniac everyone avoided, certainly looked busy... "Hiya Gramps, why are you in here? I heard you caught yourself a new pokemon" She said as she plopped herself down into a seat next to James.
  8. 7/10, it looks cray-cray detailed but doesn't really fit as an avatar imo
  9. 'Twould certainly be interesting and Tyron would break even on his bets As for trust, you know it's nothing like that Strat. It's merely setting precedents for situations so we know what to do next time something similar happens or at least have a basis of logic for it.
  10. Just a note on the Tpunch thing, 50bp is fine whatever, but I'm going to lift an idea from PMD, it should definitely not be usable much in the match at all. In PMD, using a TM mid dungeon resulted in knowing the move with half PP, makes sense, you are neither rested when learning it and you can hardly go around using a new skill perfectly. So don't go spamming TPunch at all, K?
  11. Asked for a book here; Mum randomly drops 2 books into my lap the next morning. Win

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Inb4 she's actually a member here in disguise and is controlling your every move :P

    2. Felicity


      But then I literally would not stop saying "But Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum" to every member here.

  12. Hey, any good romance novels someone can recommend me? I'm feeling mushy and I wanna read a book. GoT is getting old

    1. Hexagoen


      50 shades of grey...

    2. Hexagoen


      disregard my last post.

    3. Felicity
  13. SK Salem wins are soooooooo satisying

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity


      I once played an All/Any game with 3 Serial killers

    3. EluriaMendes


      Can you play the game with three same classes? I thought the max was two.

    4. Felicity


      In Any/All, Anything is possible

  14. Shakespeares Queen of the fairies, Titania, was made more famous in that play yes but I believe the Fairy queens history goes back to Irish/Celtic Fae lore where Titania was leader of the Seelie fae, as opposed to the Unseelie fae wwho was led by Scathach/Maeve/Mab/Oberon/Leanansidhe. My main knowledge comes from a recent book series and some fairly light research though, don't take my word for it. Point is, Shakespeare nicked the name from somewhere even older.
  15. OOC topic here DONG-DING-DENG-DOOONG After school theme: Brother and Sister Once more the school bell rang out, the majority of the school body went about their business, retreating to their homes or their clubs, whatever they may have had to do. "Very well my students, you may now go. I expect you all to review the subject matter on your own time." Anna announced to her class, now busy with putting away their assorted books and papers. Anna walked out of the room after flicking one, barely noticeable glance towards the four she had to meet in the garden should they wish to know more... Read this, quite important.
  16. C'mon, how long do you think the Bug maniac would go without examining one of the strongest bug types in the year?
  17. I love how this avatar has the best poker face with no face at all.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Could be worse: I dedicated my second playthrough in P4G to grinding Izanagi to level 99 and boosting all of his stats to 99, then I gave him broken skills via skill cards. And then I brought him back via compendium in third playthrough. Again, I am aware that this makes battles a joke, but I am fine with that because for me battles are, well, annoying pauses between a Social Link and the next one.

    3. Felicity


      Personally I love the press turn system. They're one of the biggest reasons I play SMT games.

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I like it a lot too. It's just that I like Social Links more than, well, anything else. In general I am a lover and not a fighter :P

  18. Claude Claude was amidst the crowd, watching the action from the audiences perspective now that he was out of the running. He cheered alongside the rest of the audience in excitement as he watched his classmates demonstrate their skills. Only Doux was out of his pokeball today but Claude had considered taking another hike later, the last one being so cathartic. Alvin Despite not being a competitor any more, a young boy rudely marched up to Mareek. Alvin seemed rather agitated, no doubt angry at himself for losing for no good reason yesterday when all the odds were in his favour. He needed desperately to distract himself and it looked like he had found out how. "You, Mareek Sisto. I want to see your Scyther."
  19. Did this really need it's own topic?
  20. Bobby watched Krys transform. She made it look so easy... The young man stepped aside and closed his own eyes. First he tried seriously focusing and for a second he thought he had it. He could feel his soul coalescing in the pit of his stomach... until he realised he was just tensing his stomach. Quickly abandoning that approach, Bobby tried clearing his mind, imagining hos transformed appearance in his minds eye. But then he realised he couldn't think of what the hell he really looked like transformed. He hadn't exactly seen himself in a mirror at the time... Bobby began to get frustrated. Why the hell had he been able to do it before? Was he just scared of really trying? Fuck that, he was Ozymandias, the Warrior of the first light, bearer of the Flame of the Gods. He was a mighty warrior, he could do this! Ozymandias was Strong! The frustration and anger sparked within Ozymandias and a whirlwind of embers enveloped Ozymandias like a cocoon, bursting outwards to reveal his transformed self, black clothes alight with embroidered fire, hair blazing and Bob the skull loosing a silent scream. "Behold!" Oz yelled to those nearby. "My true self, blessed by the First Light!"
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