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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Cordelia or Roy are typically out classed and get T adept, theyd be decent sacrifices.
  2. hey Stephen Colbert is INFP like me thats p cool.

  3. refer back to step one. Whatever you like. Games, books, music, retinas, bowels, memories, relationships, whatever.
  4. Gather round kids, it's kleptoelf here ready to teach you about theft, specifically from libraries! Step one: take whatever you like. Step two: never return it. Step three: put in the tinfoil hat, abandon your home and possessions andmprepare form life as an outlaw. Have fun!
  5. im actually bawling right now goddammit

  6. swinging out of the jungle, it's a rare dobby appearance. Isa gogogogo
  7. I see irrefutable evidence as a challenge.

  8. mazel tov

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amethyst


      we've been married for months

      but ty anyway~

    3. Felicity


      time is completely irrelevant to the majority of my actions including congratulations and up to the distortion of space.

    4. Amethyst


      ok u rite, same too

  9. I will debut as a journalist with an article on the production of hentai bcz who knows what the fuck is going on there?

  10. ...Did the league client include /me features?
  11. my glasses blur the light to the side so everything looks like it has motion blur.

  12. behold, the list of people who will be bewildered the next time they log on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkhi


      I was bewildered.

    3. ZEL


      I don't know if "bewildered" fits it, as I was about to ask if you accidentally posted it to the wrong person.
      ...Now that I'm here, though: why.

    4. Felicity


      4/5 targets responded with why the operation has been a responding success, it will be seen as flawless whenever viri exists and if he continues the trend.


    1. Arkhi


      I lasted a whole 57 seconds watching.

  14. my ass hurts

    1. Alex


      do u need a butt massage

    2. Felicity
    3. Hycrox


      But do you want a butt massage?

  15. I've got WoM 2 but my teams also p frail so it works out anyway.
  16. I don't see why you'd have to max palla or freddy, rally attack might be useful depending on how static you are on the map, spamming it whilst waiting for the AI works. Desperation less so on her than other units who could do better, her high health stat means it'll be proccing fairly often but she may not do enough damage to justify it. -res is fine imo seeing as mages tend to shit on her anyway, it just means she'll die a wee bit quicker.
  17. On my preowned monster hunter game there's a save file called Barry that I refuse to delete because it has 200 hours on it and I refuse to destroy that for whoever sold their game. Barry will live on.

    1. Ikaru


      i'm imagining the barry in SMT#FE and that makes this all the better

    2. dead account

      dead account

      I mean, if they only played 200 hours and then sold it, they probably wouldn't mind losing it. 200's not a lot by Monster Hunter standards.

    3. dead account

      dead account

      The save data I mean. Curse the lack of an edit option in status replies.

  18. I gave Sheena wings of mercy to cover up the movement issues every armour has. Svallin shield and then hone attack cuz the armour buff is less useful on a non armour centric team.
  19. a badass kitted out cave in the mountains. Outside there's a hut n training gear as tho im a sage training in the mountains but inside it's got every fkn luxury you could imagine for whenever i dont have guests n just wanna chill. I'd tell them the inside is a sanctuary dedicated to fighting my inner demons and is truly sacred.
  20. I am now Reborns Imouto, fear me.

    1. Flux


      Can I be the Ojisan?

    2. Hycrox


      I won't fear you until I see you summoning a 45 feet tall bee that summons lightning and the wind and that can fly at 420 m/s

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