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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Bobby saw how Vixen dismissed the meal Krys had made her and was kinda miffed at that. "Hey, uh, Canteen woman. Not even gonna say thank you for meal, or the offer of?" Bobby asked before eating some of his own meal, enjoying the superior taste to his standard fare at his own place. He didn't really know what to do at that time. The guy who owned the place, Takeshi? Had offered some kinda training but... Bobby wasn't sure he wanted to get involved with any of this. And he wasn't likely to discuss it with these strangers. Or anyone for that matter.
  2. Oh My Gawd. Karrin will get to be played once more, I hope. And it's good that people are acquiescing without my getting involved willing to try their hand at new stuff. Maybe I should play a serious character to contrast you all...
  3. Yeaaaah, Higurashi didn't gel well with me. I can't stand things that repeat the same structure again and again and again.
  4. If you drop this RP Zephyr you are grounded Well, nothing can be done if you don't feel up to it Zeph.
  5. 8/10 Darkrais movie is one of the few I own.
  6. At the very least, no extra pseudo until year 2. Not likely to get another trip to boulder hills again any time soon and that's the only place to get the Pseudos. Aside from maybe beldum, cuz beldum. That said, plenty of time to consider if it's worth it or even allowed. No rush. And thanks, hard to find a decent one of JunBro
  7. The big issue wth Pseudos is A: The danger they pose and B: Their final potential. Even if it was caught at a low level that wouldn't change how, later on to be genuine team members, there would be two absolute powerhouses.
  8. Sorry for the slowdown folks. Natural effect of extending a segment further than it originally should have been.
  9. Colere Unfazed by the Gyaradoses roar, Colere continued to stare. She only stepped in front of Glacien, in a somewhat protective gesture.
    1. Azeria



    2. Meruem


      sweet, i havent had nightmares in a while

  10. So, uh, DB. That, uh, that's a thing. I missed DB so I don't really get the hype
  11. Irritable Headache sightly relieved.

  12. I am developing an irritable headache.

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      wait, last night I had a headache that won't allow me to sleep. If your headache last to the night, good luck trying to sleep.

    2. Shamitako


      I will do my best not to irritate your headache then

    3. Shing


      Ow, well hope that the headache will end fastly it can.

  13. Somewhat intimidated by the girl ordering him around, Bobby fumbled to stop the microwave and started rooting around for some maple syrup in the kitchen. He found some hiding in the back of a cupboard and immediately placed it where Krys could see it. He then mumbled a quiet "Thanks" for her offer to cook.
  14. Uh... Nothing much interesting me. Finished SMT IV, I'm not enough of a completionist to replay the whole game with a neutral alignment, so yeah. Monster hunter 3, is that supposed to start slow? It's just so boring cuz I don't feel like I'm making any progress with the first 2 ranks of missions. Rejuvenation, slowly. Thing is my enjoyment of TBRPGs has burned out with SMT. Oh, and I have Dragon age origins in the background, ready to play on my PS3, it is hoping desperately to be noticed when I hop on only to be passed up by KH 2.5. Thing is, with all of these I'm missing something that just feels faster paced. Right now, it's hard to put it into words, but I guess something with open world, manic dungeon crawler violence? Oh hai Darksiders 2, I forgot about you...
  15. Feel free to mix up the convo groups guys. Not like you have to stay where you are.
  16. Bobby's eyes opened drowsily. He yawned and looked around at his surroundings. Was he the first awake? He might take the chance to get away from all of this. God knows it may be his only chance before getting dragged into something. Then again, that something could be exactly what he dreamt of in his dull life. The adrenaline from last night had faded and now the fear at seeing the Beast had metamorphosed into curiosity during the night. Still, first things first, Bobby wanted food. He got up and started to check the fridge. Bobby was too lazy to really make anything so he grabbed a microwave meal, why not have a death meal in the morning, and put it into the ideal cooking instrument. It wasn't until it beeped loudly that Bobby realised maybe microwaving something was impolite. The beep was loud enough to wake most of the residents.
  17. Kage "Son, that's where I can't help you" Tyron admitted. "Flashy moves aren't my style. I prefer go in full force and roll with the punches!" Tyron began to walk off in search of another food stall despite having eaten less than half an hour ago. And then Phoebe to make a new bet... "Anyway, You've got this kid." Tyron called out as he left Kage in the hallway.
  18. 'Mkay people, no need to refer to me as a butt. And Assery, that was just funny wordplay.
  19. uh, when making your way down to the Chamber with Victoria, don't you have to pass through the same place, not area mind you, same place and path that lead to Rock smash guy? Also, I found that place on accident trying to get to the same chamber because there's like a 50/50 chance of getting to it. Furthermore, can't you get through the railnet from Obsidia, not Peridot, with strength, no Rock smash required?
  20. Kage "We live in a world where victory can come out of something as nasty as a Skuntanks ass kid. Literally." Tyron chuckled in reply, he hardly cared if a student swore in front of him. "Don't cut yourself short. The coordinators and trainers each learn to think on their feet and to develop strategies. That isn't part of their formal training though, it's something they all take on on their own. That means that you can do it too" Tyron said, jabbing a finger at Kage. "Now, you promise me that you've got this victory in a chokehold and then I'll let you get to it, ok?"
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