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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Yamada is slowly earning my respect. I legit dismissed it when I first heard of it, figured it was a generic SoL, whatevs. But the characters are just a nice cast. It's chock full of tropes of the genre its in sure but Tropes aren't really bad. Plus all the kissing fucks with every single ship possible. "I ship them so much, I want them to- oh. Well. What now?" Owari. ehhhhhhhhh. It's not built anything really good after the great opening. It would also have been nice if they had at least tried to hide how but that's a meh twist anyway, easy to see even without them blatantly showing you in the OP. Oreigaru, the last ep was chock full of interesting interactions. And Hiki did what every MC should do when they accidentally see a girls panties; Don't gawk, Get the fuck out. Oh, and watch this vid TL;DW, they legit claimed they thought Punchline was going to be Anime of the season. Like, what?
  2. ok, no more rep announcements until I hit 420...

    1. Meruem


      soon as u hit that, I'll ruin it b4 u can even ss it

    2. Reignited'Light


      nope. I'm already on it. :^]

    3. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      already 421 m8

  3. But you have a desolate void of your own... 7/10 wudda been 10/10 but you get a deduction for Hypocrisy
  4. I've become way too fickle recently. I'm developing Mael syndrome. 9/10, still love the pic.
  5. Man this makes me think of how little I go on my PS3 these days. Last time I played was for Dragon age origins which I still can't be arsed to really continue.
  6. My Rep points equate to Internet Death. Fear me

    1. Arkhi



  7. Swadloon... Will O' Wisp... Wat
  8. So, Venam put up a fight but with Psybeam Vivillion and Koffing the cough dropper bae, I succeeded first try.
  9. Genuine answer, a British student of English literature and language, Psychology, Media and IT. I dream of being an author one day, not necessarily a big world-renowned author. Just someone who's stories touch others the same way I've been touched by so many other pieces of work. That said I'd love to take part in any number of projects, so long as I get to tell a story. I'd also like to say that I'm the friend that always seems passive, never close, but when you need me, i'm there. That's who I want to be, at least. I'm also a huge fuckin' nerd.
  10. @Strat, don't worry about leaving the interaction. Once we've cleared up this chapter and moved on to the tournies next day, I have a nice spot of fun to be had with Mareek and a certain NPC...
  11. For RPGs on the PS3, I Highly suggest Shin megami Tensei Digital Devil saga. You can get it on the shop, it comes from the same parent company as Persona, Atlas, and is on par with Persona in story. It lacks all the side quests persona has but makes up for it with the bigger focus on battle gameplay. It has a very rewarding character progression system and grinding is legit fun in this because you can just destroy the enemies as you play. Most of the dungeons are cool too. Just note, there are two games in the series and the fist ends n a massive cliffhanger. Also the 2nd game has a very limited carry on feature, so don't expect to take all the end game gear from the first game with you.
  12. Kage Tyron thumped his chest in response. "Your heart will tell you that!" Tyron proclaimed before realising that, of course, as a teacher he couldn't really chant that to every student... "Er, that is to say, your best bet is probably to get as creative as you can. From what I've seen of Mareeks style he is very methodical. He has prepared strategies for a whole hell of a lot of situations" Tyron said, thinking back to the fights he had seen with Mareek. "That said, you can only anticipate so much. There's gotta be a situation even he can't anticipate and you gotta find that and turn it to your advantage, you hear?" Tyron clapped Kage on the back. "Besides, with some of these freaky fields they keep bringing up, there may be more of a chance for you to win, who knows?"
  13. I'm slowly assassinating all the hosts so that I may seize control. Stratos and Huk are next Anyways, your friendly neighbourhood hosts have got this. Nothing to worry about.
  14. Boss, you gotta sound like you know what you're talking about! Act like that's what you thought all along!
  15. Slowly making progress. Now i'm going to introduce some more characters and bring in a new environment. At some point. When the mood strikes me later.
  16. 400 rep. Damn

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azeria



      -Insert me Killing Vinny-

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Hi Vinny

      I need to post more meme's so I can catch up to Amethyst

    4. Vinny


      Gotta rewrite this:

      "Unfortunately Jericho, that's impossible.

      If Ame makes a topic called bicycle tires and put nothing but bicycle tires in it, she'd get an insta 30 rep points."

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