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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Torterra is God. One way or another he literally puts in work all the time. Think his typing screw him over? The sheer amount of bulk this man has makes him strong enough to live most hits (Including some ice hits) and hit back with Earthquake. Hard. Also Froakie without TMs is meh. Like, really meh.
  2. Claude Claude began to hum along with the faint song, he found it very soothing as he sat on the riverbed, trying to dry off for the second time that day. Lance looked around the area but made no move away from his trainer. He would simply wait. However, the Staryu had other ideas, it's curiously inexpressive form of curiosity was peaked and it started to make it's way towards the sound of the song. Claude, not trusting the Staryu to not get lost, got up wearily and followed along after the little star, towards the sound of the soft voice.
  3. I know Nemo would naturally win cuz typings but when Jessica comes around and learn T-punch, I really want nemo to still have T-punch so they can have a boxing match xD Also, fuck, I need to think about how to deal with this... Hooray for Gravelers chasing Claude?
  4. Iiiiiis that Valkyria Chronicles? @Anyone
  5. [Luna/Red] "Careful, you'll give me another nosebleed for a whole different reason to sneezing." Klive replied to Lunas' not-so-subtle innuendo "Still, I don't really have much of anything to share. that group was such a clusterfuck that I didn't really get any cohesive information from any of them. All I know is that there's an Archaeologist is lurking around and some people think that the answers to this whole shebang lie further in the past than just a few days ago." Klive grabbed a chair and sat himself down. Xe smiled and waved at Red. "Also, hello. I'm Klive Hartluck. In case you're confused, like she was" Klive nonchalantly poked a finger towards Luna " I'm not a guy or a girl.
  6. [Luna/Red] Klive plucked the wasp spray from Luna's hands from behind her, examining it. "Well, well, look who's hiding something now. It's a shame for you that nothing escapes the notice of the natives of Flargon 8" Xe said. Luna could hardly not notice this
  7. @Commander, did Luna just ignore a grape rolling down in front of her face? She is focused as all hell xD
  8. @Chim, It's past easter but i'll let you play the bunny this time.
  9. Jesus christ those trousers are low-riding. She's almost as bad as Shiki in TWEWY Also, I can't immediately think of any face claims for Bobby aside from his namesake, who he really looks absolutely unlike him Is it too late to change? As for transformed, i'm sure there's any number of similar characters but the closest I can think of is this guy with more, uh, fire. Oh, and less evil looking. And more manic
  10. This. We'te in a school so the idea of development is even more important alongside the general need for development in a normal story. Sure, you could grab an OP pokemon right off the bat. But then the NPCs would get even more OP pokemon and if everyone was running around with strong mons then it would still be an even playing field. Thats why in aftermath you get access to all moves on your one pokemon. It may seem op but it really isn't because the leaders get to do that too and have a full team of 6.
  11. Forest peeps Colere gave what was as close to a shrug as she could with her small shoulders when Danielle asked her question. From the distance some of the pokemon with heightened senses could hear the distant cry of shock as Claude accidentally sat on a Graveler that had decided to rest in the forest for once... Doux chirped a greeting back at his fellow prankster Avis before swooping over to land on James head, making him into a comfortable seat.
  12. @Tacos, Roselia being strong and stand-offish is fine, I get where you're coming from with that. the only thing that worries me is that you moveset leaves very little room for development, like most of it looks like an ideal offensive Roserades moveset, which is fine if thats how you want Roselia to be at some point, but when she gets stronger, is her moveset going to change? Because if not she'll just be pulling the same tricks over and over again as she just kinda gets imperceptibly stronger. EDIT: Y'all didn't read. Claude isn't there, just Colere and Doux
  13. I'd personally say that is a matter of deciding individually. I imagine Mud shot/Bomb being quite heavy and also not really suited for long shots at birds, you ever try to chuck something like mud? It breaks up easily midair, very hard to throw far or accurately normally, much les at something flying high. Water is a different case because most of the time things like water gun involve the pokemon firing the water with high amounts of pressure from inside their own bodies, ditto for poison types. That said, HP ground is, as far as I can tell, simply energy with a certain affinity. Similar to other energy moves and such that don't really have mass, it wouldn't suffer from those issues. I'm not gonna sit down and think about every move but most of the time there is a method to the madness of GFs decisions, you just gotta rationalise it along a certain mixture of logic, common sense and a suspension of disbelief. We are dealing with physics breaking beings here.
  14. When it comes to being in their Element, I mean that quite literally. ground types aren't an exception imo. Nemo would be more experienced with manipulating and directing the projectiles, thus being more accurate and likely to really hit home, as opposed to if Nemo tried to use another element, I.e fire blast.
  15. Blegh.Unity in a group always seems really forced to me if that's how it starts, or begins from very early on. The Bond of Friendship must be forged in the Flames of Fury by the Blacksmith of Battle! Or something like that
  16. STAB is based on the idea that the pokemon is working with their own element. Kinda like home-field advantage. A Dragonite will be more familiar with using it's claws than it is creating a blizzard, no matter how much it practices, and therefore is more powerful with D Claw. That aid, there's no reason stab can't be a thing, sooooo
  17. The moment when a song starts playing at literally the perfect moment like it's outta a film or something can make me so very happy. I've got a lot of respect for music itself for the same reason I respect writing and to a lesser extent art. It's the modern manifestation of the creativity that literally elevated us above our place in the food chain and allowed us to progress.
  18. Ore monogatari is just so charming. Even if it is entirely driven by Takeo for me. I can't help rooting for that guy.
  19. Teamwirk

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. K_H


      that i should be an o...

    3. Vinny
    4. Shamitako


      No, Vinny, no one wants to see Teemo twerking

  20. Yeah, took Klive away from that. Fucking Allergies man... (inb4 huk knows that feel) Also, Klive kinda dismissed the vision. Sneezing takes priority over sight and.. mental images. on't believe me? Sneeze, now.
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