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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. just in regards to the final question, Name, area and gym badges serves best to determine where exactly a character is in the story and so help me to keep track of them personally, which is more important than playtime and the like imo.
  2. Trump card eevee destroys lives, especially when you've been filing up on gummis all game
  3. Stupid characters are perfect targets for reflection. How do you know a situation is serious? Even the jester isn't cracking a joke. How do you know a death has impact? The cheer is taken away from the comedy relief guy. Along with comedy, those characters can serve to demonstrate just how dire/ extreme a situation may be.
  4. Bobby sighed, his brow furrowing in frustration and offence at being called an idiot. What had he done to deserve that? "I hate to reiterate this but I don't know ho-" and with a small puff of smoke, or so Bobby like to imagine, he returned to his much darker, less luminous self. He immediately felt relief as his head cleared, freed from the strain he had been dealing with. "Well that solves that problem"
  5. It's apparently renowned for solo-running with speed boost.
  6. For some of my posts this avatar just fits perfectly

    1. Shing


      It's pretty true if this guy.

  7. Grotle and Combusken laugh at you
  8. Bye, i'm disappointed.

    1. BBD


      see you next post

    2. Shamitako


      Ew, capitalization and commas >:c

    3. Sonikku


      kat '-' O;

  9. Pfffffffffft, just run stone armour/Havels armour with max into strength, Vitality and endurance. Boom, the great wall has formed.
  10. If it was meant to be torturous you wouldn't be allowed to fuse dead demons.
  11. Hi, so a few of you may have heard of these thingers called Nuzlockes, y'know, challenges enforced by the player to make a pokemon game harder. Why restrict that to pokemon games? How difficult can we go? Here's the answer!
  12. yeah, I neglected to mention Bobby flicking the transformation switch so imma just play it off like he's just that much f a newb
  13. Hue, ok you got it, I didn't expect you to just straight google search it. But yeah, Arcturus is named after the fourth brightest star in the sky. Why fourth? Well, that'll be explained when he is introduced.
  14. HueHueHue, i'm happy cuz Arcturus, if anyone gets that name i'll be shocked, is gonna be a wonderful surprise for battling and contests
  15. Voldemort. He was looking for the Philosophers stone, so it counts right?
  16. Bobby figured he ought to first ask the question Ozymandias was evidently too proud to ask. "Before that can I ask how to NOT do this?" again Bobby gestured to his whole still transformed appearance. "I'm starting to get Dizzy and tired, not a fun combination..." true to his words he did look quite pale, his fiery hair now looking lquite dull in comparison to when he first transformed and his face looking as miserable as someone with a case of the black plague.
  17. Claude "I'm afraid we're here to battle, not play rock tennis" Claude called out as Colere went to slam a few rock away in a similar fashion to Reina, even if most of them broke on her head to Coleres irritation and mild discomfort. huh, I thought she had sturdy as an abiiity, not rock head... "Colere, Rock tomb again, bring them up from the same places!" again, Colere brought up several boulders, creating more pits in the field including one getting larger and larger. "Now, take a breather and shine those scales, Rock Polish!" Claude called out as the barrage of rocks flew once more towards Reina.
  18. Still waiting on that fox merchandise...

    1. Fumble


      Still waiting for that Farm Animal Alliance merchandise...

  19. All the effort in that OP, are you disappointed in us?
  20. I want a fox scarf

    1. Arkhi


      I like this.

      Except synthetic. And not made of foxes.

      Just a scarf.

      Any scarf will do.

  21. In the spirit of this being an AMA: Do you got the moves like Mick Jagger?
  22. Also, fuck you FMA people I would have been caught completely off guad, I was expecting it like mid series

    1. NickCrash


      What episode are you at?

    2. Felicity


      just finished ep 10

    3. NickCrash


      Oh, how's Maes?

  23. Bro, this was like my favourite fight in all of the KH series. It is difficult but he is just a matter of getting his patterns down and having the reflexes to dodge him in time. On critical mode it was so good because you literally have to be one with the kebylade wielder, and that makes the fight so satisfying. The last time I did this, Ventuses final fight with him, I was so fucking proud because not only did I beat him on critical, I did it by finishing with the wingblade command style finisher. It was fucking glorious man. I will agree on a few cheap moves he has, like when he lanches ice spells at you that home whilst he's flying on that blade storm, his tendency to appear behind you in the middle of a combo and when he pops undeground. However, the tricks to these are simply this, in order -Roll around for dear life. You are now a wheel. -NEVER go in for the full combo. If you don't, you get to breakout just quick enough to roll out of the way with no harm and return his attack with a nice lunge -just lead him away and then roll backwards over the little spot that indicates where he is. There'll be a little delay and you'll roll over fine without taking damage.
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