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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. [Conclave] Adam handed the letter to Lockhart, who took it in his beak due to the lack of any other way to hold it, who then flew from the roof, diving down to the street, quickly locating those below, flapping his wings harder than normal to slap them in the face with the wind to get their attention.
  2. i imagine it's be a case of who is more imaginative with their mons, it'd be a battle leaning more towards the RP aspect than anything else.
  3. Tbh, looking at the movepools, neither could really touch each other without strats. It would be a straight even battle. EDIT: Actually, statistically Lance has the superior physical stats by a tiny amount, any bonuses Erce gets from technician is pretty much nullified by the typing whereas Lance gets access to moves like Drill run which is neutral 80 bp with no penalty. The only move I saw that out-right hurts Lance is Acrobatics what with the neutral 130 bp if that's applied in the RP
  4. Hey Murdoc, which mon does Kage have to use in the next battle?
  5. Claude "Well that was unpleasant" Claude commented on Veronicas departure. "People like her shouldn't be allowed to be a member of the Elite four, they're role models for children for Arceus' sake."
  6. Dear lord, you come back and bestow this upon us. Y'all are awesome. Application: What position you are applying for: Bug hunter/Tester? Only thing i'm really good for and I don't know how complete the PMU code is or what changes you're implementing, if any so I dunno if you'd even need a tester. I suppose I might be able to help with characters but if it's based on Reborn you probably have that all covered. What past experiences do you have: I do try to help with the Reborn betas when I can. How old are you: 16 going on 17 How long have you been a part of Reborn: a year february. How active would you be on the game: Because of the structure of a PMD game and the fact that i'm currently jobless, i'd likely spend too much time on it. Gotta love randomised dungeons yo Anything else you feel we should know: I've played every PMD several times bar GTI which I never actually finished, so I certainly know my way around a PMD game. Examples of any work you might have: if you want characters, check the RP section with some of the characters I've made there. I honestly don't know how i'd help, so sorry for the uncertain app, I just wanna contribute. >.<
  7. I'm just gonna say: Klive is NOT gonna believe the Shadow duel stuff till the Duel disk theory is debunked, as it will be in time.
  8. Actually, what year is it? what day, month all of that? Is it a particular season or what?
  9. You know that every time I post you're thinking "Dat sass"

    1. Garnet.


      You and me need to have a little discussion on wordplay.

    2. Felicity


      In the accent I'm thinking of I say it it like "Com" ya filthy scrub

  11. Klive gave Arial a blank look. "How can we be searching alone when there's two... No, not gonna think too hard about that one." Klive said, more to themselves. "To answer your question, pretty much, yes. We just came from Arclights. We kinda have a bit of a theory to do with the method of Tenjos death but we haven't really confirmed anything yet." Klive decided on refraining from giving the details. It wasn't that xe was against sharing info, it was just that it would be a waste of time to share an unconfirmed idea with even more people and then have to possibly further inform people as to how he theory held up etc. It would just be easier to keep most of it to themselves for now and then actually tell people when the idea was confirmed to be true or false. Klive glanced aside at Robert. Xe wouldn't stop him if the fellow decided to divulge information but xe hoped he was on the same train of thought. "How about you guys? Any ideas?"
  12. Claudes feeling salty towards himself right now. Politest way i've ever written "Fuck off" before
  13. Claude Claude was certainly nonplussed by Veronicas comment but he had at least two years of experience dealing with comments like these. "Kage" Claude said calmly, hiding the far milder anger he held in comparison to Kages. "I get where you're coming from with that, I really do, but insults are not going to correct anyone's views." Then Claude affixed Veronica with a stare. Unlike before when he tried to speak, he found himself capable at looking her in the eyes. Funny thing that, he can do so when he is angered but he can't do so for his friends... Such thoughts flitted through Claudes mind for a second before he addressed Veronica. "I do swing that way. I've swung that way for the past two years. You call me odd, maybe I am. It is not because of who I choose to like. I'm not going to support Kages words with my own, I know that never ends well. I will suggest you leave before insulting or hurting anyone else"
  14. I'd have to agree with the EA thing. I rarely play their games. I did hear that EA essentially fucked the enire reason to lay FIFA. That said, the worst compan probs goes to Ubisoft for me, at least recently. Notice how Watchdogs, Farcry 4 and AC 4 unity ALL had a fucking tower system? Ubi is killing franchises with a severe lack of innovation and it just makes me sad. I mean, the 3 prior mentioned games are reskinned versions of each other with only the staple features of the franchises in each being their saving graces. Worst game? Sonic chronicles maybe? Or the DS version of the last Spyro game to come out. Those were terribad.
  15. Treat it like I did with Roy in the mystery dungeon shin-dig imo. It basically tires out the user.

    1. Garnet.


      "you heard the man"

      necklace walks off dejectedly

  17. I think it comes from how frequently it's used for kids (Or by very condescending presentations). You certainly wouldn't see a report written in CS
  18. "The only time you should ever use comic sans is if you're an 8 yea old girl writing a poem about unicorns"- Qoute from My IT teacher
  19. Heh, you've neva given me a warning point
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