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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. (Arial, Rene & Robert) "ONLY AFTER ONE MORE ROUND OF NOW-SATIRICAL YELLING!" Klive responded. Who said xe had no sense of humour? "I guess you're looking into Mr Tenjo too if you want to ask the very same question." Klive asked, now in xyr normal, softer monotone voice, of the two that Klive vaguely recognised from class now. "Sorry, i'm Klive, this is Robert and I'm afraid I don't know your names"
  2. I would have got it after your response to my guess T.T Balrog, y u so forgettable to me? (I'm not a LOTR buff in any way, shape or form)
  3. I mean, I tried, I figured someone yelling Tenjos name like a madbeing would start something :/
  4. Trainer Red Kennys question got a blank look from all three assailants. The big one spoke up to this. "The fact that we haven't got a Zorua on our teams answers that question, doesn't it? It's not like we've never had the opportunity to get one, we were just better than that and picked our other friends." Ringleader nodded furiously along to Big Boys answer "Exactly! Besides, just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should! We train creatures that can kill people, you train something that just fucks around with other people. Not that I expect any better of a dark type..."
  5. I thought Klive yelling their voice out was evidence enough... Legit, thi RP kinda slipped from my mind This place has really picked up recently

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ArmoredGuardian


      LOL I remember Vinny long ago. he gave me money on my birthday :)

    3. Flux


      Does this mean I'm a veteran too?

    4. Maelstrom


      The many tiers of veteran status...

  7. (Central square peeps) Klive had been milling about, silent in xyr thoughts. When xe returned from their daze, xe was afraid xe had alienated Robert. "Sorry about that, I guess I was out of it for a while." Klive had figured xe had a few courses of action but only one was really likely to get any results in Klives mind. "One sec" Xe asked of Robert before jogging over to the literal Center of center square, taking a deep breath and yelling at the top of xyr voice "HEY,ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PROFESSOR TENJO, MY RECENTLY DECEASED TEACHER?" ((This is my attempt at getting back into this. I figured Turbo would rather I didn't lead us around for once >.<))
  8. I GOT IT! The title is a Asoiaf reference, it's the title for the lord of Light, R'hllor,God of Flame and Shadow, shadow and flame swapped! Right?
  9. Oh, DJ S3RLs MTC came on, it's been so long since I last heard it. The word Hentai made me giggle far too much

    1. Shamitako


      Pfft. I play that one a bunch

      Though as acronyms go, it pales in comparison to FTW~

  10. [Conclave] Adam gave Michael a queer look? Why on earth would I have a piece of paper?" Adam surmised that his comrade wanted to use Lockhart as a messenger... He wasn't too sure how much Lockhart would like that but it'd be better than doing nothing... "Check the Mothers desk or something, maybe you can find a scrap? And I daresay that your Snorlax is our best bet to hold off the oncomers. I remember hearing that Snorlaxes were notorious for blocking pathways."
  11. Easter holidays Ho! I will be around far more for the next 2 weeks! Yu're stuck with me! \o/

    1. Azeria


      Eh you aint that Bad Dobby,Now if only these darn sableye's would stop trolling...

  12. [Conclave] Lockhart continued to fly around the building, spotting the patrol that had flooded into the building. The crow loosed a cry to get Adams attention and looped 3 times, their signal for danger. The trainer beckoned Lockhart back, the bird nestling on Adams padded shoulder. "Get ready guys, people are on the way. Lockhart signaled for danger. I won't be able to do much in these confines though." Adam informed the others. What he said wasn't necessarily true, Lockhart wasn't totally vulnerable but it sure as hell would be more difficult to fight.
  13. Fuck, I'm thinking the title is a reference now and it's on the tip of my tongue what it is... If it is.
  14. y'all need to slow thy tits down, it's been a looong tome since I came back o 2 whole new pages to read
  15. Anyone notice how the serial killers hat had the word "maxime" on it in parasyte?
  16. It's one thing to shoot rainbows out of it's butt, it's another thing to shoot a gun out of a gun
  17. Oooooohhh no you aren't, I lay claim to that title. Just look at whenever I make an actual appearance on Showdown.
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