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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. (Paul, and charlotte, I guess?) Klive nodded along with what Paul was saying. Using you as a battering Ram would have been quite ineffective xe thought to themselves. When Paul introduced himself, Klive again put on a shallow grin to keep up appearances. "I'm Klive Hartluck. I don't converse too much, something i'm trying to fix. I'm glad I might have had a hand in Arthur calming down."
  2. Jelly can't grow. It gets eaten before that can happen.
  3. Oh you do. Binbougami ga, go lookie @Commandah 8/10 I now associate the character with you, is familiar
  4. I honestly couldn't say what were issues seeing as I wasn't a part of it, but from the sounds of it, the only thing I see was kinda irrelevant were the monstrous races. You can be creative with them, sure, but are they really necessary amongst all the other portions of the RP that kinda overwhelm you?
  5. Claude frowned now. He didn't like more drama. Why couldn't be people be happy and just accept a little bit of banter. "Ryan, there's no need to say stuff like that... In the end you did reply spitefully to a joke and Glacien did attack her. What would he do if it had been the other way around? So, please calm down and just..." Claude paused. He realised he hated being a mediator. "Calm down a little? Go heal Glacien and try to cool off..."
  6. (Cafeteria) Klive had departed from the classroom as stated and was heading to the cafeteria, only to arrive to see a boy Klive recalled to be called Arthur yelling at someone who Klive could not recall. The young duelist decided it would be best to investigate. As xe noticed earlier, knowing xyr classmates could be a boon. Klive walked over, not really with any intentions to interfere but rather just to investigate. "Good afternoon. What's with the yelling? I can't help but think that doing so with a teacher close by is not a good idea. I'd recommend waiting for Miss Reinier to depart." Klive advised to Arthur.
  7. Is that why mod pairings can never happen?
  8. Type www.loser.com into your search bar at the top of the screen

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KingRyan


      HAA! *like*

    3. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      www.loser.com goes to a list of kanye west's achievements?

    4. Shamitako


      LOL >wikipedia

  9. (Robert) Klive considered the idea carefully. A companion would certainly help with investigation. Being able to check two places at once was an obviously useful capability and it wasn't like Robert had a reason to betray any sort of trust. Hell, there wasn't anything to hide, Klive never had any intention of hiding what xe would find anyway. So Klive couldn't think of any reason to refuse Roberts help. "Ok then, I'll text you the details about where I think we should check out first, for now I actually have to go get some food, so unless you wanna come with to the cafeteria, i'll see you later." Klive stood up to go, pausing for a moment to see if Robert would follow to continue a conversation.
  10. i'd be down for the water field if i had anyone but Colere. Not defenceless with her though...
  11. As said in the YGO shindig, dunno how active i'll be friday/Saturday
  12. Note: I dunno how active i'll be friday-Saturday, so sorry if you don't get a reply over the weekend Turbo (And everyone else)
  13. Fuck man, I wanna watch gurenn lagann again

    1. Kamina
    2. HakuTaku


      Kissanime no ads and shit

  14. Momiji > Alla y'all

  15. Uh............. Uh..................... Uh............................. PersonxPerson?
  16. But wasn't that all magick-y/Spirity cuz of Yubels power? (I think thats the name of the monster that wrought that whole shtick) It wouldn't make sense for Klive, Robert or anyone else to consider it if so. Plus I can't imagine the events on Duel academy island were told everywhere lest people get scared shitless, they'd be myths, twisted to be as such. And CHARLES!
  17. UPRISE AGAINST THE WARNING POINTS! says the guy who has never had any
  18. 'Twas mentioned to a few people, and I can already see the ideal NPCs for Klive (And Robert if Turbo feels like coming along) to visit
  19. Happily surprised by Roberts expertise in the matter, Klive grinned genuinely as xyr mind continued whirring beneath the navy blue locks of hair. Maybe it wasn't meant to be public just yet... "Who says Mr Tenjo was aware of the modifications? Just think hypothetically, not ruling out other possibilities, what if it was a test for the equipment? I can't say i've heard of an event quite like this outside of the media, so we can say Tenjos death was one of the first few to occur recently. Similar to a beta test. Once the deed is done, the Duel winner, assuming there was one and they were a part of it, takes the modifications and goes on their way along with the information they got from it all." Klive rambled. Whilst it did sound far-fetched, rumours that circulated so quickly after the event rarely have time to mutate as rumours do so a duel as the murder method with the Pad as a weapon could very well be possible. It would explain why it was illegal too. That said, Klive was still stumped on one thing. "Well, with all of that hypothesising it still leaves me with no leads forward to new information... Maybe asking someone more likely to have heard rumours is the best course. Or asking at mechanics shop to see if any eccentric items were bought to make such alterations..."
  20. I will steal all of your Fortune. Wait, no, no I won't

    1. Sutoratosu


      *Distributes wealth to the less fortunate*

      Ha, beat ya to it, my friend.

  21. [Robert] Klive nodded along with Roberts words. It made some sense. Klive had heard of people modifying Duel Disks. It's not like the notion was out of place anyway, Duel disks are as malleable as any machine when given to an expert to fiddle with. Why not alter it to be lethal to the user? Why this would happen, Klive didn't know for sure. Xe understood that risking one's life had a thrill to it, why else would people participate in extreme sports? That said, perhaps Mr Tenjo had a wild side to him... "Well, it seems that if what you're saying is right, and there's a chance of that being the case what with the fact that the duel gazer and disc obviously use energy, then the next step is to find out the condition of the equipment and if it was possible it was manipulated. First stop would be to make sure it's all possible..." Klive speculated aloud, not particularly bothered about secrecy. "Naturally if I went to the staff then I'd simply get reprimanded, so I need another source of information. Robert, do you know of any students knowledgeable of the mechanics of a Duel Disc?" Again a question was posed to Robert and Klive found themselves sorely wishing xe had paid more attention to her peers.
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