Happily surprised by Roberts expertise in the matter, Klive grinned genuinely as xyr mind continued whirring beneath the navy blue locks of hair. Maybe it wasn't meant to be public just yet... "Who says Mr Tenjo was aware of the modifications? Just think hypothetically, not ruling out other possibilities, what if it was a test for the equipment? I can't say i've heard of an event quite like this outside of the media, so we can say Tenjos death was one of the first few to occur recently. Similar to a beta test. Once the deed is done, the Duel winner, assuming there was one and they were a part of it, takes the modifications and goes on their way along with the information they got from it all." Klive rambled. Whilst it did sound far-fetched, rumours that circulated so quickly after the event rarely have time to mutate as rumours do so a duel as the murder method with the Pad as a weapon could very well be possible. It would explain why it was illegal too. That said, Klive was still stumped on one thing. "Well, with all of that hypothesising it still leaves me with no leads forward to new information... Maybe asking someone more likely to have heard rumours is the best course. Or asking at mechanics shop to see if any eccentric items were bought to make such alterations..."