Name: Klive Hartluck Gender: Non-binary (If this is allowed.) Appearance: Xe has ocean blue eyes with very tidy, shoulder length hair dyed to match, being only slightly darker by a few shades. Cuz colours are hard to get, ya know?. Xe also has soft, rounded facial features with a bit of a button nose. Xe is also quite slim and tall, almost lanky, as Xe stands at 6"5. Xe wears a long coat that drops to xyr knees whenever possible as well. Personality: Klive is quite reserved but by no means shy. Xe often merely watches events go by and only steps in to events when xe thinks it necessary. That said, necessary is quite a loose term as xe has no real moral compass. Violence, cheating, discrimination, Klive thinks very little of it as xe thinks it's just a part of the world, neither good nor bad. If everxe is faced with these things xe either treast it as an obstacle to deal with or dismisses it. Xe does have a fixation on manners and courtesy though. You may cheat xyr out of all xyr money, but if you don't bless xem when xe sneezes, there'll be hell to pay. Backstory: Xe lived a very simple early life, Duel monsters being taken up as a mere curiosity until the depth of the game drew xem in. Xe continued until xe was quite adept, though xe would scarce claim it to be the case. Whilst xe focused on Duel monstersmonsters xyr parents were often away and xe never really had much of a role-model. Furthermore, whenever xe watched traditional media, xe could never really understand the reasoning behind either sides motive, good or bad. Only the manners really stuck in xyr head. sometme during xyr formative years, xe went through a phase where xe questioned society and thought xyrself quite intelligent and philosophical until xe looked back and thought xe was quite pretentious. the only thing that stuck from that phase was xyr decision in regards to xyr gender identity. (Subject to change if gender is allowed or not) Number Holder Y. Not too familiar with the concept but I know my way around the yu-gi-oh verse, i'm sure I can pick it up. Not competitive at all though, my knowledge of decks comes from what litle of the show i've seen.
I think I'll dive into this if possible, yu-gi-oh is something I keep saying i'll get back to, what better place than here?
Note, Klives Arcana was 100% hanged man, which fits quite well in my mind for xem in practice
My own arcanas were full justice, hanged man and 92% justice.