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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
  2. Persona 2 is nice so far. I like how you gett 5 party members.

    1. Gentleman's Hat

      Gentleman's Hat

      I unfortunately never played the Persona series but I am looking forward for Persona 5

    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      AND ALL OF THEM WILD CARDS! Which one are you playing? 2.1 or 2.2?

    3. Felicity


      Innocent Sin, so 2.1, I think?

  3. Personally I think some of the fossils could do with being shifted earlier. We get the fossils whenevs, sure, but having to wait till Spinel is a bit nahhh. I never hear about how people love Armaldo because it comes at a point where you have access to many different mons to deal with Serra. I mean, the fossils of 5th and 6th gen are already locked behind an event, so why limit Kabu/Oma and Cra/Armaldo? We also can't get Aerodactyl from the Rocks, so thats not an issue either. Note: We get access to a substitute for Kabutops in Barbaracle in the rocks at apophyll, so that even less reason to use the 1st gen fossil pair
  4. Fate hype will resume for spring, Moar Romcom Snafus, Highschool DxD to ridicule, I think the second P3 movie is coming around too and of course Digimon turned schoolgirls to love ^^ Spring has so much for me to watch.
  5. #BringBackTheBirthdayWall

    1. Meruem
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      For the bajillionth time. If it was something that could be done, it would.

  6. Pfffft, new Highschool DxD Next season doe This is kinda sarcasm, but I do watch that show for reasons I don't really understand sooooooo
  7. AYYY, Someone reccomend me the best Turn-based RPG on either the PSP or the DS you know! Does not include Tactics RPGS so sorry Disgaea fans!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      I really just want an rpg I can emulate that I can experience in the background whilst watchinglivestreams or some such. Also, I hear tales of BD twist. I dare not try braving the shit-storm

    3. Gentleman's Hat

      Gentleman's Hat

      I believe the HD remake of FF X is on the PS Vita. It also has X-2 but that one is more active time than turn based.

    4. Wendel


      (Pokemon Conquest)

  8. lol, you haven't used a turtwig before. Torterra is bulky as fuck, he gives no shits. He even overcame Blake. although that was when Blake was stupid
  9. I am disappoint. I saw the Birdvermin Today. #Justtoolate
  10. You can play with interesting characters in pokemon
  11. LoL. It isn't that addictive and I don't see how number crunching when trying to figure out some sort of meta is fun.
  12. Naturally, Claude was pissed. Once, Mareek had gotten so very angry at Claude for making an assumption, and here he was doing exactly that. Claude had never thought any of what Mareek had accused of him bar the idea that Trainer tournaments could be likened to gladiator combat. Though if Claude had slowed down to consider it, that comparison would more likely fit a Coordinators bout. No, Claude was fuming, clearly evident by his furrowed brow and unusual scowl. Doux had resumed fluttering about the room,, not wanting to be near his master when in one of his rare fits of anger. What had gotten to Claude was how god-damn supreme the jackass was. i shouldn't think that, i know he has some story that explains it whispered the small sensible part of Claude only to be ignored in favour of Claudes disdain, ranting in his head about many exaggerated flaws and failings of Mareek, justifying Claudes own sense of indignation. After a moment Claude repeated what he said. "So, yeah, we all agreed not to just hound Evan? Like I said, it's more likely to make things worse..."
  13. Last of us so far. Fairly easy, good thing I borrowed it cuz I know i'm not gonna play it again afterwards
  14. Not related to any of the show this season So, today I was talking to some friends and recently me and someone else suggested binge watching an anime, I think it was Angel Beats, and we invited a few other friends who aren't too partial to Anime to see if they might like it. Thing is, one friend of mine just outright declined. Nomally that would have been fine, but his reason for declining was "Anime is Shit". I know for a fact he has next to no experience with the medium, so I start asking why, but I can't get an actual, reasonable answer aside from "It's shit". It makes me genuinely sad that people, even one of my best friends, are so narrow-minded in regards to Anime.
  15. Yeah, Claudes backstory kinda played a part in that plan. Depending on how the conversation goes I might go into a bit detail about that.
  16. Not when it comes to being social and friendly ^^ That's More so Claude, Danielles, Ryans and Jacibs forte from what I can tell, but in that list is two people who kinda have reasons not to be nice... And Claude cosying up to Evan after talking about Skarmory would be weird. Gogo gadget Jacob...?
  17. Claude was dissatisfied with Mareeks entire tone throughout his little tyrade. With a voice unusually void of it's friendly manner, Claude spoke up. "I directly asked Evan about it, I figured he might appreciate a little honesty instead of something just like the shit-show you're trying to pull here." The admission came with just a little bit of spite. Claude didn't know why Mareek had such a stick up his butt about anything to do with teams but he decided at that point that he didn't like how the boy was treating everything, like it could all be planned out like an operation. It's one thing to be knowledgeable on terrorist organisations and, apparently in Mareeks case, interrogation but it's another entirely to act like he can put it into practice. "I didn't interrogate him because no, I don't know anything about getting information from a criminal. That doesn't matter though, because Evan isn't a criminal. He also isn't a detective but he won't have to be to figure something is up when the most serious, driven guy in class suddenly tries cosying up to him." Claude looked Mareek in the eyes, focused. If anyone knew anything about exclusion, it was Claude. "You are evidently pretty knowledgeable about this subject, that's obvious. But making friends and being social? Not your wheelhouse when you don't have something to gain, if what I just heard you say about being friendly means anything. So, continue as you did, train, think of strategies, do what you've been doing to be one of the top trainers of the year." Claude waved his arm each time he listed off something Mareek could do, then gestured to everyone listening to the conversation. "That goes for you all. Just... make sure to be a little nicer to Evan is all. Don't go chasing him down just to suck up to him and be friendly. That's the last thing someone used to being set apart would be expecting and make it clear to Evan we are talking about this behind his back and, in general, up to something, which goes against being nice and friendly."
  18. Search Bar

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    2. Meruem
    3. Solarance


      Where to find exp. share.

    4. Shamitako


      ...Lol, I was just about to do this

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