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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. (Conclave) Lockhart, not particularly bothered by the mothers attempts to break his legs, flew over the edge of the building, circling far away to avoid the hypno using any of it's abilities shouuld he drop her. Adam on the other hand almost froze. It wasn't until he saw the yellow mass of Giga starting to move that his own brain again to function again. He didn't dare tak a step though, his body locked into position. Taking a deep breath, Adam called out to the mother in Lockharts talons. "Call off your pokemon now. If anything happens to a single one of us, Lockhart will make sure that your face hits the street faster than you can blink" Adam ordered. He was perfectly aware of the Hypno's threatening actions but he knew Team dusk had to be the ones in charge. That started with giving the orders. Provided they didn't come from a mouth frothing with blood.
  2. I'd imagine Junpei would rely on his Persona a lot. It's what makes him special and unique in his eyes, the mask that makes him the superhero. Furthermore, his persona Trismegistus is linked to Chidori, the girl he loved, shown in the regen skill I think he gets at that point. It's something more than a tool as it is to some P users, It represents more about him and arguably his most meaningful bond than say Yukiko or Chies does. (I can't stand those two) That question is quite subjective as some people will spot more about their favourite characters and how they think the character uses the persona nad it's meaning to them I might just say here that I think character development in P3 is done so much better. I legit care so, so, so much more about all of the P3 characters than I ever did the P4. (Junpei's my bro dammit)
  3. I need to catch up badly. The only things sustaining me is the fact that I've read the manga for TG and parasyte, the two I had been watching this season
  4. Yo, Godot, you got any reference for that? Sounds interesting. EDIT: Apparently I'm temperance and Hierophant. Kinda fits me, as a lot of people confide in me and listen to my advice despite how I may seem to you all
  5. So far in Reborn, legendaries are as rare as everyone says they are, but aren't in main games. We've seen 1 instance of a legend and even that was a fake. I wouldn't expect to see any legends, even in the hands of the enemy, until very late/post game.Ditto for megas.
  6. I really want to believe what i'm reading here. I agree that this sounds like an ideal path to move towards in the future, this idea that the individual with the ability to innovate and be original (something lacking in several walks of life from what i've seen) is able to succeed over those who do not give two shits. However, this sounds far too idealistic to be easily possible. I'm seriously struggling as I write this to put my thoughts into a decent post here. What I see in my position as a student in a pretty shitty place to live in the UK is a lot of people actually hoping to get a job within that parasitic system if not deciding to live on benefits whilst they waste away. Thing is, these are the people who get the most attention. Those who want to try and succeed don't get enough attention or support necessary to do that in whatever field they work in because the government in the area is more concerned with processing those people into a job. That parasitic system you described is seen as a preferable way to try and force the masses into some way of being useful. An example of this in the education system here, there is so much focus on people who either are going to drop out of school to get a dead end job as a simple worker or the people with the ability to become one of thee faceless doctors Kuro gave as an example because the school wants to look as good as possible and that means churning out statistics expected of a decent school. It's all about getting the grades to get to the places that look at the grades. There is no innovation taught in schools and those who want to do so are actively dissuaded from that. I'm not kidding, when I discussed my own dream to become an author with the career advisors, they tried their damndest to turn me away from that to become a journalist which is something I actively don't want to do because A) traditional media is dying and that's work with facts not fiction. There'd be no room to write as I really want, I'd have to hit set parameters in that work to get my pay. Point is, around here that parasitic system still seems to be the norm here and that makes me sad for my and my friends future. People here do volunteering. Not because it's a good thing, it's because Unis like to see that in your applications. Everyone does something in this school to look better on the sheet of paper because they know their personalities won't be looked at. To quote a friend recently, "We don't matter anymore, we're just numbers and letters on a piece of paper to the college now" I'm very, very afraid that people around here have faded, and we're still in education. What's my point in talking about the education here? Because that's where people are first offered the chance to distinguish themselves. Students either run with this chance to prove themselves or simply don't. This has resulted in, oddly enough, 3 kinds of people in my area. The people who are determined to get the grades and do the thing to look good on their resume. Then there's the people like myself who do not try as actively to appeal to employers or Unis but do still try and get the grades, at least. Then you have the people who don't give two shits and would rather piss away their lives. It's the last kind of people that make that symbiotic system that sounds so good so very difficult to achieve, because they themselves are parasitic. Would we leave them behind? No, there's too many issues with that. This is evident with the issues of benefits in the UK. So what do we do? Like I said before, we churn them into that parasitic system to make them be somewhat useful, providing a reason for said system to be a thing. I feel like I just spurned off some very stupid nonsense, but that's my perspective on this, as pessimistic as I wish it wasn't.
  7. Maybe Yu does still have it in that case, but does not rely on it as Adachi does?
  8. Bond = power. This is established all throughout the series. The reason the WC users are stronger than others is because they came to understand how important those bonds are. I say "Came to" due to the way Minato comes across in the first P3 Film, very robotic and fairly uncaring towards others, unlike what you'd expect of someone that knew the strength of those bonds. To address the whole god powers, obviously in each plot the gods who bestowed the initial ability are defeated and in a sense dissipated. That said, they can't exactly continue giving the MCs power at this point so I believe they stopped doing so earlier on. The power of the deities were the training wheels that each protagonist grew out of as they came to understand the importance of bonds and connections. Thus, why they're so strong, one literally delaying the apocalypse continuously and the other going on to defeat several gods despite defeating Izanami. As for each characters powers, I'd assume it's the same shtick. Personally, Kanji is a much more sensitive "Feely" character for Akihiko for obvious reasons, so I feel he'd treasure his own bonds more, making him a stronger P user.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if Reborn itself was finished and Ame moved on to starlight before this gets finished.
  10. Heads up i've been feeling real shitty recently, so I won't be posting much @Every RP i'm in

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria


      What surge said. No need to rush to get everything you need to do done.

    3. Felicity


      I should mention that when I say feel shitty I literally mean Feel. Illnesses are a bitch

    4. Sutoratosu


      oh... well, get well soon, corporal.

  11. "Maybe they thought he would be the easiest student to persuade? And maybe they wanted a student specifically for some reason" Claude offered. He had to think hard as to why exactly as well, the small boy rested his head on his pal which he in turn held up from the elbow with his other hand. The same question continued to baffle him
  12. A noise that sounded more like a low growl came from Claudes throat to convey how things had not gone too well. "I'm afraid Evan didn't feel too happy with our encounter, but he did tell me one very interesting little tidbit. The Skarmory was a gift. Anyone else know what that means?" He continued, explaining with more eloquence than the non-verbal response.
  13. Sounds like a business that should have died out a while ago. Some parts of it all, entertainers like magicians and such with skill in sleight of hand are cool and all but hardly enough to justify the whole affair of a circus.
  14. Personally PMMM wasn't as ground breaking for me as I was expecting it to be. I can appreciate it from a critical standpoint what with the challenges it puts to the genre it's in and the quality of the show in general, I can't really asy I enjoyed it all that much. I certainly didn't feel much in the scenes where you obviously were meant to be bawling. Note: only seen the anime series
  15. The conflict can be much more light hearted. In this case the mst serious shit could possibly have been Rein kicking Karrin
  16. O.O I will never understnd that statement, amongst many others
  17. Claude sighed. He didn't see any point pursuing the conversation further, not at the risk of aggravating Evan further. However, Claude did offer some parting words to Evans back. "Nothing's ever too late. You may not care about us now but that can change if you'd let it." with that Claude turned to Ryan. The small blonde boy looked up at his friend. "You sir need to learn to pick your moments. We did get some information though. C'mon, let's tell everyone the deets" Doux floated down to rest on Claudes head, inside which Claude had put another piece of the puzzle together as he started to walk back over to Danielle and co. What Claude just said did strike him as horrible, he had claimed to not talk behind Evans back and yet off he was going to spill the info to everyone around. Damn, I am a two-faced son of a bitch...
  18. Yeah, I'm sure. Sorry I dropped this so quickly but I figured i'd rather drop it now when here's no penalty than later when it would impact everyone else.
  19. MMmmk, I don't think I should continue with this RP. I don't really like Karl if i'm honest and i've not been keeping up with the story. Right now that doesn't seem to have affected much and i'd rather duck out now rather than later when it's important.
  20. Eyyy, hosting some nightcore on the Reborn radio. https://plug.dj/reborn-radio

  21. I don't think you should. We don't want to crowd Evan, plus Ryan is not gonna get on well with Evan.
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