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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Dammit Tacps! Even if it is entirely justifiable with your character!
  2. Claude glared at Evan, the same glare he gave Evan and Danielle earlier. "Ryan, there's no need to tear his head off. I'm trying to find some truth so that there ISN'T any unneccesary suspicion" He hissed at Ryan. He got why Ryan would be pissed but he couldn't go assuming things like that... "Evan, we aren't all talking behind your back. If we were I wouldn't be asking you honestly like this. The reason we're wary is because apparently your Skarmory has some link to Ryans supposed foreseen death. Which is why he's as he is" Again, Claude shot a glare at Ryan. "Seeing as we only know of one Skarmory which recently showed up, you can draw the links. You're smart enough"
  3. Ya know, I was thinking about having to contend with Henries EQ power as a Coordinator when I realised a fiery whirlwind from the two horses would probably score more points than an EQ. Tfw you realise you should stop prepping to win as a trainer and start prepping to win as a coordinator. The fab is back gents.
  4. Skarmry could have been trying to protect Ryan for all we know. Jus' sayin'. We assumed the worst because of the link to RoG
  5. ... Iirc, Kage literally saw the scene, therefore the mountain couldn't be symbolic in any way...
  6. what did you do? Was there just some massive update that turned it all upside down from what you were used to? Or did you just leave it to someone else? Cuz thatss baaaaaad Mkaaaaaaay
  7. Bleh, timey wimey bollocks. No point speculating right now, too much uncertainty
  8. That's why I worded it as I did, Claudes uncertain on all the specifics anyway, he has only discussed it (Presumably) Once, maybe twice. I hope Evan doesn't get real defensive and suspicious >.<
  9. I'm doing what chim said. (I'm gonna have to think of a counter to EQ with the Pony duo, Rapidash and Zebstrika may not be the smartest idea, but it sure as fuck is the most majestic)
  10. But then lance comes in, eats a fire fang if he has it, and destroys with a drill run :3 YEAH, I THOUGHT MY SHIZ OUT TOO GAIZ, TOTALLY NOT A COMPLETELY ARBITRARY DECISION, PICKING LANCE >.< EDIT: Why you all hating on the cute lil' fluffball? He tried to help Ryan when he was on the literal edge :c
  11. You're answering the quotes above the quotes. I've never seen anyone quoting and not typing below the quotes and bugs the fuck out of me.
  12. @Tacps, waiting room iirc @Azery, Doux isn't flying type and can also just drain every last bit of that health back instantly
  13. Claude nodded, glad his job wasn't to reconcile the two. "Well, I'm not here to do that. Your whole kerfuffle is between you two" Claude said, waving his arms a little when he said kerfuffle. The young coordinator hesitated, trying to think of the right wording. Honesty was all well and good, but bringing up the topic carefully was a hell of a task. as he thought of what to say, he released Doux from his pokeball. The small fairy gave a tired murmur in greeting as he rested on Claudes head. "Hey buddy, mind keeping an eye out for eavesdroppers?" Again, a small murmur as Doux fluttered up to float near the ceiling, drifting about the area lazily. Claude finally decided to address what he was meant to be doing. "Ok Evan, I'm not really at liberty to say the whole story, that's not my place, but recently a few people have had reason to believe that your Skarmory is... a bad sign? I guess thats the best way to say it. Alongside that, I noticed that your Skarmory appeared at the same time as that unusual Donphan stampede. Donphan are usually peaceful, which is why it's kinda suspicious. People are curious, myself included. I figured that rather than skulk around behind your back I'd do the same thing I'd want and ask you honestly about how you came to have the bird." Claude said all of this slowly, thinking his words through, but trying desperately to sound as honest as he really was. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I figured I'd be honest with you is all."
  14. It was never TacosandFlowers Ame, it shall always be Tacps, gawd. Also 'grats errybodeh
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