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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Karrin, having finished her small meal, got up and looked around the room for the girl called Nina. When Karrin spotted her, she got up and hopped over. "Hiya, i'm Karrin. I'm 16 and haven't got a partner. In, out, or are you still shaking all about?" Karrin blurted out, forcing herself to ignore the possibility of being turned down. This time i'll be confident and NOT get kicked.
  2. Karrin smiled and nodded, grateful for the advice. "That" she started "Is a good idea. But before I hunt her down, what's your name? I'm Karrin Waite, also known as "The strange girl"" Karrin introduced herself. She figured this girl already had a partner, but it's not like that was the only thing to ever consider period. Friends are nice. I think
  3. Claude was very relieved that the arguing seemed to have died down. He cradled Corona a little as he answered Evans question "Last I saw, before my battle he went to take your sister to get some ice cream. I guess he'd be there or in the crowd. Tell him I said hi, yeah?" Without waiting for a reply, Claude made his way back over to Danielle, lifting Corona up high over her head to drop the little bug pokemon onto Danielles head with a mischievous little grin "There's your Larvesta by the way, the little cutie was catching a lift with me." Then he realised Danielle was actually talking to Jacob. "Oh, sorry, guess I interrupted you there"
  4. Well, the most I use is like one would genuinely describe a sound. "Doux chirped" "Lance screeched" etc
  5. Karrin had sat down and blanked for a little while. Too many people in too little time. It wasn't until the girl next to her had a small breakdown that was quickly solved by the other incredibly annoying girl. Why was she annoying? Because Karrin couldn't in any way shape of form see reason or thought behind any of her actions. She was far too similar to Karrin in one of her moods... None of that stopped her from vaguely saying to no one. "Why do we need partners anyway? Finding a partner's gonna be a bitch" It was then that Karrin shook her head and actually tried paying attention to the conversations around her
  6. This is going to be the kind of RP that kicks of when I'm sleeping, isn't it? Catch-up time gogogogo
  7. Karrin simply squeaked when Emberly came along. "You're very tall. I'm used to being called tall. Dear Lady, I can't get over your height" Karrin gibbered as she sat down next to Nina, unable to get out any long sentences to actually converse with Emberly, let alone anyone else.
  8. Noela paused for a second, wondering what the hell she was doing there. Whilst they had not tried to kill her, none of them had taken the time to even ask her name, let alone explain the situation outside f the vague offer of a reward for help. Why the hell was she inclined to stay? The answer was that she wasn't. Noel focused for a second, forming an illusion that overlaid her body, looking exactly alike her, then layering an illusion that came as close to invisibility as she could manage, resulting in a vague haze in the air and walked off. To anyone unable to see through her illusions, it would have looked like she was just sat still until she vanished into thin air when Noella dropped both illusions as soon as she was around a corner away from all the nutters. How the hell did I even do that? Noella idly thought once more, for the umpteenth time after discovering her power.
  9. Karrin needs senpai to notice her Did I break our senpai-joke Virginity? It had to happen
  10. I know that as soon as I click that link to show y'all Karrin, someone will walk in and see it and be like "Wut". Just the idea of the ISP guys knowing i've been on there embarrasses the hell outta me. EDIT: NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE That is just too far out of my own comfort zone. That whole thing was so sweet It gave me the worlds greatest sugar high
  11. RIP every pokemon in this thread, all of them shall be shuffled or have their encounter rate lowered. Pachi is my bae though, you can cripple any early physical attacker with that charm or slow em down with T wave
  12. So, this idea struck me after posting in that there Magical girl RP about the topic of Romance in the media and literature after a discussion led to it. A lot of people think they know a Genre and what it includes but a lot more people only know the generic conventions of those genres. Whilst these are important parts of those stories and tales, ignorance of these can lead to some very boring pieces. No one wants to read the same thing that they've read 50 times, even if you think you're adding your "Brand new" take on it, especially if it's chock full of troupes and stereotypes. used 50 times prior. For an example, look at most Ecchi/Harem anime nowadays, using the same old ideas and gimmicks to hook the audience such as the famous "Red-headed Tsundere" famous for her "lol, she's violent" nature that apparently shows her love for the main character. In this, hopefully we'd have a look at a variety of different Genres and generally discuss them. This is certainly something that would be interactive, as opposed to solo like a lot of things n this section, mainly because I'm only one quite young person who has yet to experience every facet of media and literature. Hopefully this will give people better ideas of what a genre includes and what are very much stereotypes perceived by people in that genre so that people may innovate within their stories So, let's get started with the brief analysis of Romance that gave me this idea
  13. Claude sighed. "I understand, being friends with pokemon is fantastic. At the same time you still have to be in charge. Take Colere. If I let her go on as she used to, She would quite literally consider me her territory. I'm fairly sure she still does but she knows not to act like it." Claude was struggling for the words now, taking his time to find the words "Maybe the way a relationship between pokemon and owner should be likened more to Soldiers and a Commander. The soldiers can look up to and adore that commander as much as they would their hero but at some point that commander has to take charge and control his subordinates and friendship can't be a factor in that, for better or for worse." Claude sighed again. "I don't know, i'm a coordinator who loves his pokemon too. Just please give the arguments a rest."

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Sorry, the search bar is up there. We don´t have any pancakes here :(

    2. Nova
    3. Shamitako
  15. Ok, didn't realise this had moved 3 pages without my noticing. Just my thoughts on romance in Media/literature etc It's far and away seen as the easiest to use plot device or genre and the most instantly gratifying. Therefore, it is easily the most used plot device in the history of everything. Need something to bulk up scenes in between genuine plot? Chuck some romnce in there. Wanna add stress to your character? Add 15 possible romances. Wanna pander? Romances. Best of all, it can be passive when needed and a genuine plot point when you need conflict. Easy Is it done well? I've rarely seen that be the case. Especially in actual books, where longevity in a relationship is stressed much more than say a movie which is on the spot, sweep-me-away romance. Furthermore, a lot of authors have a snag on focusing on the romance in an attempt to make it better, thus having character relationships suffer elsewhere. Rarely have I seen a true parental bond or a strong Brohood/mance in something tagged with the genre romance. All of this is sad cuz romance is one of the most evocative genres out there. Gurenn lagann and Angel beats had some semblance of romance scattered throughout and it was done well enough where certain scenes ripped my heart out and had me bawling like a baby. A book series by the Author Michael G manning known as the Magician series (Starting with the blacksmiths son) had a strong romantic relationship for the MC right off the bat, but it didn't overtake the story and had me invested in the events of what was happening. It even got a "D'awwww" out of me every now and then. It wa important sure but nothing suffered at the cost of it. Shipping on the whole is a rather disgusting aspect to me personally unless they are your OCs, because I don't think anyone has the right nor knows the characters better than their creator to the point where they can decide who they should love like the worlds creepiest backseat player. Also, related to the actual RP, I think I sat Karrin with Arturia and Nina
  16. This time Claude raised his voice, fixing Evan with a glare as steely as the Skarmory that just appeared. "Evan! Don't you dare try and shove that Skarmory onto another trainer when it so clearly wants to be your pokemon. Work with it, play with it, even release it, whatever, don't just shove it onto another when it is your responsibility in the first place. You have to at least try with it." then Claude looked at Danielle, though he couldn't quite keep the steel in his eyes nor the sharpness in his tongue. "Danielle, I know as much as anyone that Avis is a wilful pokemon to say the least, but you can't just let her show any kind of animosity to anyone. It's not nice or respectful and who's to say that one day it might not escalate? It's the trainers responsibility to keep their pokemon under their control, that was the lesson we were meant to learn on the Dragon catching trip, no?" Claude paused and sighed. He didn't like lecturing people, but eidently it had to happen lest this all escalate further. "Now, anything else that needs to be said? Might as well clear the air"
  17. Yeah, sorry haven't been keeping up with this too much. I'm starting to reach my max with RPs ^x^
  18. Karl stepped up. "I don't mind trying, if it'll get you to amend your "Most of you are ready" comment previously" I certainly am capable, if unwilling, to work on a battlefield dammit. Karl drew his own sword, holding it one handed and to the side just a little, leaning the other way slighty to make sure his centre of gravity was fine Balance and agility are a Dancers best traits
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