This is actually rather telling about people. Many of you gave yourselves abilities that could be percieved as negative. Why is that? do people ot see any other abilities that fits them? My original post was a simple laugh, but I'd say limber fits me because I can be rather flexible in the sense of being open-minded and i really am a squirmy bastard
If I genuinely appraised myself, my abilities would likely be
Analytic, when I need to I can take my time and analyse the situation to my benefit
Anger point: This could probably be applied to most people as when I get angry, it can rile me up to act.
Anticipation: I always think of what can go wrong, I can't help it
Contrary: I'm a stubborn little bastard, for better and for worse. I'll do as I see fit to the point of being Contrary.
Inner focus: I am never scared by horror movies because I know what to expect. That makes scares intended to make me scream very ineffective. Simple
Justified: If I've got justification, I can be a dick to you.
No guard: I once headbutted a dodgeball back at the guy who threw it at me and got him out. I don't dodge.
Plus: I can be an optimist, easy
Rock head: See headbut story, and then note that I am actually reactant much less to pain than a lot of people.. Dunno why
So yeah, these would be my abilities, some good, some bad. Don't focus on the negatives guys,