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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Claude was caught of guard, stuttering for a response. Oh my lord, I forgot they listed my real name down. Claude was struggling to come up with a response to make him seem confident, suave, something confident when he gave up, sighing. "Unfortunately Claude is but a pseudonym to hide my real, shamefully boring name of Kyle Burlinski." Claude could feel heat on his cheeks as he cursed the systematic way of things as well as his parents for the god-awful name.
  2. A typical shonen that tried way too hard to shock the audience.
  4. ((I think i'm finally caught up to start. Cue Noela)) Noela was pissed and confused. First she goes down into the Hill, expecting some caves with a few bats, maybe a skeleton or two, the occasional trap you had to outwit, like in the movies, not that she spared much time for that kind of shit. She'd only watch it if it included a handsome hero... But no. Instead she was accused of sinning and shit and boom, sentenced to some 4th circle bullshit. Like, what? Who the fuck are you to judge me, you creepy cosplayer. Like hell are you the real Judge Minos, had to be some trick that her weird ass new skills hadn't picked up. Unfortunately she didn't have time to unveil the ruse as suddenly she found herself blinded with only the feeling of falling face-first into a hard floor hearing only the words: "It only works once though." She sat up, cursing and looking around to find a strange assortment of people, but people nonetheless. "Oh, thank god, civilised people!" Noela cried genuinely smiling for the first time since she entered this damn place.
  5. When I tried to explain what Pansexual meant to my friends, they actually asked that.
  6. Well, she certainly isn't physically fit, she's had an office job for most of her life, fatigue will be an issue for her. I'll also specify that to create the illusions it requires a few moments of focus EDIT also should have mentioned that she doesn't know the exact nature of any lies she is told, naturally, only the sense she is being lied to.
  7. Adam had already had the beginnings of an idea. "Smoke her out? Lockhart could make a minor fire to make a hell of a lot of smoke to make her think we're just taking the whole building out, she comes out of her hide-away and then we force her up. It'd be much easier if we had the other guys Zoroark here..."
  8. Character name: Noela Chimdale Appearance: 5"9, long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, brown/golden eyes the colour of maple syrup. She has a silver earring in her left ear in the shape of ø with emeralds taking up the gaps between the lines Age:23 Personality Overview: Bright, cheery, but she has a deceptive side to her. She'll laugh with you when a plan goes right, then laugh at you when her plan goes right. Also not afraid to get her hands dirty. lives by the creed "Appearance is everything" Backstory: Started life in a middle class environment, did well enough in shcool to get her foot in the door of a large corporation and she began rising through the ranks via a lot of shady deals and ass-kissing. One day she tried blackmailing someone and things went too far. There was a big mess and her llife seemed to be in tatters as no-one was willing to help her. Then she heard through one of her last remaining sources of information about the Hill. She set off hoping to turn things around and make a tidy profit doing so Ability/Cost: Her ability resonates with her tricksy nature, she has an uncanny ability to misdirect people and know when she is being lied to, though not the details of the lie. However, this does not extend to lies of omission. She can create minor illusions in regards to her appearance, anything from a simple hair colour change to camouflaging herself as well as where she may appear to be, the further away these illusions are, the quicker they run out, though any trick within five feet can be sustained almost indefinitely barring extreme fatigue. The cost is that she has no combat abilities. At all. Furthermore, more illusions are harder to maintain and they all require a few moments of intense focus to create ((I'm not gonna lie, I think the lack of fighting ability makes up for not really having a cost, but I'll definitely change if needed))
  9. I would do bad things with that guy.
  10. "Well, from my understanding, A Crobat would be perfect for drawing that mienshao away. It has been known to be quite resilient, it's certainly fast and could probably take any of the mienshaos hits if it does hit your guy." Adam said, thinking of the advantages and disadvantages in the matchup.
  11. Ok, I'm thinking of picking this up, something I probs shudda done a while ago, but I feel like there's so much stuff to catch up on, could I maybe get a brief overview of the happenings in the Hill?
  12. "I should hope not. I kinda want to have a round with Evan, even if his pokemon are fully evolved already." Claude said, almost to himself. "Heh, maybe I made the wrong call with my program, recently I've felt more like a Trainer than a Coordinator"
  13. I'm sorry, this is a very, very tiny thing, but why did you feel the need to type Oshawott gibberish K_H? I don't see why you did when a simple sentence like "Oshawott tried talking Erce down" would have done the very same job
  14. Actually, Erce probably could. Illusions are all well and good, but one can't change what is actually there. Seeing as Erce is a flying type, it could be that she could sense the small change in the air of the room that would indicate a person being there as well as the fact that she has heightened senses. Also Lance just wouldn't give a fuck, he'd be oblivious and just instinctually ignore the illusion.
  15. Well for one, it's a bug type with psychic capabilities. It's gonna be much less susceptible to illusions as other mons., and if we applied typings, Gypsy has an advantage over Zorro. Type advantages extend to more than just damage, Bugs are SE against Dark because they have the senses to not be affected by it as much as other types.
  16. Well, most sirens are vault hunters, right? So they'd be special units too. I was just thinking equivalents for range
  17. "Provided you'll find somewhere to get one, I'll buy you one, but I think that before we even try to fight, we need to maneuver the mother to the roof. That'll give Me and Drake the best advantage of course. Nemir, You ought to be on standby, healing as much as possible until you get called in. That'll give us some longevity if the battle gets drawn out." Adam said. He figured it was a logical plan, though his tone was probably harsher than it should have been. He then turned to Carissa. "Any other nasty surprises we need to know or are we all caught up?" Adam wondered if he had spoken too much. After some of the things earlier, he knew he had to play nicer, but he wasn't exactly good with that....
  18. Hmmmm Borderlands x Fire emblem. Take the fire emblem formula and then add in a variety of new mechanics via the use of Borderlands shit, Vault hunters are special units and the rest are hired mercenaries which make up the classes, Then move away from the current BL story and voila. Snipers act as mages, buzzards as flying units, Skag riders as mounted units, etc.
  19. I started watching Durarara recently (Though i've slowed down at like ep 15) because the new season was airing and people loved the show. It's clear that Izaya is kinda an antagonist not to be fucked with lightly.
  20. I'm not particularly versed in British politics, but I know that the Prime minister is an important guy, though he seems to have been messing up, I think parliament plays a role similar to what Congress is as described by Mael and then there are a whole buttfuck ton of different departments that try to deal with specific issues. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work as we aren't a very united country. Seriously, I don't bother with politics in my life and only get to see the conclusions of the systems actions through five minute intervals of news times every morning whcich really don't explain the process by which these decisions are made.
  21. Your wife has impeccable taste in colours
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