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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I liek. Also, character themes are good and all, I mean, boisterous, energetic mons fit Claude quite well, but sometimes one must break away from that mould.
  2. "Of course, we're ready to start. Let's hope Shiro and Henry get here soon" Claude repled, keeping an eager eye out for the other two coordinators.
  3. Blessings of every deity one could think, go have a hell of a time and good luck in all of your endeavours, let's pray there is net access in that school (I can't imagine there isn't, so let's hope)
  4. Claude and Danielle had arrived at the backstage and Claude called out Doux and Lance, the two pokemon he would use for the opening. "RIght guys, lets see this practice in action, even if it is a bit different with your recent evolution Lance." He said to the pair. Lance merely grumbled, whilst Doux chirped in response and floated over to Danielle to say hello. "Are you ready then>" Claude asked Danielle, a smile much fiercer than normal on his face. He was ready for this.
  5. Oh boy, themes. I have no clue what could be used for Claude if I'm honest. And please fr the love of god no more Pokemon temes, even if it is fitting XD Imma scour the nightcore database EDIT: For when Claude gets in the battling mood. A.k.a will do everything he can to win, and do it like a boss For personal theme, I like this: The lyrics and music are quite nice for him, not too harsh, but still strong in their own right.
  6. There are times I despise myself, times when I am disgusted by my actions and choices and what i've done. When I have this mindset, one would think i'm at the top of a spiral of self destruction, and this would be an accurate diagnosis if not for a few key things. The first and foremost is the fact that I like myself too. No one knows the true self more than themselves, and when I look at myself, with all the flaws and failings, all the things that could be seen as good, all the things that make me, I come to the conclusion that I am a decent person and that if I keep working, I may one day reach that lofty image of an ideal Me. This often makes me happy and in moments of calm, when the thoughts of regret close in, I can take comfort in that knowledge. The second thing that prevents me from hurting myself in anyway is the fact that I am an optimist, I always try to fight and see the good in a situation, and the fact that I try and often succeed validates that part of me. It makes me happy. The third thing that helps me when I'm thinking dark thoughts is one very simple thing that many people really know me for. I am a stubborn dick, for better and for worse. I hold myself to my own standards, and to hell i'll go to meet those standards, I don't have to do anything that I don't want to do, but that in itself is a contradiction as I would not be having melancholy moments of reflection if that were wholly true. Oddly enough, dwelling on why I rarely give in to my self hatred has revealed to me why I occasionally do so. I am quite contradictory, and this makes me, in my eyes quite a hollow person. I am assertive when faced with a problem yet when there are others I am often the last to act. I often make hypocritical statements, and I often lie to peoples faces, even if those are only small lies, despite trying to adhere to honesty whenever possible. To anyone who doesn't know every detail of these situations, that itself is contradictory anyway. All of this makes me feel like less of a person, I measure that on a persons integrity quite often, and sometimes I feel I lack integrity, and so I despise myself for that. Is there a solution to that? Another thing to think on, I suppose, but for now I will take solace in the fact that I am at least not heartless, and I know that I am trying to be better.
  7. For deciding that, I think the simplest way of deciding things is first come, first serve, though the phrase isn't ideal to describe it.
  8. Which is why I figured Dorian would work well. The commoner protecting the noble, seeing as Dorian is pretty much a magical tank. EDIT: @Charizard, I think the vamp party is full.
  9. Dorian was shocked at the outburst from the noblewoman, she looked like she had a temper sure, but Dorian didn't expect this form the noblewoman. "Er, Milady? That's a horrible thing to have happened, but I think our companion here is just worried you'll let your anger get the better of yeh. Wanting to even things with the currs who did the deed is your right, sure, but if that makes you do something that gets us all slaughtered, then we'd be in the worst mess is all." Dorian tried to keep his tone even and smooth, he didn't want to make things worse, but the newcomer had a point.
  10. Eventually a third year came along to pick Claude up and let him know it was time to perform. Claude apologized to Jason and dismissed himself after finishing his work, but he decided to hop over to Danielle nearby. He came up to her, Slade and some dude who looked to e trying way to hard to snake Danielle. "Hey, Danielle, time to put all our work into action! You ready to go?" Claude asked, smiling with excitement in his eyes.
  11. Well, when we consider the Leviathan party, we have to consider how the battle will take place. From a boat, Archers would be ideal, but who says it'll JUST be the leviathan? perhaps it has little baby leviathans to tear your throat out, a melee character would then be ideal to deal with the creeps.
  12. We have precious few healers though, besides, we also have character motivations to consider if any. For example, Murdocs character wouldn't stand for not going for the vampires throats, so she has to go with that party.
  13. But what if they find themselves n the Leviathans den, perhaps it'll be a cave where "Above" isn't a thing. plus, if the leviathan is the only thing they have to deal with, i'd be surprised.
  14. Dorian chuckled at that. "Many things I do know, whether they're worth knowing is another matter entirely.I was taught by a variety of masters to hone my magic. Magic was the only thing taught I saw worth learning. Ask me to do maths, I can't help you. Learning the sciences, no chance. Magic? That I can understand." He explained. He loved talking about his craft. "aside from magic, I learnt some of nature from a druid clan one of my teachers resided with, and traveling is a grand old time, you can learn a lot, even with the recent turmoil." Then he realised he had gone on. "Oh, I beg yer pardon, I've gone on a bit too much about meself.." He smiled sheepishly, his beard hiding the slight blush that came from his embarrassment in the presence of the lovely noble.
  15. "I don't know 'bout words being meaningless" Dorian said, scratching his head in confusion. "I mean, if they were meaningless, how would we get our points across in a chat? But, if you don't want to say, that's fine. I suppose you are't the most outgoing person, hmm?" Dorian commented, trying his hardest to treat him as a friend despite his rather off-putting appearence.
  16. Dorian grinned when the Ayak too his hand, but when he gestured o come talk to ailos, he shook his head, then looked to Zix. Dorian could tell this one was strong, and whilst he couldn't define the aura around Zix, Dorian knew he was a powerful Ally. "What of you, friend? would you tell me of yourself? Or you, milady?" He bowed his head to Silef when he spoke, he could recognise a noble, even if he didn't know his courtly manners.
  17. fuck, a crossfire, there's no way to evade, so we may as well not try, "Lockhart, Streamline and superpower, Target A, now!" At this command, Lockhart dropped, tucking in his wings and diving to the floor through the painful barrage of ice, swooping towards Aurorus at an incredible speed with the focused superpower ready to strike and prepped to swoop again if he missed. He just had to stop on of the blizzards and it'd be much easier to avoid, especially because Lockhart was still using the few air currents without ice shards to speed him along, but Pine HAD to do something.
  18. Dorian was struggling to understand the small sorcerer, or was it Caller? Despite his lack of understanding of most of his words, he went over, stood tall and grinning at the three who might be his companions. "If you don't mind havin' me, I'd like to take a crack at cleaning out me own country of the parasitic buggers." For a second, Dorians smile turned into a fierce scowl. "Werebeasts I cannot speak of, but Vampires are a heresy to the formula of nature." After that brief sentence, a smile returned to his bearded face. "Anyways, if you wanna know what I can do, I suppose I have a knowledge of the elemental magicks, though not on the level of the grand mages of old. I can also bolster my own bodies abilities and have a knowledge of healing to boot, something I'm afraid we'll be needing. Oh, and I know animals and plants, I spent sometime with a clan of druids a few years ago, learned from them lot. An' this is me own country, I spent years travelling, I know this country more intimately than most others could say."
  19. After a bit of discussion, Claude had Jason sit down as he whipped out his brushes and various paint, powders and make up and wielded them like weapons, transformng Jasons' face into the visage of a Gardevoir. After a whule, when he was satisfied with the work, he showed it to Jason with a mirror and checked to see if he was happy with it too.
  20. He would be, but Claude is caught up in his own affairs at the face painting stall Tempted to have Claude ignore the attention seeker as much as possible.
  21. Happy 2012! Wait...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shamitako


      Dobby you got the date wrong. It's 5012 >:c

    3. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Wait? We´re not going to wait for you to catch up. Three whole years! We´re not gonna wait...

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