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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Tacps In his efforts, Jackson forgot to remember that the ball was hanging, which meant it had to pivot around the point the chain was attached. The large wrecking ball went forward and up, sailing above the door, unable to hit it, and then came swinging back down straight towards Jackson
  2. Tacps If Jackson investigated the hanging boulder, he could tell that he could potentially move it with his Gift, allowing it to swing around the room, though it looked like if it did it would destroy all the buttons and be a threat to jackson himself if he lost control. Stratos & Annie The two men at the exits wren't so easil caught off guard after seeing the same trick used on their allies. They immediately stomped on the rats, kicking them away as they returned to their Vigil. They had one goal, to cut off retreat. Meanwhile, the Spokesman who attacked Elemus slumped, lifeless as his blood ran out from the cut Elemus had made. As Cara sailed toward Frank, his image shimmered in the air, like an illusion, only to reveal a small, red haired woman who was at least half the size of Frank, reaching at most a diminutive 4"9. She stepped away, easily avoiding Caras assault wicch had been mistakenly launched in the wrong way. The woman spoke up. "Very well, I do believe we can make some use of you. We had some rather useless men who came here for rather imbecilic reasons, so we had to come up with some form of weeding out the idiots." She paid no heed to the men who lay dead. Snap and Murdoc ((Sorry, need Snap to reply)) Exlink Montgomery narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Someone vouched for you?" Montgomery stood up, a hint of anger in his steely eyes, his moustache quivering ever so slightly. "Come with me, we will find this officer at once" He declared as he left the room, expecting Reyn t follow.
  3. Adam still wasn't too sure what to think, but there was one thing in Adams mind that niggled at him. "So, you won't be trying to outright kill all of our pokemon..." He asked in a very small voice, glancing at Lockhart who continued keeping an eye on the group and their area.
  4. Note to self: Don't wake up at one o clock

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  5. Iy's hard to keep morale up for as long as they have, it's a miracle we're all as happy as we are now, as I see it." Whit replied to Big, grabbing his own MRE bag. "In the end, it keeps us from going hungry and that's what counts. Though hunting the native species would be good, givee us all time to practice and get some new kinds of food."
  6. Ok, i'll say this once so it's quotable Pulse Slaking is yawning over de radio in Agate. Why? Because Pulse slaking will kill us all. Adriennis the next leader, xe will rescue amaria and titania and we shall help them clean more of the city before fighting them ourselves. Pulse Slaking is at the place above de ferris wheel.
  7. I'd love to have a theme as weel. @Stratos I can use names too :3 Honestly, I think I could sum up everyone with this: Because Who wouldn't want that as a theme?
  8. Darius moved to take his armour encumbered body down the path Leon had made, being careful as he did so, ready for anything.
  9. Whilst It isn't being said too well, Variety is something to be encouraged, but that has been addressed by multiple DJs with different tastes as well as the suggestion of suggestions. I'd also say maybe a bit of lenience on the mehs? Last night the rule was more Mehs than woots means a skip, but I feel like it should be two more woots than mehs, to at least get a more solid idea that the crowd dislikes the song.
  10. "It'd be better if you didn't." Whit agreed, a shade of a smile haunting his lips. "Anyway, this is the mess area. Feel free to dine on whatever you want, if that appetite is still around." Whit said as he went to collect some food for himself.
  11. Adams eyes widened in surprise as a strangled scream of shock lodged in his throat. What the everloving fuck? Is she really Candice, why the fuck is she here and why are we trying to storm the conclave if she's on our side? "I have too many questions right now. Get to explaining" He demanded amongst the others startled reactions.
  12. This sounds like a cool idea all in all. I picked up plenty of awesome songs last night that I've been listening to all day today.
  13. Adam looked up, finally noticing the bellowing women as well. He typically didn't respond to "Boy", probably why he didn't respond. He rushed over to them. "Good, familiar faces. Jory and Carissa are nearby, we separated after entering the city using a hostage to force some Acolytes to help us. was on my way to find them." He reported briskly, not wanting to go into more details.
  14. Adam nearly jumped up to Lockhart far in the Sky when Raito appeared and barked at him. He immediately shushed the pokemon before It clicked as to who he could have been. He knelt down, looking suspiciously at the Jolteon. "Are you with the others? You're trainer is from the Group, right?" He asked the energetic pokemon. Lockhart roosted on a building, keeping an eye on his master from afar
  15. Adam was expecting to be sold out almost instantly, but the surprise of the Acolytes actions didn't shock him enough for him to not take advantage of the situation. He nodded, rolling with the fabrication. "It's fine, you caught us just before we set off to complete our mission. I have to go join up with my colleagues now to get back on track, goodbye." With that brief end to any conversation, Adam made his way to the exit, making sure to pace himself so as to not look to eager to escape. His heart was pounding though and he half wanted to run out of there. Once he got out, he sent Lockhart flying to search for the others as he made his way in the direction he thought they had gone.
  16. Well, we can use anonymous names in the game, only the winner at the end HAS to come forward. That said, it'd be difficult to monitor for trolls, so we'd have to treat this as strictly as possible. this is a kink i mentioned.

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    1. Nan


      According to Wikipedia the Scoville rating is 100,000–350,000. How are you feeling currently ?

    2. Noivy


      I've eaten worse. Try a carolina reaper for size.

    3. Felicity


      Now I just finished a whole pizza. Quick to hurt, quick to heal.

  18. Ok, for those of you who don't know, Town of Salem is a browser game that had a kickstarter for a while that involves a lot of trickery and backstabbing and deception. A game I expect a few people here would approve of. If you want an example-ish, go check out the Mafia forum game ran by Jericho, Salem is a more dynamic version of that. So, this topics name. I figured it'd be nice if we made this a community thing, because playing with Random people on that game can be frustrating. Here, slightly less so. This would include tournaments at a set time each week with a small prize of rupees for each winner. Not gonna lie, not all the kinks have been worked out, but it's enough for an interest check, no?
  19. 3 Serial killers in one gae of Salem, and I found the others. We are THE SERIAL MAFIA

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    1. Shamitako
    2. Nan


      Cereal killers

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