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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Hey, it's shiny and was a pharoah. Nothing fits the egotistical persona more imo
  2. I didn't even look at that, I just called upon the Pharoah. Guess who's getting one
  3. Sure, I'm gonna give people the weekend before I issue Pms to move them along. I wanna move you all along as closely as possible to make it easier to track your timelines.
  4. Claude grinned sheepishly at Danielles comment. "Well, it wasn't exactly planned... Ask Mareek about how I panicked. I accidentally caught Colere here after pissing her off and we had a slight scuffle. She knocked a pokeball, and yeah. I think she sees more as a piece of property than a trainer though. But what fears have you been overcoming, may I ask?" Claude asked tentatively as they arrived to where Avis as beckoning them.
  5. "Sure, let's go cheer on your man." Claude agreed cheerfully. He grabbed hs pokeballs and let his team out, Doux gave a gleeful cry as he flew in the sky again whilst Colere snorted and took a position between Claude and Danielle, keeping an eye on the girl. Lance was content to run around as usual, being his own hyperactive self. "Y'know, i'm going to have to calm Lance down. When he evolves, we can't have an Escavalier running around... Someone will probably get hurt..."
  6. "I'm afraid that he might be bothered by several things, though I imagine the way things went with Mareek is a the forefront of those troubles. I wouldn't worry, this is something that'll resolve itself over time." Claude explained with confidence as he avoided the spray from Avis as she flew away. "That said, we only have a few years of it here, so time is precious. The sooner they sort it, the better."
  7. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    1. Mikzal


      Raise your dongers!

    2. Shamitako



  8. Woak, this is a thing. Nominations? Jack Frost: Dan Snow Queen: Skitty Polar monarch: I mean, I AM the christmas Elf ya know.... Tacos
  9. Claude watched Jacob go, he couldn't really give him much advice about it all because he didn't know all the details. Claude had learned before that it's better to stay quiet with your stupidity than to let it out into the world. Claude did walk over and congratulate Danielle. "That was fantastic! My fellow Coordinator, we're showing these Trainers what the meaning of skill is, or as close as we've come to it" He beamed at is friend, happy for her.
  10. (Carissa, Jory and Adam) Adam looked at Jory and Carissa, speaking in hushed tones. "I'll go to the Pokemon Centre, then when she's dealt with, I'll bug out with Lockhart. This little deal we have is the only reason they haven't squealed on us yet, we have to minimise the loss for when they do rat us out. You two get out and get safe." Adam then went to the acolyte who was walking away and followed, glancing at the other acolytes to follow as well.
  11. Well, I'm Dobby, no I do not nor do I ever intend to write anything Harry potter related. Typically I write about whatever takes my fancy, though fantasy is my forte, as far as I can tell. I'm fairly inexperienced, but if you want to see what I have written, go hunt around on the RP forums, where I run my own RP. If you want a strength, I suppose I'd say it lies in my characters and the humour that Is ometimes put across through them. A weakness for me is definitely a lack of detail, both in description and in the tiny, insignificant details of world building.
  12. the way I interpret pranksters benefit is that there a need for preparation and timing that is a natural benefit of pulling pranks that can be applied to battle.
  13. Claude grunted, still enraptured in the battle. "Well, I assume it's because her Murkrow knows Roost and has Prankster as an ability. That's dangerous, that ability and the skill it gives the user was the main reason I won my match. Kristen needed to poison Avis, or she never would have gone down, so she had to save the Skrelp. Besides, Zared nullified the Skrelps poison typing too, a very bad thing for it, not having access to half it's typing." Claude chattered off in response.
  14. ((Still waiting on a few others in their scenarios, but it's unfair to keep the pub people waiting. Consider this Montgomerys adventures in getting all of our shit straight)) Gotwala and Commander The chaos had died down thanks to the efforts and Richard, Emelia and the police. Now, everyone had been brought to the station in the living quarters whilst the wounded were tended to, including Richard himself, who was waiting on a debriefing. Emelia had een asked to guard him until Montgomery could arrive. Typhlosion and Charizard The two had been apprehended and were now in a jail cell together, alongside several other people, including a disgruntled Abigail... ((You may interact for the time being, with each other, or Abigail)) Exlink Reyn, having helped Richard, had been the first to be brought to Montgomery in his office. The gruff man looked to be in a sour mood, though he kept his tongue in check when Reyn first arrived. "Right, do you want to give me your side of the story? Or shall I put it together from witnesses who place you there?"
  16. "Well, I need to tend to Doux. He's very tired from my battle, especially as he put in so much work." Claude said as he walked off to find somewhere to get Doux some help.
  17. I figured it applied more to the thing I just posted, where someone would just note down something that got their thoughts going. That's how I think of a journal.
  18. Other, or journal perhaps? these would be useful Tags, I think.
  19. This will simply be a place where I vent my ponderings and thoughts on whatever I feel, or when I want to feel intelligent and talk to myself about various issues. Feel free to comment, I guess. One such issue strikes me now. Where do the words come from? Where does my inspiration, desire and drive to write stem from? Is it my mind, desperate for attention and an outlet, or is it a machination of the heart, a desire born of what is thought of as a soul in literature? For that matter, what makes the literary and creative world go around? Is it the inspiration of the intellectuals, or the intellect of the inspired that influences it all the most? I am not really in a state to be able to judge that, I have very little life experience of my own, these are the musings of a 16 year old boy. I have spent the last fifteen minutes pondering my original question, and I have come to the conclusion that perhaps it should be a goal of mine to find the source of my desires. Perhaps I should look inwards and unravel my own thoughts. Few men dare tlook within themselves, dare I become one of those men?
  20. Adam started moving as well, albeit at a somewhat slower pace until he got used to the extra weight of Claire. He let out a whistle whilst he was behind to call Lockhart over "Keep an eye on them. If they run, Pursue them, if they try anything, be ready to sucker punch the shit out of them. Stay in their line of sight so they know to stay in line." The bird didn't respond as he flew to obey the instructions as Adam trudged along behind the group, keeping an eye on all of them.
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