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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Well, Fairy wind was meant to supplement the accuracy of Stun spore, whether or not it does damage is up to you.
  2. "Oh? Giving me the intitiative, why thank you!" Claude said with a wink. In his mind he was working himself up, prepping himself to put on a show for those watching. "Now Doux, Golden Wind! Spread your Stun spores across the battlefield with Fairy wind!" Doux began spinning as he flew around, launching flurries of golden dust across the field in an attempt to hit the nimble Jetstream.
  3. "Umm... Anybody know who Kyle is? Claude went bright red when Phoebe announced Claudes real name. "I'm afraid that is me. I prefer the name Claude for a variety of reasons. Anyways, I guess I'm up." Claude explained as he got up and walked over to the battlefield. He waved to Robert as he arrived and Doux appeared right alongside him. "Hiya, I'm ready to go, Doux here will be my lead." Claude said. The little puffball floated onto the battlefield, ready to fight.
  4. The day of birthing was wonderful and good, let today be a repeat of that joy
  5. I mean, interest checks can also be misleading. When I set up the interest check for my Brailens gifted RP, it had a lukewarm reception, it wasn't until it got underway that more people actually took part and got involved.
  6. "No, we just chose to completely and totally ignore you!" Claude replied with only the barest trace of sarcasm in his voice as he looked to Slade. "Don't worry my friend, it was simply that congratulations were in order first." He then went to answer Jacobs question, plucking the memory from his thoughts. "Yeah, you said Spitfyre was going to be the strongest pokemon on your team, no? Well, it's certainly visible from that little display just now"
  7. I can vouch that an independent writings subforum would not go unused. You have things like Acquis writings that can go in there, and my small attempt at writing with Brailen before it turned to an RP. Plus, it'd be awesome just to have a place to write and vent on your own via writings. Although, how far that would go would have to be moderated. Some people get cray cray when writing.
  8. Claude, after watching the stunning conclusions of Jacobs and Mareeks battles, was tired from cheering and figured his voice needed a rest. He walked over to where some students and saw Jacob and Danielle. He walked over, calling out to them, though not too loud. "Hey guys! Jacob, congrats on that win! You were great out there!" He said to Jacob, beaming at the fellow boy.
  9. No, I wasn't taking into account a headcount or anything, I legit just had a feeling
  10. I have a niggling feeling That barring any forfeits, Danielle and Claude will be battling
  11. 10/10 My boss went badass in that pic I also enjoy how hat centric this place is now
  12. Darius saluted, his time in training coming back to him in a rush as he received his orders from Leon. The main difference was that he was equal parts determined and scared shitless. "Understood Sir!"
  13. "Right, well, to make sure there's no back stabbing, i'll be taking care of Claire here." Adam declared as he went over and carefully picked the girl up, making sure to be careful with the girl who was the key component in this plan. He looked at the girl, unconscious, and felt guilty that Carissa had had to hurt this girl. Why? they were enemies, people would get hurt... But he still couldn't get over a niggle in his mind that kept grinding at him about it. "I'd say you can trust me with her, but I doubt anyone here will take me at my word, so I won't bother."
  14. Totes didn't accidentally make a lewd Snow angel sprite
  15. 2/10 no hat Legit rating, 8/10. Flannery
  16. Whit nodded. "Sure, let's head over to the Chow tent." He said as he started walking back towards the center of the camp. "It's not great food, but it works. Nothing like the food you'd hear about on Earth" Whit commented as they went to get their own food.
  17. (Jory, Carissa and Adam) Adams bravado faded as the girl pleaded for her friends safety. He backed off a little now, thinking. Then an idea that he thought would suit all of them occurred to him. "Carissa, wait, hear me out. If we waltz in their with a wounded woman, we're much more likely to pass their checks. When the Acolytes we meet are fussing over her, we take our leave, it'll help us out. If you want, I'll be the one to carry the girl. Okay?" Adams voice was much lels angry, the edge of it fading as quickly as it came, and Adam couldn't bring himself to look at the other two.
  18. Montgomery takes care of his own, he'd have some gripes with this. He's the reason Richard is still in the force, though Richard doesn't know this.
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