Adam, had the situation not been so dire, would have groaned. If that lead acolyte didn't see through them he'd be shocked. What girlfriend blushes that much when they were going on their own little tryst in the woods anyway?
Adam, having stayed behind to try and fend off the now sleeping Abomasnow, had fled on his own, lockhart flying in the skys, keeping a watch on the situation, waiting for Adams signl should action be needed. He was now hidden in the bush and snow, keeping watch on Jory and Carisas little act. He hadn't even meant to, he just picked a direction and went...
He figured he needed to alert them to his presence at least, so he signalled Lockhart, who had no issue seeing him with his eyes, and sent him flying out from the trees, into Carissa and Jorys line of sight.
Hopefully she realises who Lockhart is...