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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. CHRISTMAS!!!!

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    1. GotWala


      Is in another few weeks, but why should that stop us from getting festive, haha?

  2. Now Adam was pissed. "Fucks sake, the ONE fucking courtesy I extended to you was not to insult your battling prowess, now you say we'll kill each other. Fuck you, there's no way that's gonna happen, and I'll damn well prove it in the city. Let's get on with this shit." Adam stepped towards the Acolyte and growled. "Answer it, or I'll have Lockhart rip your damn vocal chords out out, and you'll still have to write it out in the bloody snow." He really wanted this girl to disobey...
  3. Woah, this guy goes ahead and insults Adam after he tries to save their asses from stupidity? "Woah, I'm trying to speak some sense, you dipshit. You say I don't understand? I understand plenty. I understand that you're probably gonna get killed if you go in there, and then your knowledge won't mean shit. But you know what? Fuck it. If you won't at least try to listen, then that's fine! Just don't blame me when we're both roasting in hell." Adam ranted at he man. His hands were clenched, his teeth gritted. Adam was ready and wanted a fight, despite his better judgement.
  4. Adam had to fight not to growl at the pair of lovebirds."Look, even if we have the information, and we get in, what will we do? There's a reason we started out as a force, there's a reason we were meant to work together. Three people can't take on a city, and we don't know what happened to the others. We can't count on them right now. Why are you both so insistent on rushing in?!" Adam pushed, he had to at least try to make them see sense, even if he didn't think it likely. He looked up at Lockhart, making sure he bird was there in case he needed the pokemon.
  5. Adam stared blankly at the woman suggesting her plan and the dude grining to himself with a corpse right next to him. " I highly doubt that will work. The other guards have to have known this Claire girl, especially if you used her specific name. Also, they have to have protocols for that shit, passwords, group names, you lost two people? they'll want to know the specifics of who they were. I say we use Lockhart to scout the area, regroup, then continue with the original plan with the added benefit of having the uniforms as a resource if needed"
  6. "Lockhart, get ready to Pursue if she runs." Adam called to the bird as he emerged from the tree line. "That went as well as could be expected, I'd liked to have done more, but I doubt a heat wave or Incinerate would have done more than attract others." He said as he joined Carrisa and Jory, looking at the Acolyte with disdain. "So what now? Should we regroup with the others or try to proceed on our own
  7. This is what I'm referring to, and what I thought you were referring to as well. Aside from this, I see no issue
  8. Hmmm, saying "before" he did "X" action is a no go n my mind as it kinda undermines (I think i'm saying that right) the actions taken by the other player. However, if it would have reacted with the arc anyway, that's fine.
  9. HELL YEAH! And ain't none of you escaping it That includes Mareek, stratos
  10. they had it! Why are they attacking?! Adam shook his head, dismissing it. Iff they wanted to fight, so be it. "Lockhart, Sky attack, pick up that Vaporeon and drop it into the ground" Adams voice emerged from his hiding place, whilst he manoeuvred away from that point. No point revealing his position. Lockhart sped towards the Vaporeon, talons ready to pick it up and send it flying away.
  11. Adam, had the situation not been so dire, would have groaned. If that lead acolyte didn't see through them he'd be shocked. What girlfriend blushes that much when they were going on their own little tryst in the woods anyway? Adam, having stayed behind to try and fend off the now sleeping Abomasnow, had fled on his own, lockhart flying in the skys, keeping a watch on the situation, waiting for Adams signl should action be needed. He was now hidden in the bush and snow, keeping watch on Jory and Carisas little act. He hadn't even meant to, he just picked a direction and went... He figured he needed to alert them to his presence at least, so he signalled Lockhart, who had no issue seeing him with his eyes, and sent him flying out from the trees, into Carissa and Jorys line of sight. Hopefully she realises who Lockhart is...
  12. That first step isn't the hardest part. It's keeping your balance afterwards

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  13. Sorry, christmas theme for the month here. Kush don't count
  14. It works for my purposes this season
  15. Whit nodded. "I'm a sniper, it was an ideal situation for my role. It didn't help that I had to work on my own though. The bird had the targeting systems down. Still, it's done. It sounded like you had a hell of a time making your way here, or rather, past here."
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