September 8th Monday 5076; Around 10-12:30
Annie & Surge
After a rather excruciating night of interrogation from the strange apparition in her mind, Cara was eventually told, under threat of migraine, to head to a rather run down shop in the living quarters. Similarly, Lucille and Elemus arrived near enough the same time to see Cara waiting outside as well. This was the adress given them by Elizabeth... Nothing to do but enter...
After the events of the day, Jackson had returned to his house to find a single, simple letter asking him to head to a destination in the School quarter, the letter making the situation seem incredibly important. The place waiting for him was a somewhat ordinary home, that looked more like the place a family of decently earning Giffted would reside. It was fairly small, with only 2 floors and a single large window overlooking the street on the second floor, with only a door to allow entrance into the first floor. It was a rather large, metal door with a compartment to allow someone to see through it.
Commander & Gotwala
Emelia, having followed the note Timms had given her, Emelia came to a police depot on the edge of the Living quarter. This depot was also Richards workplace. If she entered, she would see Richard getting berated for causing such a stir at the School yesterday and disregarding what Timms tried to teach him in front of the entire precinct.
Snap & Murdoc
The two had been going about their daily routines, when a man appeared to each of them. simultaneously, He was dressed in black, had brown slicked back hair and black rimmed glasses. "I am here to take you to the designated Interview location alongside any other candidates, who are being brought by my clone counterparts. Please, come along." His tone left no choice outside of outright refusing him. If They wanted to join the Shields, they'd have to go with him...
Anyone who went to the Steelsword Pub
It was here that most of our "Heroes" found themselves, not drawn in by the politics of the city, but rather the machinations of the people. When each of them arrived, Abigail, the woman from yesterday, was already ranting about the horrid way that Gifted were treated, "And so, what say you, my friends? Do we continue to allow those fools to toy with the city as they please, or do we take the power into our own hands! I say we rebel!" The declaration spread through the crowd like wildfire,, lighting the fires in their bellies and sent sparks flying from their lips in the form of whispers and yells alike. It looked like some people wanted to speak up, either in support or opposition of this, but none had spoken yet...