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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I mean not setting arbitrary resolutions is a genuine thing people believe in, not quite a widespread contrarian prank as you seem to believe. My new years resolution is 4k 60fps goodness.

    1. Maelstrom


      Fallen down the rabbit hole and can't get up?

    2. Felicity


      no, celebrating the new year

  3. All i know is ain't no one but me gonna be the new champ, not you or you and ESPECIALLY not you.
  4. why are the worst boses always fucking spider bosses.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flux


      And Rom's like my favorite Bloodborne boss

    3. Combat


      Spider Queen from Okami is pretty cool, though the Bandit Spiders were a little lame. Chaos Witch Quelaag was fan service, but had a pretty good back story in Dark Souls. Tarantox from Super Mario Galaxy is really fun too, and Mimi was terrifying in Super Paper Mario.

    4. Hycrox


      One word:  H O T L E G S

  5. I am becoming enveloped by Trails of Cold Steel. I'm still not sure who my favourite characters are though. I do know i fucking despise Elliot NO ELLIOT I DONT CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY JUST FUCKING HEAL THEN GET OUT OF MY PARTY

  6. I should be writing far more over the holiday and I've been slacking. Here's something that hopefully everyone who's taken a stab at writing can understand. The writer tapped the desk thoughtfully. Tap-tap-taptaptap. He was drawing a blank. First he tried writing a sob story, typing away madly on his battered blue laptop. It was someone confessing their inner anxieties and fears to the audience who played the role of a close friend. He didn’t like it though. It somehow hit too close to home but too far from the truth. That stank somehow. He was trying to be honest with himself. That clearly wasn’t the case though, not after trying to pull a dramatic rabbit from the hat that was his life story.and failing. Meh, maybe he was just a boring guy. He clicked his pen.1-2-345. His brow furrowed as he stared at the blank page. This was irritating. Well if he was so boring, why not write something fictional? ‘Twas the true of art of the world, bullshitting. Now this writer's work would reek right along with the most historic piles of cowpat, truly magnifiscent... Maybe he wouldn’t use much wordplay. Shitty metaphors aside, the writer began thinking about his world. Every good story needs a solid world for its foundation. He started with the city, taking time to think about the different areas within. He took out his whiteboard and drew a vague outline, little more than a segmented circle. His art teacher would be appalled but that snob didn’t know jack from shit, so the writer carried on blissfully, humming as his hands moved. Oh! Here’s an idea! Why not write a story about corporate intrigue! Yes, that sounds fantastic! He had always had a passing interest in economics, it was almost like a second hobby (the first being reading of course!) Yeah, the protagonist will start as a lowly intern and quickly rise through the ranks as he gets caught in all kinds of sinister affairs. Even the most well informed conspiracy theorists would faint upon reading about the goings on of… Suntondar Banking! Naturally, because no one should trust banks… A moment later the writer closed the online banking tab on his browser. Ok, nobody should trust bankers. Ok, so the premise is set, as is the stage. Time to begin with… Smithees rise to success, his climb to become the next Wolf of Wall Street! God that was a good movie… How long had he been at this? The writer turned the tv off with a quiet blink. He threw the tv remote on the settee next to him. Right! Movie break over! Time to- It’s 2am?! Well fuck, it’s time to get to sleep for the writer. Maybe another day. No one ever read about Smithee’s exploits. He never really had any sordid escapades. He was too busy waiting for his writer to make them up.
  7. Behold, best catgirl.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Tfw actually know the character. ((sadly, the dude who LPed that ruined the hell out of that character by making her talk like a Transylvanian vampire for some reason. LOL.))

    3. Felicity


      yea, I started watching NicoB, stopped when I realised i'd rather play it myself without the accents and breaks for twitch chat.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I was watching Adam or SkinnyGhost playing it. ((he is the DM for a few Tabletop RPG shows I watch.)) and ye, I figured I'd wanna play Valhalla more than watch it XD> Funnily enough just got it so I can now.

  8. No one recommend me any good games, I don't want to spend any more money and I am a weak willed person.

  9. I finally understand the hiker david memes.

    1. IntSys


      everyone's hiker friend, david!

  10. A pokeman shirt Sun Chocolate A boat pencil sharpener A new dressing robe that makes me look fancier than you Mucho money.
  11. murry xxxmass fuckboys

    1. Maelstrom


      What am I, a porn star?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ikaru


      unfortunately no, the game slowed down considerably in dungeons and towns and I tried my best to deal but couldn't keep it up

    3. Felicity
    4. Ikaru
  13. "What's that smell? Decomposing dreams."

  14. Arkhi is a poop

    1. Hycrox
    2. Arkhi


      I was hoping for something more along the lines of testburger, but this works, thank you, you're a blessing.

  15. This is the time to pat yourself on the back. 2016 has been a challenge and in some aspects people consider it a failure. That's not to say we didn't do something good. So what are you proud of? You did something this year that was good and I want you to share that here. I'm proud of the work I've done in my creative writing course, making tangible strides towards my life goal, and I'm proud of the christmas card we all put together for the auth. I'm happy I helped beta test reborn and I'm happy I made new friends this year. I'm happy that I overcame a lot of trying challenges irl and in a myriad of games and that I made it to the end of this year. What about you?
  16. @Commander MY BOY I KNOW YOU LOVE TRIALS OF COLD STEEL, is the gameplay any different to trails in the sky (aside from graphics) and do you have to buy the second one to be spared a horrid sequel hook?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      so it wouldnt be terrible to buy the first game and enjoy that  on its own?

    3. Commander


      You would still enjoy it, but there is a lot of buildup for SC. Just play until like the area after the final boss and you are safe so long as you don't go to the meeting spot. That is a death sentence to buy the sequel.

    4. Felicity


      that phrasing made me giggle

  17. according to my rep I'm developing. Does this mean @Marcello is my boss now? QQ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hycrox


      It means that your body is chaning and is becoming more developed. Your rep will probably change to "Puberty" in a while.

    3. Felicity


      and i just got through that shit! Gfdi...

    4. Hycrox



  18. For the love of god when i start earning moneyarrow-10x10.png keep me away from jewellry stores, i'm like a magpie.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hycrox


      Then may it die in peace when the time comes.

    3. Felicity


      hang on my dude, I looked at the actual extensions, got rid of one fuckity one and i can't se this popping up anywhere else/


      I always thought it was malware in my files and not on my browser, thanks m8

    4. Hycrox


      np mate, glad to see hat your laptop survived that

  19. Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by the name at your own risk.
  20. I don't understand the internet.

    1. Hycrox
    2. Cyanna Cyril
    3. Shing


      Let's say internet is endless of mysterious in both bad/good ways

  21. @Arkhi can you come in here and lock the topic kthxbye
  22. How can a giant, spear wielding alligator be adorable wtf

    1. Sheep


      As long as it's not a giant forum crashing alligator we're good.

  23. By the time Reborn is done, some of us will have gone to law school or amassed a fortune. I'm sure we can deal with nintendo by then.
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