Those who entered the School gates
After the crowd had split between those interested and those not, the size of the crowd was maybe a third of what it was before approximately 40 people or so. All of them were guided to the assembly hall of the School, a room large enough to fit 300 people easily, There were 5 windows on the long sides of the rectangular hall and there were banners of the School emblem, a ribbon wrapped around a shield hanging around the hall, There were various indents and scorch marks scattered around the room, marks of the accidents of the Gifted youth.
There were also 3 spaces outlined with strange sigils outlining them in the middle of the room side by side. In the space to the right, there was a rather attractive woman, Caucasian, with long chestnut hair and leering emerald eyes looking out at the group, particularly some of the men. In the middle space was a stony faced asian man with short cropped black hair and eyes to match. He wore the strange steelwood amour of the armed forces and had a frame that could easily tote the bulk. He gave no reaction on seeing the people. Finally, there was a young caucasian man with white blonde grinning out at the crowd, He was rather scrawny, and he seemed to be waiting for them to perforn for him
The Headmaster once more cleared his throat, standing at the podium at the front of the hall. "As you can see, these are the representatives of the three parties. The enchantng woman many of you have noticed is Elizabeth Kalisto, the representative of the Sword party. The Gentleman in the middle is Lieutenant Timms of the Scales party, and the last of the trio you see is Nigel Gredia. The sigils around them block any sound and make sure only two people may be in the same space, so you may all have a turn speaking to whomever you wish freely. Should anyone be stupid enough to tinker with these wards, they shall be removed from the premises. With that, step forward and speak to whomever you wish." He said, giving the group freedom to do as they wished. A majority of the men tried to make an immediate beeline for Elizabeth, resulting in a long queue, despite the people she was representing.
Darren and Sabrina were amongst these people. "So, think you'l try and talk to the eye candy, or will you actually put some thought into yur decision?" Sabrina teased, knowing full well Darren didn't care much for that particular form of bait. Even so, he still responded. "I honestly don't know. I mean, it makes the most sense to approach the shields, right? They'd logically be the most accepting, but the scales are the ones in power right now, so if I wanted to actually get somewhere, I should talk to the army guy in the middle..." Darren mused, almost to himself. Sabrina, on the other hand, didn't particularly care. She was there for Darren, because she figured leaving him alone would be a bad idea. Not that her presence apparently mattered, especially when the interview were one on one.
Those who did not enter
((I'm taking you back quickly Exlink))
Reyn had wandered throughout the city, and eventually found his way back to the School rather quickly. As he turned to corner to see the small plaza everyone had gathered in, he saw a small ring of bystanders had formed with a few people, Cara included, watching from the outskirts. In the middle of the ring was a man who appeared to be arguing with the majority of people there, spouting a few rather creative curses as he did so.