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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. The new one is pretty good, discounting some exposition episodes.. From what I remember of the Fate/Stay night anime, it was decent, had a fair bit of action. Can't speak for zero
  2. If Chims real mean, he'll have a wild pokemon find Ryan because of the sparkles.
  3. Doux was not convinced by the weak smile Ryan gave. He chirped in response, bobbing about angrily, until he had a an idea. Once more, Doux puffed up, this time to his absolute maximum. When he could grow no more, he flew more, he sent up a bright whirlwind of Cerise sparks that chimed and twinkld as they flew into the sky, higher and higher., signalling anyone he could.
  4. Doux was relieved that he had arrived in time. However when he saw Ryan standing perilously close to the edge, Doux immediately sprang, or floated, into action. Puffing up with all of his might, he Grew, his Growth making him bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until finally, he was the size of a medium boulder. He immediately pushed Ryan back from the edge, shoving him back with a powerful blast of Fairy wind. When he was sure Ryan wouldn't accidentally fall off, Doux returned to his normal size. He zipped around Ryans head, agitated at the danger he had been put in. He floated back a bit and focused. lightly using Fairy wind to make small hearts with the sparkles, almost asking what Kage would think.
  5. We all returned to camp, and Ryans little shindig with Sofia burst into a whole scene, culminating in him running away and Kristen spiting Danielle by stealing Jacob and Claude away against at least Claudes will. Meanwhile Claude the bro sent Doux after Ryan in case he needed some help, battling or otherwise I think that's a summary of the days events
  6. As Kristen dragged Claude away, Claude saw Ryan run off. Concerned for his friend, he looked around for Doux, who was floating around nearby. After a nod from Claude, Doux took off after Ryan, trying to catch up by catching the air currents in the sky. He quickly caught up and floated down to Ryan, trying to keep pace. Meanwhile, Colere, who had been left to rush after the trio, finally caught up, and immediately began to glare and growl at Kristen.
  7. Ok, Colere did NOT like Claude being dragged away, but I'll post a bit later.
  8. September 7th Monday 5076 12:36pm The School Gates Today there was a rather large crowd just outside the School gates. The Grand building, made of weathered stone and marble, one of the greatest buildings in the city. It stood over the almost the entire population of Gifted living withn the city limits. They had all gathered despite the theory some had posed of a mass culling because there was supposedly some nigh earth shaking news that the Headmaster had to tell each of them. Almost all of them were milling about, talking and wondering what oon earth could the headmaster have to say "Maybe we'll finally be recognised as an Asset to this forsaken society" "I don't like this, this is all a plot by the Swords! That Headmaster better have a good reason for this" Such were the thoughts floating around, each varying from person to person, every one of them thinking differently. Amongst the crowd, Darren and Sabrina were waiting too, chatting about what they were going to eat later. Why? Because Sabrina didn't want to talk about it, and Darren was happy enough not to. Sabrina was well aware tell that this speech could bring change of the negative variety, and this worried her for her rather daft friend. Sabrina glanced at Darren as he mused about which shop to collect he ingredients. He's such a damn fool. This was a recurring mantra in her head, but it was repeated more so today than ever. Interspersed throughout and around the Crowd were also various notable figures, each brought here for their own reasons. ((This is where you all start. In this crowd, you can't find each other, so just give a quick little intro for your character and I'll move on when we've all posted)) *** As the people waited outside the school gates, The Headmaster watched, running through the possible scenarios in his head. At the very least, with the presence of Bigby and Sarah, he could prevent a riot. Recruiting the two was one of his greatest ideas. Bigbys Gift of simple strength mixed with Sarahs Neutralising Gift meant that they could dispatch any gifted, should it be needed. He cursed himself, letting his mind wander was the worst thing he could do right now. Today could very well be a complete shit storm and the worst part is that he knew he was the one who fought for it. It had been clear for a long time that the parties were beginning to set themselves in place, even if the Swords couldn't tell that they were stuck as second in the people eyes. Change was what he was about to bring about, but whether it would be good or bad was almost out of his hands. He could only hope his faith in these people was warranted. *** The winds of Change were indeed blowing, and the rest of the city was in a hustle, making preparations. Well, almost everybody. The Merchants Guild was as inward focused as ever. The mass of narcissists couldn't give a rat's ass, so long as the flow of money and goods kept coming. Not only were the Three Parties preparing, but also those in the city who knew what was happening. This was the Beginning of the Era of Change. A Gift from Fate
  9. Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Goodnight to all those reading this. This is indeed the OOC of The Brailens Gifted RP, going up shortly befoe the IC Thread. One thing to make Clear: DO NOT POST A SIGN UP HERE It goes here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10839 They're kept seperate for a reason. Anyways, seeing as you all should hopefully be somewhat enlightened regarding the worlds state after reading those tidbits I posted in the sign up threads, this is where a quick, note that, quick synopsis of Important story Characters you may meet will be posted as they arrive in the story. It should go without saying that these people are beyond Bunnying, understood? It occurs to me that in this case rhetoric isn't particularly useful, but ah well. NPC Characters
  10. No, it was all Joey! His Rattata really WAS in the top percentage!
  11. Claude's taking the honest route. Sorry Tacos, Claude ain't a sneaky guy, and he has a soft spot for damsels.
  12. Claude glanced at her, confused. "Whoever said I was offering? All I said was hat she wanted to battle. Besides, I'm not THAT daft to think a good friend like you would leave this poor dear alone." Claude sighed, mulling over his options, then decided to take a bit of a risk. "Look, My friend is a nice enough guy, but I don't know what happened between you two. All I know is that he wanted to talk to you about it all. Even someone who's only been his friend for a while could tell he felt awful about it." Claude said, hoping that an honest approach would work.
  13. tfw you're tired of hearing "I NEED MEGA _____"

    1. Shamitako


      I've been tired of that for ages >_>

    2. Maelstrom



    3. krim


      flygon ;-;

  14. Not gonna lie, if Henry shows up and starts a fight, Claude really wouldn't take his side. From what he knows, there was literally no reason for him to go over and caude any fights that may/may not occur
  15. Claude saw Sofia's red eyes, and his prior mission was forgotten. "Oh my, please don't tell me I interrupted you two in the midst of an emotional moment! Oh lord, I am a fool! Please I truly am sorr-" Claude was cut short when Colere gave an almighty Roar that immediately made Claude yelp in fear. After he realised it was his own pokemon who scared him shitless Claude turned around and snapped at the small Dragon. "Why on earth did you pick this very moment to act up?!" He turned to the girls once more, "I'm sorry, I think she'd like to battle, or that what I think as far as I can tell."
  16. Or... something I have no idea how to seperate the two. EDIT Nevermind >:3
  17. I WILL FOREVER BE THE ELF! I just added a capital I to the end of my name. Sorted.
  18. Claude nodded. "Well, it seems I have been given a mission. I shall accomplish my goal or die trying. If something happens to me, make sure everyone looks good at my funeral. If I return, I'll give my report about the days events as well as the mission status!" Claude said, giving a mock salute. With that, he turned and walked off towards the two girls. It wasn't until he got closer to the two girls that he noticed something strange. When he saw the redhead, his heart rate sped up, and he could hear his blood rushing through his head. When he got there, he found he was surprisingly very nervous. "Um, hello there..." Claude began, but then he snapped himself out of the strange funk that had begun. "I am Claude the Extraordinaire, fabulous purveyor of the coordinators arts!" He announced, Giving a grand bow and smiling broadly at the two girls. When he caught the redheads eye, his heart skipped a little. All the while, Colere followed along, simply watching Claude.
  19. Oh lawdy. Happy Birthday, may the births forever be on your day, and know that your birthday made me spout gibberish with the best of intentions.
  20. Claude glanced over towards the two girls, and Claude could indeed see a bright head of red hair. Claude looked to Ryan. "You need someone to distract the redhead, huh? I'm fairly sure I could do that without starting a bigass fight. I think. Maybe." Claude said, essentially asking if Ryan wanted Claude to help.
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