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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. That photo is so very entertaining to me. 1st, the guy n the left has my utmost respect. That stuff will haunt him. 2nd you just poppd your head in the middle lke the best creepr ever 3rd Miley cyrus wut
  2. Pfft, cleaning me out. It came down to a 1v1, sylveon with 100% health vs Toxicroak with 39% health. Still, great time, just wish it wasn't just stardats
  3. So, that last post with Claudes story, a lot of it doesn't have much of a basis in actual experience. It's how I'd imagine someone would be feeling in the situation he was in, so I ran with that idea. Please bear that in mind, I don't want anyone to get upset over me writing senselessly and making a completely bullshit post.
  4. ((Big post inbound. Features some of Claudes backstory, but mainly Claude and Douxs first meeting in detail)) Claude no longer bore a grin on his face. Mareek had shared some very personal information, and Claude could see the effort that took. “Correct. Now I will uphold my end of the bargain. Although, I have to say though, my tale is much more... trivial. So, you must have noticed my, persuasions, no? Well, at the time, I was twelve, hell, I don’t have much more experience now, but I met Doux during this rather tumultuous time. I had just had to... deal with a situation with my friend regarding my preferences, and I had fled to just outside Lumiose. Every so often, a few flocks of unobserved Whimsicott and Cottonee migrated to areas just outside Lumiose to hatch their eggs. I had managed to find my way to one such place.” “So, after fleeing from my problem, I found a small group of Whimsicott and Cottonee. The elders were trying to coax the babies into using their innate ability to manipulate the wind to fly naturally. Did you know that the Whimsicott Line was considered Grass/Flying before being reclassified as fairies? Well, it seemed that, whenever a cottonee would try to fly, it would be frightened by the sparkles that came from using their abilities as fairies. It seemed that their was nothing in their natural “guidebook” about emitting sparkles.” Claude continued, losing himself in the memory. “And so, there they were, they didn't know who or why they were who they were, scared. It was... a familiar situation. And then, I saw the single most wondrous thing I've ever seen. A small cottonee, being ignored by the older pokemon, woke up and, without any hesitation for a reason unbeknownst to me, let loose a flurry of pale pink lights, soaring up. Towards me. He landed a few steps ahead of me, and I stepped over to pick him up. He was so quiet and trusting, completely secure as he nuzzled my arm, already returning to sleep. I still don’t know why he did this, but In hindsight, I see how open and accepting he was to that around him and most importantly, himself. I fell in love with him and who he was, and I was also selfish, though it worked out in the best way. I too the cottonee home and convinced my parents to let me care for him. After doing this and seeing how Doux acted, that’s what set me to accepting myself. A couple of years later, I opened up and voila. Doux saved me from trapping myself. That is how we met.” Claude finished, smiling to himself. “This probably isn’t my business, but the way I see it, you’re confused about how you should feel about your scyther here. You resent her because of your brother, but you love her because she’s your partner. If I may offer some advice. Be happy with what you can, and be grateful she’s here with you. I know I am...” Claude hugged Doux a little tighter as he said this, happy for his presence.
  5. Claude beamed. It was rather selfish of him, but he loved to talk of himself and Doux "Well, it was quite a while ago... if you want to hear the tale? But bear in mind, If i tell you my tale, you owe me some of yours! Not all," Claude lowered his voice here "I can tell by your prior interest in the various organisations that something happened, and if it has something to do with your partner, I won't push. But I am curious." Claude was determined to drag some sort of information from this guy, to delve into the shell he had set up for himself, if only a little.
  6. Claude rushed to fill the awkward gap. He was curious about Erce. There had to be a reason why Lancelot, who was now in a trance of concentration, had a moment of desire to challenge her. "So, I guess you and you're partner spend a lot of time working. You must be close. Arceus knows I love Doux" Saying his name, Doux floated down and settled slightly above Mareek, examining him.
  7. I'm sorry, I think I'll be taking a hiatus. I love the setting and the character I've made, but the story moves too slowly mechanically for me to really stay involved. It makes me feel like my posts are sub par because I can't really convey more than what Roy does, rather than the character he is/would have been had he grown. I mean, this started a LONG time ago, and we've not gone up a single level. I neeed that kinda of growth as a scale for Roys maturity, but that isn't happening either. Feel free to bunny him, but he'd either get lost by charging off, or stick with it till the end.
  8. I LOVE IT!
    1. Aurorix


      That song struck me right in the feels. ;~;

    2. DarkLight


      Evanescence song. Good taste ^^

  9. "Indeed I was." Claude confirmed, giving him a reassuring grin. The boy reminded him of Lana, or Shiro, just, for a different reason. It was the vibe of shyness, or a desire to just not interact for one reason or another. Claude figured this guy was a lot more focussed than either Shiro or Lana though, if his manner from the aforementioned interaction was any indication. "I probably shouldn't have done that, sorry if I got in the way, but hey, it was certainly interesting. Anyway, I couldn't help but notice your Scythers little technique there. Did my eyes spot a smart use of Double team and another move?"
  10. Well, I don't know what Claude will do when Lance evolves, but I'm gonna use Lances small body for now.
  11. "So...who's partner is this?" "Oh dear Arceus, I'm sorry about that..." Claude scoured his mind for a name and brought up Mareek, remembering their minor interactions "Mareek. Lance just kind of charged off..." Claude turned and marched over to Lancelot, who was glaring at each of the copies as much as he possibly could, when Claude picked him up and began throwing him up in the air again and again. Lance struggled to orient himself, fighting vigourously when he was caught and flailing when thrown until he oriented himself and fell into the beginning of their small sequence of acrobatics they had fallen into. After a few repetitions, Claude put his hand in the air and let Lancelot slide on his blue shell across his shoulders, similar to a basketballer.They continued this, working up to the next step. "Again, sorry, I have to keep him distracted, else he'll, well, you know what he'll do."
  12. Claude had been milling about, killing time after handing in his photo proudly to Brendan. He was playing with Doux, Chasing him like a child would a balloon without helium, when he heard a sharp cry. Claude turned to the source of the sound to find Lancelot charging through the trees towards an unknown target. Claude immediately gave chase. After running for a few minutes, Lancelot, pursued closely by Claude, burst into view to find a few people, including Mareek and Erce. Lancelot immediately launched himself at Erce, Shrieking a war cry as he did so.
  13. Hmm, sure, I'll initiate, seeing as Mareek isn't the type to approach Claude. Feel free to have erce bat around Lance a bit in defence. He can take it. Besides, I want him to see Erce as a rival, even if that isn't reciprocated.
  14. Well, we appear to be waiting on Jory, who seems to be busy as far as I can tell, so we get to kill time :3 Besides, We're almost up to 200 pages, at least a third of that has to be fluff.
  15. Carrying on, How close are the rest of the interactions gonna approximately take? I know Jory still has to do his shiz, and Group 1 and 2 have stuff going on.
  16. There's no feedback for modding it because the idea should just be dropped. Furthermore, it's not like everyone will be dodging all the damn time, it's that you are doing things in a way that suggests the opponent CANNOT win against it.
  17. It's strangely like chess, in that you must force your opponent into a situation where they can't easily say no to letting the attack through. Again, I refer to the Fairy Wind Leech combo. If I just used L seed, it could easily be said to have dodged, providing some fair use of a spinner which I will link is used. but with the wind, I logically remove that chance to force it to be accurate. However, the opponent can still counter it, perhaps by burning or propelling the seeds elsewhere. http://wheeldecide.com/index.php?c1=done&c2=not&c3=n&c4=f&c5=yyy&c6=y&c7=y&c8=8&c9=9&c10=9&c11=&c12=&t=done&col=&time=5&width=&cols=&tcol=&x=166&y=11 That should be a fair use Wheel that can be edited as necessary for deciding if chances such as burn/para actually hits.
  18. Well, I think it's safe to say that in terms of Fabulosity, Claude is superior, with Ryan rivaling him when maintaining his Rainbow form: Gay Masquerade as I have dubbed it
  19. It's the fact that it's a sequenxe that no one can escape that makes it bad, not the nuber of sequences. That's way too complicated. When chim says two moves, it's more like combining fairy wind and leech seed to spread more seeds to hit better. a better comparison would be one of the riolus now using bullet punch and force palm, where bullet punch increases the amount of f palms they successfully get off and gives a moderate boost to power. what you're suggesting is a finisher move that would be infeasible in a battle and god modes.
  20. "Walking around in this part of the Diraha at night, alone, is a sure fire way to get yourself killed. Sand Worms can sense the vibrations of people walking, and they like to target loners because they often don't feel like dealing with the resistance that comes from Parties consisting of two or greater. Smaller amount of food, but at the same time, it's also a lesser amount of energy that has to be expended trying to get it." "Well then, everyone get moving, but stay near each other. We need to stay together if we want to keep those Sand worms away" Darius said, as he walked, hoping that the others would follow
  21. Oh, yeah, I know why you made the first comment, my two points were different themselves.
  22. Darius did indeed notice a light of a fire in his periphery, especially with Zollivar rushing towards it. "Stop you fool, who knows what the hell could be out here!" Darius called to the man who stupidly rushed forward.
  23. 15 chim. I also feel like that first point should be immortalised: 1. I don't like maths / physics so keep it to Pokémon logic like Snap said. Finally, I felt bad for Exlink after his comment XD, causing a kerfuffle with physics, and trying to warn antares away from it.
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