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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. First, we kill them?! I ain't making another harry potter sitch think you very much, the last one resulted in my death... second, hen you'd have to have a rhyperior named hogwarts and a pokemon named Dobby in your team, because ain't no way that mon ain't bein called Harry
  2. Pretty sure this is almost an exact repeat from an earlier convo about this.
  3. Is there a more fabulous drink than Pink Lemonade?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flynn


      Shirley Temple?

    3. DarkLight


      Fanta? (No thanks to its commercials)

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Did you see what Irn Bru did to Jesse Cox? That stuff is definitely not fabulous lol.

  4. Cool beans. If you do and I'm not around, you have full licence to use Claude to your hearts content
  5. Yaay, saturday night smack down! I kinda wanted to use my old league team, see how far that took me, but naw mayn. THEY SHALL LIVE ON IN THE TRAINER CARD!
  6. Also, you say THIS story, will we ever see the name Ymora away from the RP, or is there more in store for the region and it's inhabitants?
  7. I'm having flashbacksto before a new reborn episode comes out... Patience Panda. Patience. Nyahahahahah, Ninja!
  8. I can only imagine the horrors and delights that would entail. Mainly horrors, and maybe some nosy people butting in.
  9. I CAN'T... STOP...! That's because you're a fruit with no limbs. As punishment, here's an anagram of pineapple: ape nipple
  10. I ship my bed and my bodeh. Match made in heaven, imo.
  11. Whit made sure his gear was set in place, and took up his rifle, decided that the jittering of the vehicle was too much to readily steady he rifle. He set his eyes towards the sky as ordered, ready to blast anything he had too out of the sky. Healso tried to make noe of where the vehicle was headed. The more he knew, the better.
  12. Aight, so, you read the title, new Rp, kinda. Some of you may remember that I tried my hand at writing, and after toying around with the idea, the setting and such is ideal for a new RP, and I'd like to try hosting because hooray for juggling activities! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9492 Actually reading the first two chapters is the best primer I can readily give you. The Rp will take place in a fairly simple fantasy setting with minimal technology, but the city is supported by the presence of the Gifted. The Gifted is who you guys will be playing. This is where the idea could go fantastically or horribly. So, what I want to do with this is allow people to be somewhat more sueish than is generally allowed in the sense of feeling overpowered. This is because I'll be letting you guys choose your own Gifts. With this, you have to use some common sense, so that means no powers that give you god mode without a severe limit, like, use it twice in a day results in Death kinda steep. Furthermore, no necroing, going back in time over an extended period and other gamebreaking shit. Anyways, you shall play various different Gifted with motivations of your own, trying to achieve these goals whilst being whirled away into a world of espionage and backstabbing and good fun stuff like this as you all inhabit the city of Trevalus. It's a vague idea as an RP, but I can transform the original plot into something much more interactive should this garner enough support. As for PC interaction, there will be various factions that you can join, depending on how you act and whatnot. For example, if you get in good with the law enforcement, you'll likely be brought into that group, perhaps even a branch of the military if you show potential. Or, for those of you who want a darker group, there will be a crime syndicate working behind the scenes. Naturally, those factions determine your friends and foes, and you'll have to work with the people on your side. For this I highly suggest Faction PMs, with me involved so I can naysay anything I need to. More deets as we go~
  13. Would you prefer the amorous intentions be directed your way?
  15. Dun worry bae, if things go as i think they may, Ryan won't be the bad guy no mo...
  16. I really shouldn't be napping, but my body overrides me...

  17. I really shouldn't be napping, but my body oerrides me...

  18. That's why I tend to stick to Stratos. One name for use. Keep things simple.
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