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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Are you British or Australian? if not, GIT OUT OF MY SWAAAMP!!!
  2. I learned how Dolphins mate. I honestly never thought about it until that IT lesson...
  3. Hmmm, I don't think I'll really be posting much tonight, but If Strat/Surge wants, we can try and get a dialogue between the two going.
  4. ... So much thirst. Also, I guess the Iceberg gave the titanic the cold shoulder? HAD TO BE DONE Furthermore, surely some spontaneity is attractive, riiiight? Please let me be right...!
  5. Hooboy. Okay first off, <3 you too Bfroger, from a post aways away back. Next, to address the RP battle idea a little more, like it has been said, creativity is rewarded, and any powerplays get shut down immediately, especially because all of us are conscious of this being a possibility. Besides there's many ways to skin a cat, in this, an aggron may body a greninja, typings and stats aren't all. Look at my and Notus' first battle. Way back when, I hould have won easily by spamming absorb, but instead of playing it like a standard game, I tried to be creative and we had a really awesome battle instead of "Absorb, Absorb, absorb" Next, Chim, you have seriously earned my respect for pulling this off as well as you have thus far, esecially because of how good the story is whilst you corral all of us. Finally, after being involved with a fair bit of the RP forum, I do feel involved enough to concurr with what Huks been saying all this time. Then again, that stands for the whole of the forum too Nice = nice, Dick = Dick. Also, in regards to the swearing, i'd say that unless you're a bloody sailor, keep the swearing to tense moments. Allows for more impact.
  6. ... That came right outta nowhere xD At least you like me now!...I guess?
  7. I judge. I judge harshly, but you passed those ephemeral tests to receive a positive judgement. I also don't blame Huk for checking in, there's already been friction a number of times
  8. Yo, Jory, seeing as Claudes done with his shindig, wanna go on a hunt for your charmander?
  9. @Antares, not gonna lie, that sounds suspicious as all fuck to me, but I guess if chims okay with it, it's fine.
  10. Guys, if any one needs that event, it HAS to be our resident Fabulizer
  11. If I lost myself, I'd check the lost and found box

    1. zimvader42


      Finding stuff: you're doing it right.

  12. It's not like the pokemon could really communicate that to you in the heat of battle. Besides, seeing the future for it takes days of staring into the sun. Evidence: Mystery dungeon.
  13. I feel like she'll just end up resenting you. If she keeps company like Kristen, she can't be the best of the best.
  14. Chim, you gave us all a task, there ain't no time for talikin'!!!
  15. Is that cuz of the Slade/Danielle part of the post or the Claude part? @.@
  16. Claude shall channel the power of every Homesexual powerhouse that ever lived in order to blast this guys mind back to timbucktu. #SparklyRainbow Alvin should be Chims perfect Cock blocking machine. Henry is Homophobic? How come he hasn't acted somewhat hostile to Claude then? It's certainly obvious what persuasion Claude is...
  17. Roy barely heard Sparky when he asked his question. Roy was itching for a fight, but he spared time to answer his question. "That hound up and K.Oed each of the dungeon guy, things, people. Draidon went ahead while I waited for you, Vince and Ace."
  18. Rose is positively cooky. Therefore she should be shipped with the cookie clan SORRY Ark, My innuendo meter is off the charts. Also, do elves count too? Not for a ship, I just don't wanna drown
  19. Just saying, the marksmen of the group might want to target the monster jamming the signals, if I read it right.
  20. yes, with the provision that one is 5 levels lower than the rest of the party. This has been reiterated many times >.>
  21. Hehehe, control of that chatot gave me the best opportunity for my photo!
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