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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Every time you Meow, I will Squawk.
  2. Ok, I was in the perfect mood to write, but then I pressed the back button after writing a bigass chunk of text. Some changes to minor things. Chapter 4 It had been a couple of days since I was fired from Bralans ('Nallys). I had tried to find Vicky to get her side of the story and hopefully end things on a not so bitter note. I had decided that morning to try again to find her at Bralans due to the fact that that was her home and workplace. I was walking through the streets, the autumn light from the overhead sun beat down, brightening the city and the various homeless men and women still waking up. The sun felt harsher than normal, the light reaching every corner of the street. A strangely optimistic sight, despite what would happen if I found Vicky. Soon enough, I came to the entrance of Bralans, and walked through the front doors. I nodded to Lucas, a young manlike me, with orrible acne and lanky, brown hair. He nodded back. "She's in her room, just got done with some uppity dick." He said. Lucas knew I needed to sort something out with Vicky and we had gotten along when we were co-workers. I thanked him and walked through an oak door to a hallway with a few doors and a flight of stairs at the end. At the top of these stairs was a shoddy wooden door that signalled it was Vickys room. I climbed the stairs and knocked lightly. Behind the door was some shuffling sounds and Vickys voice drifted out. "Who's there? Is that you Darren?" She guessed, right on the mark. "Yes it's me. We need to talk" I said, raising my voice to make damn sure she heard me. I tried to keep my voice steady, wanting to not sound like the barely post pubescent boy I really was. More to come, i think
  3. I fucking told them I didn't want anything to do with this, and they came to me anyway

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    1. Noivy


      Then just walk away. It's your choice, and you don't need to listen to no one.

  4. I haven't the faintest clue, but I do know that Love is not that stage when you just start going out. Every relationship i've ever seen truly develop to that point has taken years to come about.
  5. Anansi's words. Every single one of them rung in Darius' mind. His words were naught but a whisper as he spoke, his whole body was still, no longer shaking with the uncontrollable anger. He was in control Now that anger was focused. "The Nix war was a culling.... For all those who succumbed to whatever darkness this "Rossephus" wrought into the world... What justice is in that...? None. You looked and sought out as many as you could save,but you still slaughtered so many... I will not fight for you!" Darius announced, his voice had risen until he was bellowing. "I will not fight for you. Or you Lord Orphont!" He roared once more "I Will Fight For Mankind And The Justice He Deserves. I don't care if this shit stain is older than time, if even your Lord cannot defeat him, I will rise above them both, and Mete out the Justice Rossephus so dearly deserves! I will be the bond that turns the sand the future is written on into stone! And I will do it all Alongside not only the heroes beside me, but Every Single Person who will take up the fight! That is how we will rise above you all! We will become more, with all the Arrogance, Pride, Desire, Wonder, Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Virtues that Embody our Damned Race as One! Mark my words, As Darius Renalim now, I will become the Arbiter to check these Monstrous forces, if no one else is willing and capable!" Darius' voice never wavered, the flame in his heart now condensed into a focused star, shining bright, bestowing upon Darius a feeling he had never felt in his whole life. Even the pursuit of his sisters murderers had not made him feel this way. Perhaps it was because he knew he could not find the monsters if an even bigger one murdered them all...
  6. Meh, shedinja kinda sounds like a power play mon. No character, unless they're a seasoned fighter, should know of the wonder guard ability, seeing as both the ability and it's user are so rarely used. I can't think of a significant trainer who used one, which means they'd have to play stupid for a while or be accused of Metaing.
  7. Oh yeah, but power escalation and stupid protagonists are two different issues.
  8. It was a suggestion to counter the OP nature of the Cubones item without rendering it useless or removing it completely.
  9. You're not the pirates you dun have a ship :c You're millionaires, it's "Welcome to the millionaire cub", Right?
  10. If I might suggest, why not give the cubone itself a flaw that is resolved as it grows? For Example, My Karrablast would be Very OP early on onceit evolves, so I made it a rebel, but this won't remain the case. Perhaps ne such personalty could help here?
  11. Well, if it's "strong idiot", I'd argue that Bleachs Ichigo isn't a part of that. He certainly isn't an idiot like Luffy, Naruto or Natsu, although he does share some traits, such as insane stubborness
  12. Pfffft, screw compromises, be as original or unoriginal as you want! I also don't see how you had trouble, I've seen 2 people get/want one of the mons i'm going for
  13. Claude grinned "No, I don't think I do Roman. Dragons are all well and good, but their appeal to me is lessened. It's like using a Milotic, literally the most beautiful pokemon, in a contest; It's not original. Sure, they're powerful, but that isn't what I look for. If I spot a pokemon I like though, I'll be sure to introduce myself to them."
  14. You just copied my shtick and made it sound smart and eloquent...
  15. "Rrrrrright! Doux, to me!" Claude ordered, grabbing Doux and hlding him tightly. Lancelot was latched onto Claudes head. God help Claude when Lance evolved and couldn't use him as a climbing frame.. "Now, we take no chances men! As soon as we see a rock type come at us, we grind it down to a pebble! Is that understood?!" Claude ranted, using his best impersonation of a military leader. Both pokemon ave the affirmative, and Claude hopped along up to Roman. "So, Mr Man Sir, I'l ask the obvious question, what kind of pokemon live around here? I assume rock and ground types, as well as the reasons most of them are here; Dragons."
  16. Darius was, quite simply, angry. What Extraordinary arrogance must there be in the minds of those who laid out "Plan after meticulous plan". And how much pain must these souls have gone through in the fight for mankind? This ignited a fury in Darius, and this fire burned and raged and scorched, until finally questions came from the forge of rage. "What ungodly piece of shit forced all of us, every man, woman and child, into such a horrible time as the Nix war, and plans to bring worse once more? And why us? You speak with knowledge, but how? From what I can remember, you were a mindless drone, forced into servitude, how do you know of the incoming horrors?" Darius truly tried to maintain his composure, but he couldn't help the growl that sipped from his throat.
  17. 29/6/6 as Ranmus. I feel accomplished

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  18. Claude heard the announcement and gave a small yelp, hurriedly prying Coronas string off of Lancelot. "C'mon you lazy Bug, get out of there..." He muttered, eventually freeing the small pokemon who immediately drew in a breath and screeched his protest at his imprisonment. Claude put a hand over Lances mouth, only to be bitten lightly.
  19. Oh yeah, "Claude" is a nickname. Also, yaaaaaaay, let's start the partay
  20. yaay, Ame has given us the mere illusion of choice!
  21. Wow, you are cheap if Pizza is all you need.
  22. I ship you and Azery, and you ship my death? Over-reaction much?
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