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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. It sounds more like drugs to me, if that guy who tried to sell em for 1 mill was any indication
  2. Fuck y'all, I just go so far forward in time that an exact copy of the universe repeats itself, and go to the time I want.
  3. Feel free to bunny Claude. Not much he could contribute anyway imo
  4. It seems like mega slowbro may be my guy for mega. Buuuuuuuuuuut then again, I may be different and not go for a mega. I'll totes get a legends consent to work with me instead Also, I don't think anyone has gone for one of my picked pokemon except for Evan having a cleffa, but I only picked Clefable because my criteria at the time was that they had to "Smile"
  5. For potential team members, I'm thinking of Tyrunt, thanks to Murdoc for giving me the idea, because as I've said before it will help him get over his fears and allow character growth. Claude is a rather flamboyant, eccentric character, but I see him becoming much more serious by the time this story is finished. Yay, growing Characters like plants!
  6. Hue, says the people who manipulated Kams poor, foolish ways to gather cores. HOW COULD YOU?!
  7. Walls aren't as useful as you'd think in this. I'd take more adaptable pokemon, rather than the conventional games walls.
  8. Since when was Claude a "Full on pervert"?! Yeah, he takes notice of people, but he isn't THAT bad Also, fave starters are the sinnoh trio, Chim, Turt and Pip, in that order.
  9. Breaking Bad, Why do you do these things?!

    1. Magus


      Such a good series.

  10. Um, there's no way the violet thing could have been premeditated, seeing as it was assumed Violet would have a rep. Jus' sayin'.Also, you better have prep for all uber challenges.
  11. So, my boi Lancelot would fall into the 10 levels thing, right? I could have a powerhouse very soon.
  12. Or, you all could have done something to stop it. I was telling all the peeps in the Skype, Dan and Kaito included, all throughout the Auction. Anyways, @Violet, do what you will, but be smart about it, yeah?
  13. 9/10, not as awesome as your normal stuff, but still portrays your character, for obvious reasons.
  14. Well, Boys will be with boys and girls/Girls. Same as with the dorms
  15. No, Claude will mess things up adequately enough I'm lying, i wouldn't touch Rage with a ten foot pole
  16. HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE, I shall sow the seeds of discord and temptation!
  17. I'mma catch pokemon according to how I want Claude to grow. Conquering his fear is the biggest one, and I'm facing him with a challenge in lance too, so yeah.
  18. He signed up to BE a coordinator, why wouldn't he be interested, or have a lack of desire to perform? Claude will get along with her. Decided.
  19. Or just let us play around in the school for the time being. I know I could use that time to justify some of Claudes Contest Ideas.
  20. Darius listened to Zollivar speculate on his course of action and sighed. He walked over and picked the man up into a firemans lift, despite any protests he made, and walked over to the other side, depositing him on the solid ground. "There, now you don't have to crawl" Darius said simply as he caught up to the nagas.
  21. Claude did not need to think to obey the Mother Tyrantrum. He spooked, and fled the area quickly. However, those fireworks and how sissy pulled them off, his curiosity in her persisted despite the terror. Claude grabbed Kage on the way, taking the other boy with him, confident that Sissy would take action herself.
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