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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Claude had been wandering around, playing with Doux as he puffed fairy wind around the place, when he noticed the flame rings in the sky. well, looks like there's fun going on over there. Claude noted it, but carried on, playing with Doux some more. I definitely know how to use my time well *** After some time, Claude decided to check out the shenanigans. When he came by, he saw a group of familiar faces, and a battle going on. "Bonjour my B-E-A-Yootiful friends!" Claude greeted. Doux was bopping up and down on Claudes head.
  2. In the end, you can fly. There was no point to this post, Enjoy
  3. Ok, crisis averted. They're gonna be hurting for a while, but I'm glad to say no long term damage to my family

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity


      I love him more than my own father, so there's that.

    3. Notus


      Ouch. Good that he's fine in the end.

    4. DarkLight


      ^What the others said. Glad to hear the good news!

  4. Cerulean Tour is postponed, family member is in hospital. Out

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    1. DarkLight


      My prayers are with you. Hope everything will be okay.

    2. Chase


      Oi. Hospitals are the worst. Good on you for going to visit.

  5. Yaaaay, Claude is her friend despite very little interaction between them
  6. All Cerulean members Git on PO for the Cerulean Tournament!

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    1. Felicity


      The rules will be announced at the start of the Tourney and you will get aset amount of time to make your Team.

  7. Oh, wait, really? I'm not so gud at understanding cues. Also, Imma refrain from posting. My head isn't in the right place for the RP right now, so I'l cool it with him.
  8. Read more  
    1. zimvader42


      My knowledge about anacondas has grown by a 30%.

      Also, chibi minaj actually looks cute.

    2. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      They also really like bread

  9. You won't give up until Misty becomes our mascot, will you?
  10. And so, I say to this day, Fuck thee, with a hearty appendage.

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  11. Oh goddamit, it's for next gen only >:C
  12. Also Claude is prancing about ready to be hailed into a convo at a moments notice
  13. I'm not as versed in Final Fantasy as y'all, but I feel I can at least discuss this. I'd say I'm all for the all dudes approach. If it takes a "Broheim" approach to things, I know I'll have fun with it simply because an all male PC cast is pretty freaking rare. Also, no more Lightning/Serra, pls. They let down the Gals of FF so much. Also, I'm glad that they seem to have dropped the restriction of the basic turn based system, maybe it's a sign the series will grow? Aso, dat Cloud clone.
  14. Wait if she's nervy around fairies, why is she not nervy with Doux? I didn't read the story, sorry, because I want to know as much as Claude does.
  15. Claude, Ryan,Kage and Jacob sleeping in a room together... Claudes goin' sleep early
  16. Frolicking. This was the closest thing that could describe what Claude was doing. He was packed, prepared and ready for everything. After all the work he, Doux and Lancelot had put in, he was confiden that he could handle anything, even the Rock types in the mountains. When Claude discovered that Alvin had a Dwebble...well, he didn't like to dwell on that. He somehow proved how a flamboyant homosexual Lumiosian could be emasculated. Now Claude was almost skipping around the school whilst Doux rested on his head. Lancelot was acting like his usual self and refused to go outside, and Claude knew how stubborn that bug could be, so he was resting in Claudes room. One would think he was excited to pick up a new partner, but Claude was not bothered about picking up a new friend. These things had to happen naturally, Lancelot being an exception for some reason that Claude himself couldn't justify. Claude was just happy to see some new sights.
  17. My team: Doux: Lvl 20 Mega Drain Fairy Wind Growth Leech seed Stun spore Cotton spore (I really don't know what else to do with Douxs moveset, seeing as these are all lvl up moves and whimsi IS a support mon) Lancelot: Lvl 18 Peck Leer Endure Bugbite Fury Cutter Fury Attack
  18. Awesome Also, as pointed out by Dan, there are no leaders, I can't enforce anything upon you all. That said, the policies I'm trying to put in place are to make sure things are nice and organised and allow us all to have a modicum of trust in each other without having everyone fighting to have their voice heard.
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