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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Claude was content. after that grueling obstacle course. wanting to relax with some friends. Claude looked around, searcing for familiar faces.
  2. Screw a Fancy Slogan, we're freaking Pirates!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mikzal
    3. Etesian


      We do have a slight handicap though, no one fights before finishing their Rum.

    4. Magus


      Swigity swooty, I'm coming for the booty.

  3. So, It would be helpful if you guys could post your skype names or grab Skype. It would be easier than collecting everyone on PO, or waiting on a Forum PM.
  4. "Oh my, the Hoenn region? And Mossdeep you say, why, I've always wanted to go see the Space center and gaze at the magnificent constructions they have there, see the rocket as it sails into a sea of stars" Claude began to daydream at this point, sighing, but snapped out of it. "Wow, that was quite rude of me. Anyways, can I ask what program you are in? You seem to be quite the interesting person" Claude took this moment to look Ryan up and down, not bothering to hide his eyes path over Ryan.
  5. Cautiously Happy to have you.
  6. Honey, ain't no guy he just met gonna break his heart. He is a strong, independent man who don't need no man..
  7. Actually, the city in pokemon had nothin' to do with the pirate shtick, I literally came up with it on the spot on PO
  8. Oh this guy was adorable, Claude knew he'd be keeping an eye on Ryan. "Well, as I introduced myself to the fair maiden, I am Claude the Extraordinaire, Hailing from the Beautiful Lumiose city. And these-" Claude summoned Lance out of his pokeball, who immediately jumped up onto Claudes head whilst Doux circled Claudes head. "-Is Doux, my fabulous bundle of Joy, and Lancelot, my Knight in Shell Armor"
  9. Well, this is all voluntary, anyone who joins is here of their own volition.
  10. State your terms. I'm sure a deal can be arranged.
  11. Gaiz, join Cerulean, I be chill

  12. Or, you could just chill in cerulean. We gots misty
  13. YA HARRRRRRRR! THIS BE THE HOME FOR THE PIRATES OF THE CERULEAN SEA ALLIANCE! WE ACCEPT ALL WHO WISH TO JOIN, BUT IF YOU WANT TO BE A LIEUTENANT IN THE PIRATE ARMY, YOU HAD DAMN WELL BETTER PROVE THAT YOU'RE BLOODY TRUSTWORTHY!! But how do we choose who's trustworthy? well, that's all down to how you act, will act and most importantly have acted. This won't be fair if you have not been. But, if you prove trustworthy, you'll get a larger say in what goes on. That said, you'll also be subjected to more scrutiny, and be treated much more carefully. If you're fine with this, then welcome aboard Sailor! The Pirates Code: Those Who Break The Pirates Code Shall Bear The Brand Of a Traitor, Never To Be Welcomed To Their Home Amidst The Cerulean Seas Current members: Dobby The Lucky Pirate Elf Hilda Jericho TacosandFlowers Mikzal Void Etesian Roo Ashes Pyon Kaito Caesar Reevee Sir Flash Silver Poe Bibs Emily Kyra Something to note, if you can find a way to bet something other than a core in exchange for an enemies core, go nuts, but if you want to bet one of our Cores, make sure there is a general agreement within the alliance that it is worth attempting. There's no point setting any more guidelines about this because it's largely going to be situational. Just use your heads and play well.
  14. Meh, I like Blue. Why not? Ps, you fuck me over I sweear to jebus and beyond that... I'll probs still do nothing
  15. Claude had been listening, not really sure what to say, when Ryan walked up and talked to Danielle. "my oh my, is that a queer I spy?" Claude muttered to himself. When Ryan let out his pokemon, a Shinx and a Spheal, Claude took the chance to insert himelf into the situation. "Well hellooooo there Monsieur! Those are some lovely pokemon you have there!"
  16. If you bought it on the shop, you should be able to download it again with the same account. It's just all your save data will go bye bye
  17. When did Claude get this fabulous?! I am literally going to try and pinpoint this! EDIT: Was it when he was in the battle using Douxs Fairy wind sig move?
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