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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Oh dear sweet baby Cleffa, Claude had no clue what just happened, but the fact that the small fairy was the one left standing made Claude woop in amazement "Pink Power! You go Gumball!" Then Danielle was attacked by a snorunt. "Woah there little fella, how about you just scoot on back to your trainer huh? It's not nice to attack people from behind you know." That said, Lancelot chose that particular moment to leap out of his pokbeall and peck Claude in the back.
  2. I feel like, once we all get much more to focus on, ain't nobody gunna have time to start fights.
  3. Claude and Colin went to the arena hosting Alvin and Evans match. When Claude saw Danielle and the boy he dubbed Cutie earlier, he greeted them. "Hiya. Please tell me Evan is crushing my room-mate"
  4. Damn, what's with the minor shiny hate? I'm only gonna do it if the alternate is pink for my gay PC totes not stereotyping here. Also, 4 moves in 1 turn?
  5. Y'know, shinys were never acknowledged in the pokemon world, and there's no difference between them and normal pokemon, sooooo, it'd actually be a possibility.
  6. Y'know what? Science just goes right over my head. I'll just let it slide.
  7. um, exlink, how would electromagnetism reflect the tri attack? Thee's no precedent iirc, and it's kinda illogical for a magnetic field to push the energy away afaik. in fact, isn't spinning magnets how a magnemite generates it's electricity?
  8. But if I just had Clear Smog or Aurora Beam on Celestinine, things would have been quite different." This made Claude smile.The loss was kinda hard, not exactly the most fantastic start, but at least it wasn't a complete loss. "If if's and buts were Candy and nuts, we'd all have a mery christmas. No point in fretting over what could have been different. Besides, I'm sure we'll have a rematch at some point. Now, how about we go see another battle?"
  10. Unless it's too much work for you, but i mean, it makes sense for a teacher to do it
  11. Claude returned Lancelot to his pokeball. He was still a bit confused. Thankfully he was't hurt too much, but he could tell there'd be a few bruises in the morning. "You all right mate? That must have hurt." "Oui, i'm fine. I guess this guy just REALLY doesn't like losing. Anyway, that was a great battle! Now, c'mon, let's get our freinds healed up and see what the professor thought of our battle." *** The two returned to the arena after having Nurse joy heal their pokemon. Doux was resting on Claudes head, as per usual.
  12. Notus, for all purposes, you won that match, I just used the finale to set Claude and Lancelot a training goal.
  13. The water rushed towards Lancelot with surely enough power to knock out the karrablast. Claude was just reaching for his pokeball when something ridiculous happened. Lancelot had been charging at Kyte, jaws agape in his attempt to bite the mudkip, when he jumped and used water gun, the small pokemon flew into a rage, dodging to the side of the blast and running towards the mudkip with a stupid amount of speed. It let loose with a flurry of attacks, battering the small pokemon with a few of them before turning and rushing at Claude himself. In Lancelots rage, he furiously attacked Claude with a strength that wasn't meant to be. Claude held off the small pokemon, thankful it really was so small, and used his pokedex to try and see what he was doing. A tinny robotic voice replied "This is Karrablasts Fury attack. The pokemon flies into a rage and attacks it's opponent viciously." Eventually, the bug wore himself out. "What the hell? I thought Karrablast couldn't learn Fury attack at this point!" Claude muttered, shocked at what just happened.
  14. You have to be reasonable with this. You can't just have your pokemon live an instant OHKO because anime logic. You have to have a reason, like Lance living a bide with Endure.
  15. Darius heard a commotion coming from where Gideon and Absalom had ventured. He arrived in time to hearGideon proclaim his challenge. Shocked by this turn of events, Darius was forced to ask "What the fuck is happening?! Why are you Challenging our FUCKING ALLIES?"
  16. The fierce power coming from Kyte was Dangerous, Claude could see that, but Damn was it cool too. "Lance, Brace yourself with Endure!" The impact sent the beetle pokemon flying away from the small water pokemon, and it was evident that both pokemon were rather hurt. "Damn, are you a coordinator? Because That looked fantastic~ Now, Lance, are you still good to go?" The small pokemon got up with a struggle, but the light in it's eyes never wavered. Whether this was stupidity, stubborness or both, Claude did not know, but he was sure he made the right choice. "Okay, then follow up with your most powerful Bug Bite, let thode early whites shine!!" Lancelot charged at Kyte, biting the air like he had a vendetta, until he reached Kyte, trying to take a good chunk out of the pokemon.
  17. Just tuned in my coursework with half an hour tospare. WIN

  18. Just saying, our pcs are 14/15. Sex at that age may be the normal in slut county UK over here, but unless I'm sorely mistaken, that's not the case elsewhere XD
  19. She doesn't mind sharing~ HUE. The question, is if she minds BEING shared?
  20. ((Noted)) The tackllng mudkip soared straight into Doux, sending the poor fluffball floating to the ground deflated. Claude ran over and picked up the pokemon carefully. Lancelot had already rushed onto the battlefield, Leering at the mudkip intently. "let's go Lancelot, show me the power you used earlier! Peck that mudkip more than a pile of Oran berries!" Claude roared with a grin on his face. He was sad that his signature finale wasn't quite as final as he hoped, but he was sure that Lance would prevail. Lance rushed towards Kyte, preparing to use it's horn to perforate the pokemon.
  21. Go for it. Also, for the calcs issue, I will continue using the wheel thing to maintain some fair use.
  22. Doux was hit by the water pulse once more, again taking minor damage, though it did tip him over the tipping point. When Celestinine used Brine, it hit Much harder, thankfully though, Doux maintained himself. "Now Doux, finish this! Fairy Wind: Sparkle Amongst the Clouds!" Doux whipped up a flurry of wind once more, though there were noticeably more sparkles than before
  23. Ok, so, keeping track of damage calcs is freaking tedious. Is there any chance people can be convinced to drop the system?
  24. Doux was launched back by the force of the bubblebeam, but the damage sustained was minor, and with the leech seeds draining health, Doux was feeling better as more time went by. "Now, Doux, float high into the sky and spin! Loose your fairy wind, a Beautiful hurricane of power as you grow ever stronger!!" Claude exclaimed. Doux rose, and span, speeding up as the wind picked up, continuously using it. This swept Horsea back, and also shot the ink off of Doux, allowing him to see once more. As Doux span, he also grew, feeling more powerful by the second
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