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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Ho shit, where'd this guy come from? Dude didn't even try some small talk, just jumped straight to battling, though he can't say he blamed him too "Uh, sure, but let me watch these guys first, yeah? Also, It'll have to be a 1v1, my partner in fabulous seems to be MIA"
  2. Claude walked over to one of the arenas, keeping an eye on Lancelot, and came to where Prof Redwood and a couple of boys were standing. "Hiya, Do you mind if I watch? My names Claude"
  3. Yaaaaaaay, then don't be surprised if I also have a shiny wooper... also I need to speak to you about something chim. PM inbound
  4. I know it's tacky, but I couldn't pass on giving Claude shiny Karrablast. Escavaliers Pink plumage is all the justification I have.
  5. Claude was in deep thought... None could shake him from his trance... After soul searching, after trying his best to understand his subconscious desire.... He came to a conclusion! Claude marched up to the bug type table, pinpointing the one pokemon, the only pokemon he could ever have picked... "Lancelot The Karrablast!" Claude cried, calling out to the pokemon that had now materialised in front of him in a flash of light. It was small, a beetle pokemon with a turquoise...Wait. Turqoiuse? Claude dimissed it, concluding that it made Karrablast more suited to him. He was convinced that THIS was the pokem- "H-hey, what are you doing...?!?!" As soon as Lancelot had figured out who had his pokeball, he launched himself at Claude, pecking him Again... And again... And again.... Finally Claude had had enough. When the pokemon lunged to Peck once more, Claude caught it, rendering it helpless in the air with it's small body. It fixed Claude with a suspicious glare "Do you quite mind?! My name is Claude, and I do hope we can get along, but that can't happen when you are trying to adorn your horn with my EYEBALLS! Now, it's nice to meet you Lancelot." Claude said, putting the Karrablast down. With the scolding, the Karrablast still had a glare, but it wasn't quite as harsh as it was before. "Now, le's see if we can't find someone to battle?" As soon as Claude said this, Lancelot's eyes sparked brighter than the Elekid that someone had chose. He chirped in happiness. Meanwhile, Doux had found a nice place up high to rest and watch his masters shenanigans. He hoped to get along with Lancelot, but for now, all Doux wanted was to chill.
  6. The boy who had walked up to Danielle certainly caught his attention, and his nervous actions connoted several different interesting and entertaining things, but then again, Claude wasn't too versed in the awkward realm of social interaction between boy and girl. "Well, all you really need to know is that Alvin did up our room just for his bugs, without even thinking of me, and proceeded to wimp out in the forest. Then again, with a horde of phantump there, who can blame him. Also, Hiya cutie~" Claude said with a wink to Jacob
  7. "I thought we were waiting for Redwood" Claude remarked. He hoped that no more friction would occur amongst them, but with some of the characters in this class, he just didn't know...
  8. Hey chim, are the ORAS megas a thing? Cuz if not, the only possibility for a mega for me right now is Slowbrah, so I'd be arone in the mega shiz.
  9. "Not a clue in Kanto!" Claude said frankly. Claude was curious about what Danielle was up to. "C'mon, i'mm going to see what trouble Danielle is getting into." Claude turned, strolling over to see Danielle in fits of laughter. "My, my ma cherie, you seem to be enjoying yourself." Claude extended a hand to Colin, the nearest person, whilst introducing himself to everyone with a sparkling smile in an attempt to distract everyone. "Good morning, I'm Claude, and this is my Cottonee, Doux. Also, could you perhaps put down my room-mate? I don't want to put up with his ranting when we're both in the dorm" Doux had begun flapping near Avis, worried for the bird, mistaking laughter for coughing.
  10. See, the immediate thing that comes to mind really is something dirty when I hear that phrase.
  11. It saved me recently. My friend asked for a random sentence, so I was going to type "Let the penii rain down upon thee." but I was sending it to my mum. Fortunately, it changed to penicillin, so she was just confused.
  12. Before Henry could speak, Alvins yelling caught Claudes attention. "Hey, bugs are cool and all, but could you shut up about them for a damn second?!" He hollered before looking at Henry again. "Sorry. Can't let him yell away, y'know?"
  13. Claude noticed the conversation between the two boys., which didn't seem to have a happy ending. He had been standing on his own, unsure of what to do, and this was an opportunity to start a conversation. Claude walked up to Henry, Doux hovering around both their heads. "Good morning my friend. I still need to thank you for your help yesterday"
  14. "Meh, we don't need a bag, I can carry all our sh*t and more! Just say the word!" Roy boasted, flexing his deceptively tiny but powerful arms.
  15. Bit late, but the only thing I can think of is Guys with pink suits and shades and snazzy rainbow ties and socks with a giant comic prop lollipop getting ready to kick the shit outta Nick Griffin, Britains resident homophobe. Furthermore, If Henry tried to pull that shit on Claude, he'd just ask him how much an outfit from Elesa's line of clothing costs ^^
  16. The intensity in his eyes as he stared at the test was evident, as he thought each answer over carefully. He thought that he did well enough with the fairy and grass type related questions, but he was sure he bombed when it came to rock types. He couldn't even muster the courage to study the terrors after all. After a small eternity, he found he had finished.
  18. Claude had finished his portion. With a satisfied smile, he got up and walked away from the hungry vulpix, giving it a pat before walking back to his room . A long day required a Long rest at the end after all~ ((Last post from me for day 1))
  19. Either Claude won't be able to get rid of the fox mon, or He'll piss it off when he runs out of food. Callin' it.
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