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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Realisation hit him for a second.... Then faded... Then Hit him again, harder. "Oh... OOOHHHH, That thing. Yah, that was spicy!" Roy said with a reminiscent grin. He liked spicy food.
  2. Speaking of ending, the summer season is winding down, so what's people thoughts on the fall season? The only thing I can remember from it right now is SAO Log horizon 2
  3. Claude now has a mission in life Also, What did Claude ever do to you guys? Why subject him to a DWEBBLE!
  4. Roy had become bored, seeing how there was soon to be no hope of attaining his Donuts. He had been entertaining himself by thinking of how everyone would worship him and make him King of Tempest castle when Vincent asked Roy a question. "Wha...?"
  5. Bleach, one piece and Naruto: They taught me Protagonist power. INVINCIBRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
  6. Dayum. Sexuality is playin a role in this here RP. I mean, Claudes the suave/pervy character that every school show has.
  7. "We need to patch up this wound.." "So, why not do it?" Darius sighed. "Do you have any medical supplies?" He asked Absalom and the Naga "I know some stitching from my childhood " He explained
  8. I believe Roy beat a Bonsly and a Parasect thus far. And I don't know the fuck happened with Draidon, so I'll discount that. So two.
  9. Hello, you guys have moved 10 PAGES ahead. HOW??!?! ROSE EXPLAIN
  10. Hey, The dude in that game (No spoilers) pulled through in the end anyway, so it's kinda whatever
  11. "No, no, no, no, I mean, what happened to the Room?! And what on earth do you mean to say about my beautiful Doux?!" Claude was outraged. Who was this boy to insult Doux like that? Claude fixed a glare on the boy that could match any pokemon. "Pick your next words carefully"
  12. There was an incessant buzzing vibrating through Claudes skull. He wanted it to go away. First, he sees the mother of all his nightmares, then he returns to find that his own supposed Haven was now a paradise for Bugs. Doux had taken to the room fabulously, evidently not caring for the fact that it seemed to be for bug types. With a groan, Claude stood up. "What on earth happened here?"
  13. So, uh, yeah. Claude is afraid of Rock types. Probs shudda mentioned that...
  14. Roy had charged off, determined to complete his Donut quest. He travelled far and wide, searching near and far. His spirit never wavered as he searched. His path was long, but eventually he arrived at his destination... Again, he could smell that glorious smell. It taunted him, tickling his nose with the promise of sugary goodness. "Sounds good to me. Hand a couple of those over," he said, moving his bag closer. "Everyone should carry a couple of them." "OH! HI GUYS!" Roy hollered. Turns out he had been led back to where the kecleons were. Roy approached the stand, this time at a normal pace. "So, did the donut people come back?"
  15. ((EDIT: Perfect ninja)) ((This is something I probs should have mentioned...)) "WAAAARGH!!!!" Claude had wandered into the room wondering at it and if his room would be like this, when he noticed the Gargantuan Rock type. It was a big, lumbering brute who also happened to have a Horn that looked like it could drill through anything. It scared the everloving SHIT out of him. "DOUX!" The cottonee woke when his trainer called. Rather than drifting lazily as he normally would, the fluff ball shot through the room, propelled by a blast of Fairy Wind. He landed in his trainers arms. Screaming out of his mind, Claude dashed away as quickly as he could, running any where else *** ((Can I say that he had rainbows coming out of him as he sprints??)) Claude raced towards his own room, the only place he could hope to find salvation. As he ran everything was a fantastic blur, Doux was floating in Claudes arms, concerned for it's trainer. for anyone who saw him, they would only have discerned a pink flash holding something green and white. Assuming they had recovered from the ear splitting shriek that he was emitting *** Finally, Claude reached his room. As quickly as he could, he swiped his card into the device, and swung the door open. "Wha...?" This was all he could say before he fainted, crumpling to the ground.
  16. There were sounds coming from inside. Very Loud sounds. From what sounded like a BIG pokemon. A heavy pokemon. "Er- Madame, I don't suppose you know if your room-mate and her partner has arrived already?"
  17. "Let us" Claude said, with a flourish that made the the entrance far too grande for such a door. *** They walked up the stairs to find Danielles door. "Would you do the honours?" Claude said, standing to the said of the door, gesturing towards it like it was Danielles to own, which it was.
  18. sorry if you looking to purchase one, my friend. His hopes... His dreams... Dashed away by the cruel hand fate had dealt Roy. "WHYYYYYYYYYY?!!!?" Roy bawled, Sorrow lining every part of his cry "WHY CURSE ME TO SUCH A TANTALISING, TEASING EXISTENCE? O FATE, THY CRUEL NATURE HAST STRUCK AGAIN!!!" The horrid weight of the truth sank Roy to his knees, hiss shoulders shaking with such a burden... But he knew, that he should, nay, MUST go on, and find some Donuts of his own, so that he may love and cherish them so that one day his children would not have to suffer such a fate themselves... With rwsolve in is heart, and determination in his eyes, Roy strode off. "I shall find some Donuts to call my own! I hope you all will lead happy lives, this quest may take years, decades even to accomplish, but I will SUCCEED!"
    1. nevs


      god damn its funny if you saw the anime

    2. Meruem



  19. Claude couldn't help smiling. This conversation was a bundle of fun, and helped to wash away the nerves Claude had been hiding. "Well, .I'm afraid that information is as classified as whether or not Prof Redwood wears boxers or briefs, but I'll say that I've seen a few cuties around." Claude said with a wink "But anyway, I fear Doux might have fallen asleep on poor Avis, and I wouldn't want to trouble your poor pokemon any further~ Besides, there's so much to find here I'm ready to explode with curiosity!"
  20. I follow The Kitty Christ!

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