((Turn 4. Go time.))
As the tree trunk was sent flying toward Roy, a fierce grin washed over the Timburrs face. The tree impacted dead center into Roy's stomach. If he had not braced himself for impact he may not have simply fainted. The tree pushed Roy back, sliding across the ground, until he came to a stop. Roy's hat gently floated down to ground after being knocked off, his shades were in a state off disarray on his face.
Roy's brush with true, serious danger scared him, but this fear was warded off by the blood roaring through his system. With a furious cry, this time with no need for ostentatious words, he loosed a furious, heart pounding roar, grasping for every minute grain of strength within his small, battered body. He grasped the branch, which had partially pierced Roys abdomen, and willed himself to lift it, reaching back, and hurling, no Launching the branch with the last vestige of his power. The wood rocketed towards Draidon with more speed and power than an infernapes mach punch.