Username:DobbyTheElf Character name:Roy Pokemon species:Timburr Pokemon or Human? Human Or Elf Exploration or Rescue? Rescue Affiliated Castle: (check the castle info for your characters) Tempest If human, which power? Intirability
If pokemon, which trinket? a pocketwatch. Who says pokemon get trinkets only Appearance: Constantly wears black sunglasses and a Cowboy hat. (Roy wasn't very fashionable as a human either) Personality: Arrogant, narcissistic, cocky but tenacious and stubborn. Will also never be sneaky
IQ skills:None. He's a dipsh*t Level: OVER 9000! (Or 5, whatever the standard is at the beginning)
Moves: Pound, Leer, Superpower, Endure. Team members:Morgan freeman, Obama and Bibs Team leader:Obama (Duh) Team rank: Platinum masterzzzz Write 3 sentences of IC:
He saw all the women who sought his attention, all the children wanting to be like him, and all the guys wanting to be him. He heard the crowds roar as he egged them on, taking in their praise with a beaming grin on his small face. Wait, small face? What on Earth had just happened? That's what I get for daydreaming huh?
((just disregard any gibberish))