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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Felicity


    And a wigglytuff friend.
  2. If you are referencing who I think you are, I fu*king love you. Also, how will leveling be decided upon?
  3. Note to self, teachers don't like being rushed, even if they are wasting time

  4. Username:DobbyTheElf Character name:Roy Pokemon species:Timburr Pokemon or Human? Human Or Elf Exploration or Rescue? Rescue Affiliated Castle: (check the castle info for your characters) Tempest If human, which power? Intirability If pokemon, which trinket? a pocketwatch. Who says pokemon get trinkets only Appearance: Constantly wears black sunglasses and a Cowboy hat. (Roy wasn't very fashionable as a human either) Personality: Arrogant, narcissistic, cocky but tenacious and stubborn. Will also never be sneaky IQ skills:None. He's a dipsh*t Level: OVER 9000! (Or 5, whatever the standard is at the beginning) Moves: Pound, Leer, Superpower, Endure. Team members:Morgan freeman, Obama and Bibs Team leader:Obama (Duh) Team rank: Platinum masterzzzz Write 3 sentences of IC: He saw all the women who sought his attention, all the children wanting to be like him, and all the guys wanting to be him. He heard the crowds roar as he egged them on, taking in their praise with a beaming grin on his small face. Wait, small face? What on Earth had just happened? That's what I get for daydreaming huh? ((just disregard any gibberish))
  5. Optimism is literally the only thing keeping me going

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      I'm only still about because of pessimism owo

    3. Felicity


      @Holy, Because if I don't see the best, I won't handle the worst, and there's way too much of that.

    4. HolyKnight
  6. Can an Elf get in on this world domination PWB?
  7. There are puhlenty of Topics with a fair bit of conflict and discussion, as well as some that just let you share your thoughts. I figured I'd make this topic purely for all of us to share the moments that uplift our spirits, make our day, or just make us Giggle. I, for one, am just happy that there are people with talent out there that I can aspire to be like. So go! Share the love! God knows it's needed
  8. The summoning failed. Did you hear Bibs summon Temp wong Rose?
  9. Gurl, you crazier than the wacky warehouse on crack with an IV of redbull
  10. I like to think that this was actually a test to see who could make the best reference or funny using the Yu G Oh shiz by Ame. That said, You all fail
  12. I thought Atlus were making it a ps3 exclusive as some sort of homage or some such
  13. You wouldn't get anyone who actually plays persona to watch, seeing as we'd all be playing it ASAP
  14. Wait, does that mean I'm a straight human now? NVM, realized that I'd bagged the awesome timburr Ok, all caught up (I may or may not have completely dropped this from my radar), Imma get to making up Roy the Timburr! Username: DobbyTheElf Human/Poke: Human Reserved poke: Timburr Name: Roy Preferred speciality: Rescue Personality: Loves to play the hero, is incredibly confident in his abilities and will rush into combat. His ego is quick to inflate and difficult to pop and he takes a Loss hard. In turn, he will work and work and work until he succeeds.
  15. Does Bloody Mary or Candyman count? The next person has decided upon their future goals, to an insane degree, like, planning every moment.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      I prefer hardcore when things need to be intense, the few nightcores I do like also generally still sound fairly normal, just sped up slightly (and they were slow, deep song to start with)

    3. Etesian



  17. Now THAT is a cause I can get behind.
  18. I'm currently being pressured into picking it up, so DobbyTheElf shall be in the barracks for now.
  19. I feel like in order to enjoy the older games, you need an appreciation for the games which a lot of people get via the mass amounts of nostalgia. This means that a lot of people dismiss final fantasy, specially because of the 13th debacle. I enjoyed playing VII and VII, and I have VI waiting in the wings, but I never seem in the right mindset to play them, because I'm constantly waiting to be awed and whacked in the face with story.
  20. iwantitiwantitiwantitiwantitiwantitiwantitiwantitiwantitiwantitiwantit What I want from it though, is for it to live up to the previous games and NOT require a remake to fix things. Also, I wonder what the new shuffle time will be, assuming they switch thangs up again
  21. If it's good it's good. 'nuff said. As for me, I've found myself in a bit of a lull. Does anyone have any particular tearjerkers they could recommend? I feel like having a nice bawl. btw, I have seen angel beats, clannad and angel beats, just to eliminate the obvious picks
  22. It's all meant to be voluntary. You don't have to do it, and if someone tries to pressure you into it, you don't put up with the dick. That said, don't hate away on the idea. There are plenty of people who both donate and do the ice bucket challenge out of their own goodwill, not because they felt obliged.
  23. Welcome, go hit up any of the auths if you have a question, or just a quest, and be sure to check out nations, the RP thread or anything in particular that interests ya. PS, sanity can be traded in for patience, guarenteed to be a better deal than any of your local gamestops!
  24. God, the ellemental heros just got drop kicked after Neos got introduced. RIP Flamewingman, we'll never forget how you wrecked Crowler
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