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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Well, we recenty noticed over in the RP forum that you may or may not get a delete button for your posts.
  2. I have many drugs and medicinal herbs. Want some Rose?
  3. Just one time, I want the last name on the credits to be "The guy who made the credits:"

  4. Anyone read the Lovely Bones?

    1. Maelstrom


      No... what's it about?

    2. Felicity


      A murdered 14 year old. I have to read it for homework and was curios of someones opinion

  5. No Torterra? He carries the earth on his back. If that ain't godly then Idek
  7. One of the reasons for having Wifi is the added chance for predictions and analysing the enemies team. Correct? Someone said that without it battles turns into a game of chance. I'm not gonna go look for that specific quote, but i have to ask what is wrong with a game of chance? I mean, you're already rolling the dice with the find battle button. There's no guarantee you'll find a competent player, and chance, in the form of Hax, is a gameplay element that can make or break a win.
  8. Welcome~ You cannot use a trainer card until you sell your soul. But the devil was pulling a scam so the cosmic bureau of fraud made him give us a refund.
  9. Naw, I just got done with a third of my homework. Holy balls is History bos boring. Ark doe
  10. Aha! A reason to use my video. I get to the puzzle 15 minuts in
  11. Does that prompt remind anyone else of Fairy tale? I may respond, depending on if I can think of something adequate
  12. Darius followed suit, walking up to Sinbad to murmur his thanks before falling into pace. He was beginning to have his doubts about Gideon, but may the Sky Slayer himself Take me before I betray a comrade.
  13. Darius stepped forward to address the woman, careful not to move too quickly. He knew quite well how a suit of armor wouldn't stop the lightning arcing between her fingertips. Taking on the brisk tone he had heard from his commanders many times prior, he hoped to at least seem formidable. "My name is Darius Renalim of the Knights of the sword of Rojamaris. These men are my companions and we wish to offer our aid. my friend, Sinbad..." Darius struggled for a second to remember his other name "...Firebrand is acquainted with one of your comrades, I believe" Darius looked to Sinbad for confirmation, hoping his memory had not caused him to act like a fool.
  14. Super duper loving of all things cute and fluffy and fairy-like
  15. Landorus. Peacekeeper for thunderus and Tornadus, so it seems to fit.
  16. I haven't watched them myself, but I think theres some extra footage, better quality and the episodes are longer, at least from what I heard.
  17. Happy that the state of affairs was manageable, Darius noted he had not introduced himself. "You don't have to refer to me as Sir Knight. You can all me Darius" ((Thanks for pointing that out Huk, and I suppose it's up to you, Strat, to decide when we arrive))
  18. Did the remake finish already or did you watch the original series?
  19. I tell my step dad I got a D. He gets the most dissapointd look in his eyes. He asks what subject. I tell him Religious Studies. He brightens up considerably. I think that says something about him.

  20. I am another cheesy greeter. Just to tack onto what the farm animal said, go check the RP forums if you want, and drop the sanity like the beat in a skrillex tune.
  21. Guys, We have already been blessed with the Pachi power. Crack was my freaking rock in so many Reborn battles. Pachi is a monster.
  22. Just sayin', Gates has a few cool featuers and the same awesome usic as the previous games.... But it doesn't stand up to it. Anyways, I'm intrigued
  23. As the men squabbled, Darius' nerves began to grate. He was stuck with a flashy pirate, a hostile desert man and a knight who can't hold his tongue. "Men, we have more important affairs to deal with. So long as Sinbad can aim straight, and I have no reason to doubt that, then i'm happy to have him." Darius continued on his berating of their bickering."Furthermore, Knight, you are a Denizen of the Sword, you have our pride to uphold. Make due until we actually have time for this nonsense. And you, Gideon you said? Same goes for you. This is not the time or place. Do I make myself clear?" Venting over, Darius marched onward towards the Holy ground, his Jovial manner now soured after the events of the night. If they hated each other then they may as well leave. A Unit divided is a Unit destroyed.
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