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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Welcome, first off maybe a bit of formatting is neccessary in that post? Anywahales, if you wanna join more funr, hop on Pokemon Online and join the reborn server. Also, drop the sanity for some patience, and if you have any problems hit up Tempest or Vinny. Finally, feel free to join Pokenations. I think that's 'bout it. Hi~ EDIT: I gots a little checklist
  2. Carry on as always. I enjoy my days, the last one should be no different. Ideal job?
  3. Because Lulz If you were forced to read a book for eternity, which would you read?
  4. Difficult question, because i cannae remember half of the ones i've seen, so off the top of my head, Stardust. One of the few films better than the book
  5. He really did leggo.. of the edge of the cliff, but did Tempest save him?
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if in ORAS some older pokemon get new regulare evos, like in platinum. this would also give gamefreak the opportunity to intro new fairies

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Agreed, but I think they could make Froslass evolve from Glalie and use Froslass current evo place to introduce an ice/ fairy. Make Milotic part fairy too.

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      The new evos didn't come in platinum, they came in D/P, which were a brand new gen. Sorry no new regulars until Gen 7.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      (still waiting for Farfetch'd evo.....gotta hold out hope it has to happen one day!!!!)

  7. No, i can come up with a question mosta the time. How colloquial is your speech irl?
  8. I think it igh say something that nearly the ENTIRE Status wall is "X CONFIRMED" "MEGA etc"

  9. Ok, i am really loving disgaea, hough the grind is real

  10. Standard Welcome for the non-standard intro Welcome~
  11. Felicity

    Hi :)

    Welcome~ 'Bout all i need to say O.o
  12. <3 Welcome~ All the important stuff has been said, but if you have any questions, go bug Vinny.
  13. Heads up to the peeps who watch my Reborn Vids, i'm taking a bit of a break so that when i play the game, i can enjoy it more. If that makes any sense

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      as a guy who deosn't like to blitz things to hard, I totally understand that lol. Sometimes I gotta take a break in the middle of a long game. (though it always ends badly in RPGs.....)

  14. Rip league. 'Bout everything has been said. Welcome~
  15. Good round Guys, it was fun #Spacefall
  16. To all those soulless craetures of the night who desire humanity: Go get a bowl of wheetos. It made me feel much more human

  17. You're quite welcome here, and if you wanna get to know us, hit us up on PO. The servers not been as active recently, but you can normally find someone. Also, you may wanna check out The RP section or Pokenations. Finally, any questions hit up Vinny or Tempest
  18. B-But how would i raise my Noibat without spamming the double battle in lauras house? Ses doe, i have tried breaking the game with Q save and as far as i can tell it's caused by saving in the dumbest spots tbh.
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