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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I think he is a part of meteor in the first place because of his father, Solaris. I mean, most people grow up with the same set of ideals as their parental figure, So maybe he does agree with meteor
  2. POPCORN, MARRY M- whps, i ate you already

    1. Arkhi


      It's all about raspberries and lonely nights at home.

    2. Felicity


      No, those words are blasphemy. Apologize to toffee popcorn this instant

    3. Arkhi


      Toffee popcorn? That's even worse...

  3. Aye, he has a swagkey, when you fight him on azurine island. As for the facade thing, that could be very possible, seeing as his demeanour has helped mask his intentions, though something to note: he didn't kill Cain, something i doubt Solaris would have any qualms about
  4. Ok, so we all know the meteor admin due to the torture he and ZEL put many of us through, but outside of this, i cannot seem to figure out this guy. He certainly doesn't seem invested in the meteor plots he is involved in, but the idea that he is doing it for his father Solaris doesn't fly with me due to the casual way he interacts with people, be it the protagonist or Solaris himself. Furthermore, he even helps the main character at times, be it freeing us from the nuzleaf or just giving us some direction. I just wanna hear your thoughts guys, because hopefully we will be having more meteor encounters next episode, so i feel like Taka and co will be more relevant. Also, i think Taka's gonna overthrow freaking EVERYBODY with his Klefki.
  5. Dammit Tacps, i thought people were slowly forgetting >: not that it's brought up that often Rose
  6. As for the Route 2, I enjoyed that place immensely, it was just challenging enough to feel rewarding when you succeeded, and you had to focus to beat the annoyances of misclicks, which actually brought me into the game much more thn any other puzzle, barring the chess games
  7. I live by the mantra hope for the best, prepare for the worst. The next person has headbutted someone
  8. Oof, i'll be on for the first time in a while, but i'm in
  9. Yo, Ducklett is POWAH and if you get round to using it early, you rack up early EVs that you obviously wouldn't have at tanzan.
  10. I love it so much, i think it should get a film adaptation. Ark, can you handle the soundtrack?
  11. Bit off topic, but from what i've heard, the little gunkbag is fairly popular, what with early access to acid spray and decent support use as well as the obvious hazards.Also, i would love to see it explode, and see a banana just smack into the face of the enemy along with a big pile of gunk.
  12. Pfffft, Lin don't give a toss 'bout any o' this, she's gonna Slaughter everyone, regardless of anything
  13. Ok, i see the miscommunication, i think. I understand that you don't want to do away with the whole system. But change doesn't just mean replacing the whole shebang, agreed? That said, you aren't satisfied with the current state of affairs, correct? Next, you pointed out another contradiction with you pointing out your advocacy of lower late game levels. What you suggest with the badges would go against this, as you would allow, emphasis on this, Allow players to grow faster, demanding the Npcs do the same, ergo higher late game levels. Next, that "path of least resistance" may not be the case for some people, depending on how they play, like i said. They may DEMOLISH with a bulky team rather than the sweepers you employ, i know i certainly had an easy time with a team consisting of Torterra, quagsire, ampharos, gothitelle Ninetales and a noivern, most being more bulky than many of their counterparts but unable to solo gym leaders. FYI, that includes Noivern, he could not Solo samson without grinding, but he did one hell of a job at lvl 61.
  14. Only after 1 and a half years of wearing braces con you truly love Toffee and Fruit pastilles

  15. Felicity


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuYeHPFR3f0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuYeHPFR3f0 Welcome~
  16. Ok, return: Dude, it seems to me that you are contradicting yourself a lot. A desire to change a system, like gaunt said, means that you are NOT satisfied with what is in place already, and yet you claim you are fine with it? That's a straight contradiction, no way around it. That results in confusion. 'nuff said. Next, it has been said before that you are assuming people will use blaziken, or whatever the strongest pokemon appears to be, but many people have different views and playstyles that different pokemon conform to. In order to build the best team for them, they may wish to use a pokemon that helps fill gaps on their team. Go look at the numerous threads of people asking for improvements on their in game team here in the forums. You cannot assume people will be in the same situation as you like this, what about those who chose chikorita, or tepig? These are nowhere near as strong, so people have to put in the effort to supplement the weaknesses and sometimes even boost the pokemons strengths. Also, Ame stated this beforehand, she doesn't want to hit the 100 milestone too quickly. If you raise the level cap, what about all the smaller mini bosses, like Zel and the PULSE tangrowth, or Aster and Eclipse? raising the cap doesn't just affect Florinia and the trainers, it will have an effect on battles that are incredibly difficult to gauge the players level. Also, there is no audience dude, This is an argument, not a trial
  17. Yes, but that has so many better replacements, such as discharge etc, that you'll probably drop it regardless. Also, Return is definitely OP. Give it to any physical normal type and You will steamroll everything.
  18. B-But Sataneon. FEAR THE RIBBONS!
  19. Actually, that being comes from friendship, and trust and all that lovey dovey shiz, seeing as it is a mega. Anywahales, Rose, EDIT:wait, no she be gone Ark
  20. Ok, now i see things clearer. You Rely on Blaziken. Dude, i dunno if you got the memo, But Blaziken IS FREAKING INSANE. Of course he can handle most tasks, get the speed boost, sweep. One of the biggest parts of the game is to build a diverse team that can handle each obstacle in your path. You don't need to grind in the game, but you have just been jamming exp down that blazikins throat. All that exp was wasted when you used a common candy, when you could have slowed the blazikins growth whilst RAISING ANOTHER POKEMON. That's a result of your own choices in game, and that doesn't mean you can go ahead and ask for the game to change when it was your choice that created your situation. I can prove my point with 6 different save files, with full teams of 6 around the early 60s that DID NOT REQUIRE GRINDING. Rant over
  21. Actually, that point about it being dumbed down is very relevant. That's because you have to consider who the game was aimed at. Pokemon Veterans, who are accustomed to the inherent traits of a pokemon game, and likely RPGs as a whole. Grinding is an integral part of the game, reflecting the growth and effort you would have to put in to raise your pokemon and grow as a whole. The main point behind these improvements is to reduce tedium, when that is easily circumvented by the player.
  22. Wait, you have a team of 5, 3 of which are underleveled??? How on Earth did you manage that? I'm out I am just Out
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