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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Damnit, now i want a 3DS more!

  2. Aye, it is a large area, which is why someone suggested a gate between agate circus and route 2 to split the 2 areas into seperate Entities(?) i am not an expert in any way shape or form.
  3. Buried. But i think he just dug himself out
  4. Vena looks like your best bet, and if you do add him, scrap magical leaf for Shadow ball on your Gardevoir. That said, if you can time outside battles to be on sunny days, prepare to wreck face with arcanine and Cholorophyll vena.
  5. is it just me, or has the new SAO failed to impress? Hell, not much of the season sticks out to me as a whole

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      ..it only has 3 episodes out >>

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      COnsidering Hitman Reborn takes about 24 episodes to get good....I usually wait to judge things. But I haven't watched anything SAO related at all. But basically DObs, even I cna say, wait it out a bit. It is the beginning of a new season, those tend to be slow.

    3. Felicity


      Naw, i just mean that i haven't seen much that has drawn me in, i mean, the first three episodes of anything are the chance to draw someone in, gt them hooked, and i haven't seen many shows do that

  6. This is difficult. For creativity, jotting down every idea for a story that pops into my mind, and then developing them into a more developed idea Favourite creative form?
  7. Guys, i think the oldest age i saw on the old birthday wall was 24. That ain't old.
  8. For the most part, a lot of Shounen anime tend to suffer from the flaws of Fairy tail, one piece naruto etc because he majority of the genre has fallen into a constant cycle: Meet bad guy Bad guy is bad MC gets angry Mc and bad guy fight for 5 seconds before mc gets slammed Side characters go on to explain WHY he got slammed for the next 5 episode whilst doing updates on EVERY CHARACTER EVER MC gets up cuz BATMAN or something as ridiculous MC wins after having illogical power boost. Wait, no The bad guy pulled a frieza Another 5 second fight, MC fails again Other characters step in and stall ti MC is healed MC wins unless the bad guy pulls another frieza Rinse repeat
  9. Well, we just had a random ass storm that lasted 'bout 15 minutes.

    1. Bluewolf


      I know the feeling...

    2. Felicity


      I kinda meant a Literal storm

  10. You woke up the wrong person >.> Rose, gimme some sleeping pills?
  11. If you enjoy aanime and have not watched it, Go watch Katanagatari. Go. Now. Don't argue or hesitate just go, because, by heaven and hell, it is an amazing tale

    1. Arkhi


      *Is watching Durarara*

    2. Nico Nico Nii~

      Nico Nico Nii~

      i literally just put this on my to watch list when i saw this

  12. Felicity

    Exp Share

    In order to get Ditto you must obtain happiny from the day care event, then you must put makuhita underneath the ditto. If this is done it won't appear at 7th street. Just buy all the pokes for the Exp share.
  13. Patience, it'll come out when it comes out
  14. (22:18:07) [Aurora]Azery: and Seriously no one can butcher my name Azeri is the best you can get (22:18:20) [Aurora]Wendel: Suuuuuure (22:18:32) DobbyTheElf: Try creating a character by starting with a backstory, then give them a motive to do evil (22:18:32) [Aurora]Wendel: Don't think that (22:18:36) [Aurora]Wendel: Neeeveeer think that (22:18:42) DobbyTheElf: Assery (22:18:47) [Aurora]Wendel: Azura (22:18:51) DobbyTheElf: Azely (22:19:02) [Aurora]Wendel: Esmeralda (22:19:04) DobbyTheElf: Azuri (22:19:09) DobbyTheElf: Rodrigues (22:19:11) [Aurora]Wendel: Azry (22:19:16) DobbyTheElf: Phil (22:19:21) [Aurora]Wendel: Jackson (22:19:25) DobbyTheElf: Bill (22:19:37) [Aurora]Wendel: Mikael (22:19:38) DobbyTheElf: Antonio (22:19:40) [Aurora]FraRPetO: bob (22:19:43) DobbyTheElf: jim (22:19:50) [Aurora]Wendel: See? (22:19:52) [Aurora]Azery: dobby i have a friend called Antonio (22:19:55) [Aurora]Wendel: Many ways to butcher your name (22:20:07) DobbyTheElf: Yes, but he is not YOU (22:20:13) [Aurora]Azery: ,_,
  15. 9/10 Shows a good flair for drama that I seem to get from you
  16. Ok, i have Demon souls, Phoenix wright, pokemon Godra and the ongoing youtube shiz to occupy myself. Goodbye Boredom. P.S Fuck the Armored Spider. With a tennis racket

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      At least you have a 3Ds o.o

    3. Sutoratosu


      I have a shit ton of writing and (Soon to be three) two hosting gigs in the RP forum

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Dobby, I know the feeling.

  17. I eez Fruity Like a Camp fashion assistant Jericho
  18. I will say Zetacron was good, it was pretty innovative with the mechanics and was really developed, but that storyline was Ass,sorry, but it really was.
  19. Guys, Legends = Myths and Megas = Not so mega (I have no wordplay for that one)
  20. Oooooh, i wanna be the Daddy Long legs so i can laugh at myself
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