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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. well so am i but this is Cindy here, she isn't particularly smart, sneaky or stupid brave so weed house it is
  2. How does Jev live as a chair or think Sylva will let him get away with that or think that is even funny to get a face full of ass. If anything, it's sexual harrassment.
  3. Cindy had not slept soundly. She drifted in and out of a light daze as her mind kept forcing itself to stay awake with questions she didn't want to ask but dwelt on regardless. She had been grateful when dawn came to signal the start of the day and the end of her vain efforts. A light breakfast for an unsettled stomach and thicker clothes for the cold left her feeling halfway human as she arrived at the auditorium five minutes before the deadline. Cindy entered meekly and took one of the seats set out for the audience, feeling incredibly awkward as she looked at Sylva. She liked the dress, though frills were hardly in popular fashion now. Weird. Someone with so much power had a fashion sense. That made her seem a little more human and thus, without a word being spoken, set Cindy at ease.
  4. you know those moments when you question why you watched that? That

    1. Hiss13


      So, like that time I read the entirety of the Narutaru manga in two nights?

  5. im still pissed at where they left oreigairu

  6. IIIIIIIIIII want darkest Dungeon but I am struggling to justify the purchase

    1. Cepheus


      what is there to justify? that game is great!

    2. KingRyan


      i want dankest dungie Kappa

  7. Happy birthday, no big speech here, you know the score by now You succ
  8. Totsuka still best girl

  9. Heh, pianist also can i just say the dub for DR3 is actually fuckin great kthxbye
  10. I fundamentally disagree in the same way that has caused wars over religious beliefs.
  11. Oh I am ever so perplexed as to which character might represent me properly. Could it be a certain house elf? Hmmm.
  12. can i just say I adore the Ray of Hope remix for Simple and clean? Here

    1. KingRyan


      noooo i cant right now, too many feels! naaaaahhhhhhhhhwwwwww

  13. i'm suddenly craving that sensation I felt when first experiencing some of my favourite things

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      too many of them to list

    3. Exalted


      ok for comparison cocaine sensation or your lover touches you sensation

    4. Felicity


      deleting malware sensation

  14. if your preorder the premium edition thing for persona 5 you get a fucking schoolbag with it now i dont know about you but thats preorder bait with some functionality

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cepheus


      but... but... do you get the GAME, with it?

      I mean with the recent trend of CE's without the game... (most recent the Resident Evil 7 one)

    3. KingRyan


      You can call it bait, but as long as it works right?

    4. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas

      I'm getting that exact preorder for Christmas

      Because the bag alone is worth it tbh

  15. can we youtube heroes it and report everybody for power
  16. Gardevoir was Radomus' ace, might factor in.
  17. I couldn't meme wish like the others I feel conflicted HAPPY BIRTHDAY THO this is yer day
  18. i think there will be a few sales over here to profit off of the notion of BF but it aint the most prominent thing over here. Mmmmmaybe.
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