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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. YUS, HONCHKROW EEZ MINE! I can definitely work with this Also, i'd vote either Godot or Secundum
  2. Welcome, and the only thing i can think of is that your Game.Ini is different in he updated game
  3. Demon Souls Rage Inbound

  4. No, but do you still want a sock? how bout you skittz?
  5. I Shall bring the popped corn of Justice.
  6. Meh, like you said it's a choice and i know many peple feel that it's a viable tactic in "undefeatable" boss fights. I.e Arceus and Garchomp. That said, if you fought it without D bond, you'd know there is very few wys to win these fights without UBERHAX. Besides, The game is kept as close to the main games as possible and if Dbond is in a movepool for a poke, then it should learn it. Furthermore, it's difficult to remove all Dbonders, seeing as there a a fair few ingame. Quick claw cacturne gets the same results
  7. So, During Thw Wolf Among us, i essentialy scared the shit outta everybody

  8. Nah, he be talking bout the crystal plugs in Iolia valey, which lead to darkness
  9. Iirc, it was a report from G.G talking about the Barriers surrounding calcenon
  10. Of course i'm iin. I ned a challenge after so long doing diddly.
  11. Deaf. If i was blind, the majority of the internet, books and games would become largely irrelevant. Edit: and, ya know, a lot of culture continuing the WYR, be unable to sing or dance?
  12. Well, it is actually somewhat more plausible to assume the wishes came from a Genie of Teh Lamp
  13. Well, Water... Death.. *COUGH* FRILLISH *COUGH*
  14. Y'all wrong wit dat dere HM Speculation. We gunna get Defog. Cuz top of da mountain gonna be foggeh
  15. Or i do that to you and hide you in basement. Same results
  16. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just alla dis pretty much Welcome
  17. I leave For ONE week and BAM! Regardless, it was somewhat expected wat with the shenanigans, and this is probably epeating the Sentiments of pretty much the majority of the previous posts. Tl;dr
  18. YAHARRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I be back from plundering the Caribbean, and by Calypso i 'ave a lot to catch up

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Pirates of the Dobbyism. But since I haven't said wb before, wb.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Welcome back Captain Jack Dobby...

    4. Felicity


      Best. OTP Result. EVER

  19. Aight, signing off for a week. See ya next Sunday

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sheep
    3. Notus


      Enjoy the trip Dobby!

    4. Arkhi


      It's been a week. Leggo.

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