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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Dunno, never leave the house in a car.Will you be competing in anything this summer?
  2. Wouldst thou like to purchase some "medical Goods" Tacps, we need some "guaca"
  3. Fuck all da Flares *Chucks a Rainbow into the Sky* Sheep?
    1. HolyKnight


      i tought it was one of your videos

    2. Felicity


      Lol, sorry no, those are off till the mnday after next

  4. I'm thinking that you are missing a good bit of special Bulk. Ferro is your main defense in that Regard, and if it follows on from TTar it is Boosted further, but if that gets taken out, you lack a lot of sp Defense. Furthermore, as said previously, Walls like Rotom-W present a major threat with Will o Wisp. That said, consider investing in Sylveon or Gardevoir. Both can act as support, get access to good healing moves, ideally heal bell and also have a good amount of specially offensive options which would round out your Team. Personally, i'd swap Bannette for one of these 2 options,but hey, your choice,
  5. It's a part of the new ralts event
  6. You can tell that i'm such a patriot when i don't know any other significant dates other than the queens jubilee for Britain Skitteh
  7. Wow, talk about Necro O.O Anywhales, of course Radomus is thinking LongTerm
  8. Dayum, my Elf eyes couldn't see those flares. Vinny, got some glasses?
  9. Naw, man. Rose, come listen to dem tunes
  10. Shotgun Dorumon. I still have DS digimon game that, due to being faulty, i had to beat in one sitting. Pretty goddamn good
  11. DJ S3RL, i love you so goddamn much

    1. Arkhi


      *Takes off shades*

      That's not me.

      *Puts on shades*

    2. Felicity
    3. Nico Nico Nii~

      Nico Nico Nii~

      play dat mtc max volume all day bra

  12. Uh, yeah i picked it up in my Factory vid. Purple shard :/
  13. Goddamn, straight down to business eh Stratos?
  14. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarribaaaaaaaaaaaa! Jericho?
  15. Gawd, I'm still a little bit dazed when i think my exams are done.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Felicity


      Oh, yeah, uh i'm going away for a week on saturday and i'm not gonna get the time to Record properly so the LP is on Hold. It'll resume on the monday after next. Sorry 'bout dat

    3. Shushup


      nooooooo! No deep manly voice over the weekend :(

    4. Felicity


      For the next week to be exact :/

  16. Inb4 Puzzles screw you over Also, i have mad respect for the people with the patience to do this shiz
  17. Welp. as soon as i find a decent mouse for my laptop i'll be on. IGN is DobbyTheElf ofc, but i'm going on holiday soon so, don't expect me anytime soon
  18. You can wreck julia with Gulpin, Froakie and Gothita alone, and you can pick up the Cacnea egg and abuse pin missile/Growth for florinia
  19. Nah, Telos is a fireman. Tacps, Go heal
  20. If you have trouble with G.G, hatch a cacnea, evolve it to cacturne, grab d Bond and maybe a quick claw. For some reason when i used it Radomus ignored it, let me get a D Bond up, and then moonblasted it Daft AI be Daft.
  21. Isn't there some sort of Logo in the Blacksteam Factory? I swear there's like banners in there, or in the Meteor Base
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