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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Ep 2 eez up! Bear with me please, kinda fucked up :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soysauce


      You fixed the sound, nice! Would have been perfect if you recorded the trainers fights to get to lvl 10. Also, try to let one second or two seconds after your last word at the end of the video. Keep it up!

    3. Felicity


      Yeah, i cut the last seconds out due to a file converter sneaking it's logo in >.> it's neccaar forusing my software but still kinda annoying

    4. Felicity



  2. Check out pumpkaboo? Nice bit og bulk and it has nice typing
  3. I think "Aim" because i feel as though in game she is as nice as someone aiming a crossbow at my Forehead
  4. Aight, ep 2 uploading nao

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Soysauce


      20-25 min per episode is fine ^^ I was curious about the uplaod speed because I used to post videos long ago, seems like it's faster now!

    3. Felicity


      Wut. 2+ hours is FASTER?

    4. Soysauce


      yeah... sadly, compared to like 3 years ago

  5. Mekaku city Actors has pissed me off.

  6. I wish you the very greatest of Burthdehs
  7. We just don't (or will ever) Have access to Megas
  8. Check out Mekaku city actors and Black Bullet. BB is Full of Kawaii ness
  9. Well, i decided not to go regardless, but as for why it was NY, it's because our media studies isn't just Films and TV shows, it encompasses magazines, newspapers, Theatre etc as well. Which is a big part of new york i believe. Obvs don't have much credibility though for obvious reasons
  10. Dick Gumshoe lives up to his name

    1. Arkhi


      Detective Suedeshoes?

      Detective Gumtree?

  11. Imma play phoenix wright nao~

    1. Arkhi


      Be wary of the Steel Eyesore.

    2. Felicity


      Steel Eyesore?

  12. Reborn Refuses to change irl, you must focus your efforts in game.
  13. Am i the only one who straight up dreams of simple things?
  14. Felicity


    EV training is anything but cheap, it quite literally represents the traditional training that you see in the anime and shiz, and is a challenge in it's own right
  15. I believe that is because Audacity cut off the second of sience as i started the recoeding. I can solve that but i didn't realise until after it was uploaded. Fixed now anyway, i believe.
  16. Like Sneasel. And Goomy, and dratiniandmiloticandmagbyandElekidandhorsea-and-and-and *Gasp* You get the idea
  17. My pics up, just go back a couple of pages and that names gonna stick to me more than Tacps to Tacos isn't it?
  18. Felicity


    I knew that the IVs, nature and Abilities were randomised, but the Evs? Damn interesting
  19. Ok, I kinda want to repurpose this thread as a feedback thread. Tell me what i could do better, what you liked disliked etc. Thanks for the feedback so far!
  20. Ladies and Gentleman, I present episode 1 of The RebornRun!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Felicity


      Feel free to tell me what i could do better guys, i wanna improve after all.

    3. Sutoratosu


      maybe a better mic?

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