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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Uh, wasn't the whole thing about Astrlogy and Fortune telling as a whole?
  2. Wait, am i a result of the drugs, or THE drugs? Tacos can you enlighten me?
  3. Ok, so me thinks that Reborn is lacking in the lets play deparment. With Nickaboo gone there isn't any reborn Lets plays that are up to date with the game, aside from Shofus but he is missing out a lot of the game that has been changed. (if you are also recording, please forgive me for not knowing you but i haven't seen any signs on the forums). That said, i was thinking of trying my hand at recording reborn. Whilst the quality shall be shitty and the audio atrocious, i'll actually be able to upload. Bear in mind it would be more because i want to show how i have fun with the game, and the various challenges it has Episode 1 Episode 2
  4. I think it might be the legend encounter music in the sound files May or may not have just copied and pasted the sound files into my mp3 wut AnyWhalezzzz, since this is pretty much the endgame topic i think Legends aren't that far off topic, so what dost peeps think, are the doors scattered around linked to legends? and is it a pixie legend in the citae arc d'istrae (probs misspelt that or got it wrong completely)
  5. I see this after exchanging my Murkrow with a noivern out of neccesity :C I wanted a Honchkrow dammit XC
  6. I need to steady my sleep schedule. I am slowly becoming Nocturnal rather than Diurnal. Dis is not good

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, I know the feeling, I get sick and all of a sudden my sleep is so outta wack lol. Have to spend like a week fixing a lot lol.

    3. Felicity


      The only sickness i have is the NeedToPlayAGameItis

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, Banner Saga might do that to me in a sec. (want to do a second playtrough since they patched the one fight that was a bloody nightmare since it was bugged.)

  7. I do berieve that dis music is indeed ingame for Reborn, so of course eet eez amazeballz
  8. So what would you say to the people who learnt all the inner workings of Fortune tellng, and simply told fortunes for no benefit? Would it be a scam then? And you say the horoscopes contradict each other, but those are more than likely computer generated, just like the text on the paper in a fortune cookie, so there will of course be contradictions.
  9. All the offensive pricks who don't think about what they say and just say it for o reason Question this time(!) Have yu ever had a time where you Needed something more than life itself and were denied it?
  10. Hai~ Any questions go Bug Vinny or Tempest, and Exchange your sanity for some patience. Welcome
  11. IT WAS JULIA. MIND. BLOWN. Seriously, the one thing i can guarantee n the E4 is that the music will be goddamned amazeballs
  12. Masturbating Furiously to songs of praise wut In 20 years? Either in a crappy New York apartment after moving there to become a famous writer, At home playing games all damn day (i like this option) or finishing up the last book in my first series of books.
  13. Well, No Game No Life had quite the ending. I'd be surprised if it didn't get another series

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  14. Maybe because you rarely appear? Skitteh
  15. Try a video that highlights the best and worst of the games, as well as what we, the fans want, and perhaps throw in some creative ideas towards the end, furthermore I'd recommend playing the games yourself if you haven't already, by emulator if you have too, although it is best on a regular DS .
  16. All i want is the goddamned vs seeker at this point. Tauros ain't cutting it
  17. Tacps needs morphine? I'm all out, you got some PWB?
  18. What wit X&Y and ORAS Taking up the 3D, why not stay to sprites and such? It'd be a nice throwback to the previous games and it has been proven time and again that 2D can surpass 3D
  19. Greed, i don't think you would own a nation so much as be a part of it, so cooperation and all that jazz
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