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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I'm sorry vegetarians, but how the everloving fuck do you resist steak?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Tempest


      Mmm. Blackend Swordfish is the win.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Maybe if you triple blacken it. And then blacken it some more for good measure. Oh and lots of tobasco, can never go wrong with tobasco.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Well that escalated quickly. Steak and chicken must be loved though.

  2. "ONLINE ISN"T RUN BY ELITIST ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!221111" Had to Honestly though, it is most of the reasons listed above, although from what i can tell, showdown is more reliable for servers *cough*Reborn*cough*
  3. GAH, My Eyes! Why do they ache so?!!?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arkhi


      My eyes are horrible. I cannot sleep if something does not cover my right eye.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      HINT: It's called a migraine. I get them all the time.

    4. Simon


      Typically for sure. I also get migraines when I'm working/playing sports outside -.- Darn sun.

  4. !2 weeks of Relaxation nao... OR League ASAP

  5. Those links were sawsay~ #platonic
  6. Oh wow, i haven't thought of Artemis Fowl in quite a while. Last one i read was the one with atlantis and the crazy mentor guy.
  7. Hiya~ I hope to meet all facets of you~ Welcom~
  8. I just want the ultimate pachirisu now, just to sweep noel and his goddamned birds and get all da lootz
  9. Welp, Good Luck~ i'm thinking of doing a blaze black 2 nuzlocke~
  10. Felicity

    e3 2014

    Someone's gotta say it.... WUT BOOT POKERMUN OR AND AS?!!?
  11. I wish to Wear a Donut.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity
    3. Shamitako


      I once wore a cake. And put a very bad picture in everyone's minds...

    4. Bluewolf


      Mouth watering intensifies

  12. Super Duper Awesome imbued potion to Win @life

  13. Imma post again cuz now we are tied~ for awhile at least~ Totes not creepy at all
  14. Da fuq? 2nd chance! I'm definitely showing up now!
  15. Good luck~ You will probs pass me real quick~
  16. Oh and Happy Bday Lost Lore~

  17. Hiya bebz~ Hope to see you around on The forums and PO more~ Oh hey, 200th post.... Noice~
  18. The dictionary. Seriously though, if you like Snark, magic/secret society(ish) shiz and a good amount of action, try the Dresden Files. #HarryxMurphy FTW

    1. Sheep


      What a fortunate thing. I've gotta wait 'til Monday.

    2. Fezzdog


      woopwoop \o/

  20. Ok, i'm taking a break from Reborn cuz education for the next week. Bye guys

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkhi


      The best of luck be with you.

    3. Simon


      Bye Dobbeh.

    4. Bluewolf


      Bueno suerte mi amigo! :D

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