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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Felicity

    e3 2014

    So, for KH 2.5, it's not BBS that's all cutscenes? THANK FUCK
  2. Btwubs, Trade a carnivine for Tynamo in the new trade.
  3. Wait, is Ducklett still the Day care couple egg?
  4. So, the Rock hopping puzzle reminds me of the Obsidia Slums and i wonder if that was Ames way of giving us an idea of what to do...
  5. Ok, i found Rhyhorn. Operation Hogwarts is agogo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      You can't go any further without surf :/ hence dead end

    3. Simon


      e.e I thought you meant like you couldn't get through the puzzle lol. But yea, that's true. All dat water.

    4. Tacos


      I cried when I realized I couldn't get surf. Then I cried during the preview scene. Then I cried when I accidentally saved in it and realized that I hadn't saved before that since the beginning cutscene of the episode. Today I cried ;-;

  6. Ok, i found Rhyhorn. Operation Hogwarts is agogo

  7. Damn samson was scary _._ It's a very good thing my Gardevoir could outspeed and OHKO his Cokelderp

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      Yeah, well i have the luxury of having nobody over lvl 63. :C I'm too lazy to grind

    3. Arkhi


      Bad mojo. Continue down that path, and Lin will sweep you. Not to say she won't sweep everyone else..

    4. Felicity


      I've been forging my way through with major amounts of hax and strategy. It's a good thing my team works well together (kinda)

  8. Position 52: The Angry Dinosaur :/


  10. Holy fuck i just beat the glitchy ass tile puuzzles, GIMME DAT TIMBURR. btw, thetile puzzles sometimes refuse to rotate
  11. First battle of the episode is against the Persistent lvl 5 Aipom. :/
  12. Bro, as of now i have lost out on media studies, maths, physics, biology and chemistry qualifications~
  13. Link 3 worked for me guys :/ mebbe wait till any issues are sorted
  14. Hiya~ Ditch your Sanity yadayadayada Oh, and your timing is perfect, have fun here!
  15. You are dead to me QQ Why would you say this?!!?
  16. EP 12! GO FETCH!

  17. HALLELUJAH! I am Looking forward to this. GO NINETALES! And my Stupid Brain remembered to say THANK YOU
  18. Search Bar

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako


      Lol, Dobby, this is the best status ever ^^

    3. RubyHeart
    4. Arkhi


      Props to you, that's good.

  19. I've heard some very mixed things about this series, so i gotta ask, is it worth watching?
  20. What. The. Everloving. Fuck. Is. This. Shit? He ain't got shit on Hitmontop
  21. Dude where's my car?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Felicity
    3. Sutoratosu


      they may send you a ransom note for it later on...


    4. Felicity
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